Pressure at the beginning of the year

They arrived home about 10 o'clock.

"Home sweet home. our own bed is most confortable" Alice lay down. Initially, She didn't have any intention to sleep but the warm breeze made her dozed.

"Honey, where do you want me to put all of these ?" Nick entered his room with 2 suitcases. His mother forbade Alice to carry stuff. He chuckled as he saw his wife sleep soundly. He kissed his forehead before heading to bathroom to take shower.

After shower, he also lay down to have nap. He didn't know how long he slept but he was awoken up by his phone as it kept ringing.

"Hello" He answered.

"Bro. Happy new year ? Man how lucky you are, you had a nice break and still on bed now. and Me ? already in the office"

"Hey. Don't complain to me. Do it to your old man Mate" Nick got off and went to downstair and sat on the verandah to continue his conversation with Mike.

"Bro, one of the company here jkl group has been made several attemp to approach you to collaborate. But of course with no success" Mike was hestitated.

"So ?" Nick asked.

"The chairman is my father best friend. Well, his son fancied Sasha as well, but lucky my brother perfomance was good. Anyway, dad asked if you can help them please. Charge them as higher as posible, I tell you, other company asked for very high price. I'll send you their offer"

"Man, that's not my issue. I don't have enough manpower. I am afraid that I won't be able to do well" Nick consistently rejected.

"My dad want you" Mike handed his phone to his father

Nick heart sank asl uncle Jung spoke "Boy, congratulations with Alice pregnancy. Your dad must be happy"

"Thank you uncle".

"Can you please take that job. I know you are capable to do it. I trust you"

"Ok. but only this time, uncle" Nick really could not reject the oldman request. He helped him a lot before.

"Of Course. But I have another request, Please tell my boy how to produce baby soon. I lost from your father"

Nick laughed, What really matter for old generation was to have grandkids.

Alice woke up and went down stair to search for him.

"You are here" Alice sat next to him. He smiled and nodded "New project come up".

"You have to be happy then don't put a long face like that. It is the consequences of building your own business" Mrs Feng was there too.

"Mum, what is this ?" Sean who just woke up and went to check the mailbox came. In his hand there was a bundle of paper.

"Oh.. your mum and me, we inspected a new developed residential area, not far from here. We signed one deal for you" Mr Feng laughed and sat on the rattan chair next to his wife.

"Don't thank us. It's your money from your previous apartment" Mrs Feng grinned.

"Mum, dad" Sean was speechless.

"Oh, by mid of this year. you need to buy your own office. no but !" Mrs Feng was very serious. Sean smiled while the young couple giggled.

"You two don't laugh ! You have buy your old house by the end of this year as well" Mr Feng warned Nick and Alice.

"I thought you love us to stay here ?" Nick asked.

"I do love all of you to stay here. But build your own family is much better" Mrs Feng stood up and went inside with followed by her husband.

"Gosh, they give us pressure at the beginning of the year" Nick shook his head.

"You are better bro. I am pretty much sure that mum will ask me to find girl shortly" Sean chuckled.

Alice sat there quietly as she recalled her conversation with Jasmine on when they did shopping in Japan.

"I like him. But I am sure if we can be together. If He is in the same social status as me it will be much better. I am from prominent family" Jasmine smiled bitterly.

"Well. It's depend on what you are after. You may get man from same level of you but will he love you as what you are ?"

Alice smiled then she continued with her life story "Before I was with My husband. I never do anywork even it was as simple as washing a cup. I wasn't dote by my parents, they don't care about me but I had exclusive life before. you know, I prefer my current life. Eventhough I needed to earn money and do house chores but I am happy. Do you know why ?".

Alice paused and stared at Jasmine who stared back at her waiting for the answer "because I am surrounded by those who genuinely love and care about me.

Alice snapped back to the present. Then she looked ar Sean. Before she asked him "Sean, If Jasmine is willing to leave her current life still behind. Will you accept her and be with her ?"

Sean was about to open his mouth to answer but Nick tapped his shoulder "Think about it carefully before you decide. I will support you what ever your decision is. But Don't think low about your self, you are great man and you are my brother. You are always our parents son no matter what other people say".

Sean smiled and nodded " For me, Mum and Dad are the only parents I have. As long as I still have my breath, You, Sasha and Cacha are my siblings"