Ex girlfriend

Back to the Feng residence, after Mr Feng had done withhis announcement Alice went to her room with Austen. It was his sleep time. While Nick was still in the living room discussing with Sean about the shop.

Alice caressed her son cheek who enjoyed his milk time. Alice subconsciously compared his son smooth sucking eith her husband way last night. "Oh no. I have been infected my your father" Alice muttered lowly.

"why is your face so red ?" Nick asked when he saw his wife as soon as he entered his room.

"Nothing" Alice fixed her clothes as her baby was full and half a sleep. She put Austen on his baby cot and patted his thight sofly until he was asleep.

Nick grinned, he felt something fishy about his wife behaviour but he let her dealed with Austen first.

"Hon, Did you compare what I did last night with our son way ? huh ?" Nick hugged her from behind and rubbed her milk sourse.

"Hey !" Alice slapped his hand

"Don't be shy. I'll do it gain, I know you like my way. It seems Austen didn't drink as much as before"

Nick shamelessly had what belong to his son again that night. honestly speaking he was addicted.

The next day, Alice went to her shop in the morning because She needed to take Jasmine measurement. She didn't take Austen with her because it was a gloomy day with some patchy shower. So, she asked Mrs Feng to look after him, and of course Mrs Feng happily did it

Jasmine was already there when alice arrived.

"Oh Sory, I am late" Alice said

"no. I come earlier. I have something to discus with you" Jasmine said.

"come with me" she took Jasmine to her room.

"I just wonder how to get close to aunty. I really want to be like you. You are very close with her. My mother and me, we always speak formally. I never act like the way Sasha and Cacha do" Jasmine blurted while Alice measured her.

"I was like you before. I didn't even receive mothers love. The first few month I was very awkward when I met mum. Our relation began warm up since I helped her in the kitchen. Next time when you are at home, lets help mum cook even you don't know how. She will help you to learn. Oh, she also passionate about porcelain doll, but don't give her the expensive one" Alice giggled.

"All done. Do you have any plan after this ?" Alice asked.

"No, I am waiting for Sean to pick me up"

"Lets go home with me. Ask Sean to pick you up at home in the afternoon"

"ok. I'll text him. He may still on the court" Jasmine took her phone and send a text message to Sean.

Jasmine was very quiet but Alice noticed that she kept peeping on her while she was driving

"What happen ? do you have something to talk ?" Alice asked.

"When did the first time you did it with our husband ?"

"Oh, did you mean that deed ?" Alice was stunned. She could see Jasmine nodded from the corner of her eyes.

"On our wedding day. we lived together for nearly two years and shared bed for half a year but he waited until our nuptial night. have you guys do it ?" Alice was curious.

Jasmine shook her head slightly "I thought he doesn't interest with me".

Alice laughed "I think he respects you".

Mrs Feng was surprise to see Jasmine come with Alice but nonetheless she was happy.

"How is your relationship going ? Does Sean treat you well ?" Mrs Feng asked while they enjoyed their afternoon tea.

"He is" Jasmine smiled.

"Sean has a lot of hardship when he was young. His first love also gave him another paintful memory. Have he told you about his ex ?" Mrs Feng asked.

Jasmine nodded "He told me before we started our relation".

"Have you ever seen her ?" Mrs Feng asked while Jasmine shook her head.

Mrs Feng got off to the study room and come back with a photo album. She opened it and showed Jasmine a picture and pointed a girl next to Sasha "This is Bella, sean ex"

"Mum, Why do you show her Bella picture ?" Alice was in horror.

"It's essential for her to know it. I don't want she experienced the same thing as you did not knowing your own emeny and treated her well. My sons are very outstanding and unfortunately two of them have ex girlfriend. So it is very likely Jasmine will meet Bella one day" Mrs Feng smiled.

"When did I treat my husband ex well ?" Alice asked.

"Do you remember the girl that came here two years ago on chrismast day when we were about to go to Alan place ?" Mrs feng stared at Alice who nodded "She is Nick first crush"

Alice opened her mouth but she closed it, she was speechless while Jasmine laughed.

"If you really love your man, you need to face his past entangled and some girl in the future. Understand ? " Mrs Feng glanced at Alice and Jasmine in turn. Jasmine nodded. She was on the same age as Alice but she was more mature and vicious.

"I really hope my kids only marry once in their life time" Mrs feng smiled.

"Mum, Can I see my hubby pictures when he was a kid ?" Alice asked.

"of course"

Alice and Jasmine excitedly went through a lot of photo albums with Mrs Feng.

Since that day, Jasmine relationship with Alice and Mrs Feng were getting closer.