Kids and house

It was 9 PM, Baby Austen sleep time, Alice put her baby of his cot and repeatedly patted his thigh until he felt asleep . Baby Austen was much better now, he was able to sleep longer and only awake up twice a night. "Good night" She kissed his forehead and fixed the blanket when two strong arm circled her waist for behind

"Honey, It's three months today" Nick spoke lowly on her ear then She turned her body to face him. Alice chuckled, actually it was not only him who missed their intimate time on bed, she was too. "So what ?" She gave her a light peck on her husband lips. But her action provoked Nick desire, hee put his hand behind her head to prevent her to run away.

"Be gentle" Alice words was unnoticed as the man reopened her bra that she just put back. He was too preoccupied with the soft and tender bun, he didn't taste her for such a long periode.

In short time, Alice let a noice come out from her mouth.Nick loved the sound so much, he missed it. The more she made that noice, the more irrational he was. Under his lead, her desire was also up.

"Oh my, Your bun are much bigger and juicy. it tasted nice as well. Let me taste the one below as well" he told her slyly before he continued to the further south. "Honey, you are so wet. oh" he could not hold his self anymore, he had been longing his wife warm for long time.

"be gentle, it's hurt" Alice told him when she felt his stiff entered her wetness. He only made mm sound, but he didn't do as she asked. ahh Alice let a weak shriek while her hands queezed his shoulder firmly as she registered the same pain as she experience on her wedding night. But soon after the paint was disappeared and the same pleasure took over.

The bed only stop shaking when Austen cryed. she was snapped back but he did not budge. He continue what he was doing until she pushed him off from her body "Darling, It's Austen feeding time. Please get a wet towel for me" Alice was stunned when she saw the clock. They did it for nearly four hours.

Nick grunted, he still wanted more but he had to give up for that time being, his son had to be satisfied first. Alice sat down with a lot of difficulty as her lower part was sore then she wept her breast clean first before let Austen had his meal.

"Honey, yours was same as our first night" Nick opened the blanket and wept wet towel in her bottom part.

"Hey. I am breast feeding our son" Alice frowned.

"I just clean it so you can sleep after he is done. Honey, for now on we will focus on quality rather than quantity"

Alice twitched "quality over quantity, it's been four hours".

20 minutes later, he helped to put their son back on the cot while she put her pijama back.

"Darling Why are you so rough ? I asked you to gentle but you didn't do it" She resent him so much.

"Sorry, did I hurt you ? Let me put some oitment" Nick opened the drawer and took a tub then He took off her pijama pant as well as her undies. The cool sensation from the oitment was relly helpfull to smooth the paint.

Once he put the everythings back, Nick pulled his wife on his embrace "Honey, do you know the house behind ours is for sale ? Do you want to have a look ?".

"Really ? of course I want. It will be awesome if we can buy it. I still can stick with mum even if we move out"

"Lets sleep. it will be opened for inspection tomorrow at 10. but keep this as secret. ok ?"

"Yes Sir"

Since that night, they were back to their normal life. The only difference was Nick had to wait until Austen was happy and satisfied then slept before he could have his turn. His principal of quality over quantity applied tentatively, depending of Austen mood of the day. Alice felt she had two demanding babies who were fighting for her care.

Two saturday after they inspected the house, Nick took his wife and his son out. "Mum. we will back late in the afternoon" Nick said.

"ok. but come home before 4, ok ? it is not good for little baby to go out too long. It is also too windy outside" Mrs Feng half shouted. Nick twitched, he knew very clearly that his mum already missed his son.

Mrs feng was very lonely with out Alice and Austen at home that day. Alan and Michelled would not come as they were busy with their wedding preparation. Sasha was back to country A shortly after Austen one month gathering, while Cacha was busy studying, It was her final semester in Uni. Sean was in Singapore, he had new client here and of course Jasmine went with him. She was his translator.

"Where do we go ?" Alice asked.

"I have paid for the house. But, I am thinking to knock it down and rebuilt our dream home. Now, I am going to take you to the house developer office to choose the design"

"Really ? Yay !!!" Alice could not help but hugged and kissed her husband. she was so happy that they were able to fulfill her parents in law wish for them to have their own house and at the same time lived closely with them.

"Hey. It's danger. I am drriving" Nick Chuckled.

Alice prefered two storey house with 6 bed rooms but Nick declined it. He chose the four bed roon plus one study room

"That won't be enough. I wish to have 5 kids" Alice argued as they were on the car.

"Five kids ? No way, maximum 3" Nick shook his head. If he had to many kids, his wife would not have time for him.

Nick looked forward to have their own house. He had imagined that they would have fun together in every part of the house, like when they were in country K. if only Alice knew what her husband was thinking, she wouldn't be that happy.