New candidate

Tuesday was a busy day for Josh, He had to fix the dress for the bridesmaid, Angie and Mia. Mia one was done, he just need to make the final fitting. Angie was the hardest one. He only had her measurement based on her old clothes because she stayed in UK for the last 6 months.

"Josh, you are awesome !" Angie was amazed that her dress fit well.

"I am not that great. I still need to fix the chest and the waist" Josh was being humble.

"Wow ! Angie, you are so pretty" Alice took her picture and secretly sent it to her brother. It was her first text to Liam.

'thanks. How is your third release ?' Liam replied. he was forgot to send her flower back then since he was busy with his job that his father delegated to him.

'Good. Much better that I expected' Alice replied.

'I am going to see you on friday. your mother in law invite me'

'ok. see you'

Alice smiled then she stared at Angie for while.

"Hi Angie. How are you and my brother going ?" Alice asked after the fitting was done.

"I don't know. I haven't said anything. I haven't seen him for sometime. He is back country T for the last two months" Angie was shy.

"Did he ask you to date him ?" Jasmine asked.

"mm hmm"

"Do you like him ?" Sasha asked.

"I think so" Angie face was red.

"then go for it ! you are the last one left. Will and me are going to married in June" Mia urged.

"I am happy of you become my sister in law. But you have to promise me that you are always in my side" Alice giggled.

"I'll think about it" Angie tried to hide her excitement while the rest of the group snorted.

Wednesday was more busy than before with Alan and the Richardson arrival as well as Mrs Feng relatives. It was winter so that night the elders were huddle together near the fireplace on the living room to warn up their body. They were playing with Austen and Hugh happily. Hugh had began to say few words, he was so cute, while Austen crawled here and there mumbling baby words.

"Look how cute they are. You need to pish Sean to have one next year" Grandma laughed.

"I will" Mr Feng nodded.

The younger generation was not with the elders. The female had huddle in Sasha rooms. while the males were chatting on smaller living upstairs.

"Eldest sister, sister Michelle. Can I ask question?" Sasha was hestitated.

"sure" Alice said while Michelle nodded

"ehm. when the first time you did it. Is it really painful ? I recalled elder sister walked in funny way after your wedding day" Sasha bit her lips to hide her excitement and fear.

Alice and Michelle was stunned with the question. While Jasmine and Angie were full with anticipation.

"Ah.. that thing. Actually, I can not remember clearly" Alice bit her lips. She didn't lie at all, the pleasure overcame the plain but she could not tell them honestly.

"Me too" Michelle blurted.

"Girl, don't bother about the paint. Just follow his lead and it should be fine. You know, No lost no gain" Mia laughed.

"Hey, did you do it with Will ?" Sasha was shocked.

"He is my fiancee why can't I. Even Bella and Sean did it" Sasha tried to muffle Mia but too late. Sasha glared at her friend while Mia gave a 'sorry I didn't mean it'.

Alice and Michelle stared at each other for while and peeped at Jasmine.

"She was his ex and I am his current lover" Jasmine smiled confidently.

"It's Austen sleep time. See you tomorrow" Alice left the room with Michelle and Jasmine followed.

After Austen felt a sleep, Nick went in side and lay on the bed. Alice snuggled on his embraced and caressed his chest using tip of her index finger. Nick closed his eye to enjoy then sensation of her light touch.

"Darling, do you think Sean has forgotten Bella completely ? She was his first love and they did it before" After what Mia said earlier, she was wory about Jasmine and Sean relationship.

"I think he does. like me, I forgot my ex once I have you, but I can not forget you.

Hon, Why are you still shy in front of me ? Please don't be shy, just express your lust freely in front of me. ok ?" Nick sized her and kissed her passionately.

"Darling, My periode is not completely over yet. Give me one more day, ok ?"

"Ok. tomorrow you have to be honest to me" Nick embraced her and slept.

The next day, the breakfast was very lively. The whole family chatted happily and bickering together. Alice had a glance at Jasmine and Sean, she was glad they acted lovey dovey as usual.

"Alice, come here" Grandma called her. Yesterday, they hadn't talk much "Grandma brings some traditional medicine for you. drink it" Grandma gave Alice two small glasses of grey liquid.

Alice remembered that they gave her the same thing when she gave birth. Alice obediently drank it.

"Grandma, what is that ? why did you only ask these two but not my girlfriend" Sean protested while pointing as Alice and Michelle.

"Grandma is not fair. Michelle only had one but she had two" Alan added.

"She gave birth in natural way. of cource she needs extra. And you Sean, make your girlfriend pregnant soon if you want this old woman take care of her" Grandma frowned. She then held Alice hand and wishpered "I'll already tell your mum to brew it every day for the next two weeks. It helped to strengthen you inner muscle in that area". Alice was dumpstruck. it was Sasha who would have her first night, she just wondered why grandma was focusing on her.

"Hey guys, The tailor will be here soon. Please get ready" Hans came and kissed Sasha lightly on her cheek.

"Tailor ? we already have our clothes for sunday" Nick lifted his eyebrow.

"Oh.. it's for saturday. We are going to have a traditional wedding ceremony. All family members are required to wear traditional clothes but not Ed. Tomorrow, you need to get ready at 10. we will go to my paternal grandparents resident as the ceremony will be held there" Hans grinned.

"why can't I ?" Ed was unhappy at all.

"Because you are not our family" Josh shook his head.

"But he ?" He pointed at Fred.

"My boyfriend"

"And Lana is my girlfriend" Ed blurted.

"Since when ?" Sean asked.

"Since Last night, They sneaked out at night and kissed each other in front of the fireplace" Cacha grinned.

ah and oh were echoing

"But, it's not that easy to be part of us" Alan grinned slyly.

Hans was happy as he could join the other 4 brother to bully the new candidate of the family.