Hans and Sasha wedding 2

"How did he manage to get you as his bestmen " Mike asked Hendry. Hendry went back to his country as soon as he finished his study and didn't keep in touch with any of them.

"Oh, I met him in US last month. He begged to to be his bestmen because he has no friends" Hendry laughed.

"Hendry, watch your mouth ! It was you who begged me" Hans roared. He did not understand why he was targetted on his wedding day. After Lunch, They went back to the city to get ready for the next day.

Hand and Sasha wedding party was held on Sunday evening. Their wedding venue was in four season hotel, they booked the ballroom for the party. However, different from Mike wedding, It was more simple and not lavish. Hans refused to invite too many businesses partners. Most the businessmen that invited were Mrs nad Mrs Jung old friends. It was actually a relief for Mr and Mrs Feng who came from a humble background.

"Sasha is very pretty. How lucky Hans is" Mr Jung clapped his hands as the couple entered the room.

"She is. When the first time I saw her, I knew she is going to be part of our our family" Mrs Jung cried happily.

"You have good eyes" Mr Jung put his thumb up.

"Our daughter is very pretty, she reassembles you very muc. I am glad she is happy" Mr Feng held his wife hands.

"She is pretty. I never dream that he and Sasha would be together" Mrs feng took a deep breath.

"Neither me. Love is a mystery. isn't it"

"I hope they live happily together" Mrs Feng wiped her tear of joyfullness.

Nick and his siblings watched their sister and prayed for her happiness quitely.

During the function, Mike took Nick with him. Nick could sense many eyes on him, so he took Alice with him while he left Austen in his family care.

"Chairman Park, this is CEO Feng. He is actually the bride eldest brother and my best friend" Mike introduced Nick to the chairman on the company that he accepted to collaborate due to Mr Jung intervence.

"Hello CEO Feng, Nice to see you. Thank you so much for your help"

"Hello, nice to meet you. I hope you are satisfied with our" Nick shook hand with Chairman Park with his right hand while his left was on Alice waist.

"Of Course we do. This is my wife and my youngest daughter" Chairman Park Introduced his companions to Nick

"Hello. This is my wife"

"Oh, you are married !?" Chairman Park daughter was surprice.

"Yes, I am a Married man with one son" Nick proudly announced his status.

Liam watched Nick from afar. He was amazed with Nick behavior, but he was glad at the same time that his brother in law devoted him self to Alice.

It was also a busy night for Nick. He accompanied Mrs Feng family as well dragged here and there by Mike. it was nearly an the end of the party when he, Alice and Austen had chance to say hello to Liam.

"Sorry Bro, It is a hectic night for me" Nick was very apologetic.

"It's ok. Let me take your picture first".

"Lets go outside. It's to pack here" Nick led the way.

Liam snapped few shot of Nick, Alice and Austen.

"Austen is getting bigger and cute" Liam held Austen and took a selfie with him.

"True, Angie is also pretty" Alice teased her brother.

Liam laughed "My sister is also getting prettier by days".

"Vice president" three men approached Liam. They was stunned to see Liam was holding a baby in his witj a beautiful woman and a handsome man next to him. They were frowned as they felt familiar with the lady.

"These three are dads' trusted subordinates. They have followed him for while" Liam introduced them to Nick and Alice.

"Hello" Nick politely bowed his head slightly to Liam subsordinates.

"Austen sleeping time has passed. We need to get back now. Bro, where do you stay ? do you want us to drive you first ?" Alice caressed sleepy Austen.

"You go now. I stay in this hotel. Bye little Austen, see you tomorrow. Jiu jiu love you" Liam pecked Austen cheek and gave hi. back to Nick.

"I'll come to your place tomorrow" Liam told nick before they family of three went home with their entire family.

"Sir, she" one of the men asked

"She is my sister. Don't tell anyone you met her" Liam warned.

"Miss Xinxin ? is she miss Xinxin?" secretary Chin asked excitedly.

"Yes. It's her, her husband and her son. You guys go back to your room first. I have something to do" Liam winked and left them. He had more important matter, dating.

After Back to their place, Nick put sleeping Austen to his cot. They changed to their pijama abd went to thier bed.

"Why are you in the daze" Nick hugged his wife.

"I just wonder why he is with his subordinates"

"We will know about it tomorrow. Did I tell you you are very really pretty today ?"

"Yes. You said it for many time"

"you are very sexy" Nick licked her earlobe. " Are you cold ? Let me transfer my body heat to warm you"

"No. Darling, I don't like the way that girls stared at you ?" She pushed him.

"Who ? which girls" he did not give up, he kissed her colarbone and nibbled it.

"That chairman Park daugher and Mike secretary" She moaned.

"They are insignificant for me. Let me prove it"

Alice was shivering when the cold air brushed her back as he unzip her dress and she shrieked as he lifted her before they body turned hot due to the passion.

"Darling, It's their nuptial night. Not us" Alice was very tired after her husband made her and him self satisfied. Nick laughed and pulled her to his embraced "lets sleep".