Great Job

"Bro, your daughter is very smart. she caught a good fish" Little tiger teased chairman NG who grinned proudly.

Nick went to his room and took his laptop. He sat relaxly on his bed and turn on his laptop and called Liam.

"why did you take so long ? can you speak in mandarin" Liam asked.

" Why ? I can but not very fluent. I was playing with my baby" Nick asked

"It's ok. Please speak mandarin then. Can I know Which baby you refer to ? little one or big one" Liam chuckled while the rest tried to hold their laughter. Liam put him on speaker phone.

Nick laughed then he spoke in mandarin "Ok. Man, Lets get to the business so I can accompang my wife. I have checked you systems. Overall, they are pretty good actually, eventhough the security is not upto date and alot of hole here and there. My hacker and me were able to hacked your systems, it was fairly easy but we are profesional"

"What ? are you a hacker ?" Liam asked.

"We are not talking about me. Back to the main problem, I don't believe it was hacker job. Normally if hacker was seeking of financial benefit, he would use the banking or credit card detail. is there any fraud reported there? Based on my experience it was the competitor steal it, they won't take useless information. I am sure it's internal people. Many rats and Moles ryn around freely there. I think I caught some. Can you check a user name ? I text you know"

Nick sent a user Id, Liam gave it to the Luo to check While the rest were amazed Nick.

"Can you find out who he is ? He downloaded so many file for the last three weeks. but, before that he never did any".

"My guy is checking it. Wait a minute" Liam sneered as his guy showed him a name then he showed to every one there

"He is one of the mole in IT team" Liam told Nick

"Oh, I see. I've checked his email, He is in contact with certain persons regulary. I'll send you the names. I have some of the email, you can check it. I took a look of the file that he downloaded, the information there more or less was same with the one that leaked"

Liam laughed then he showed them to his father and the rest of the audience.

Chairman NG smiled was widden, he was very impressed with his son in law analysis.

Chairman Ng wrote something and gave it to Liam, he didn't want Nick knew he was there listening.

"Any way, can you get the email from the suspected peoples ?" Liam asked.

"Your IT team should be able to do it" Nick said.

Chairman Ng wrote againand gave it to Liam.

"What do you think we should do if we want to trap the mole with false information ?" Liam relayed the question.

Before Nick could answer the question, Alice came in side with Austen.

"Give me sec" he told Liam.

"You speak in mandarin ?" Alice was stunned.

"Liam" Nick winked.

"Ok. Austen, kiss daddy good night" Alice brought the baby closer to his father.

"Good night, baby" Nick kissed his baby.

"Sory Bro" he was back on the line.

Liam peeped on this watch "is it Austen bed time ?".

Chairman NG froze as he heard his daughter voice. He clenched his fist,his heart tighten.

"Yes. so you are asking me how to trap them with false information. how good is the mole understanding about IT and server ?" He asked back.

"He is useless. he knows nothing, he is just talking. He is actually director Xia brother" Luo said it out of loud. his team was sick of that guy.

Nick nodded, he was able to l

hear Luo voice "Then it's easy. Use mirror server, transmigrated all the data there. And for his login only, set up to the old server and you can manipulate the data. You can use the mirror server as back up as well once the crisis resolve".

"Do as he said" chairman Ng said lowly.

"Ok. give me the specs for ther server" Liam asked.

"Mr dear Vice president, your IT team should know more than than me. I haven't got time to check all you systems detail" Nick shook his head helplessly.

"what happen ?" Alice asked. she saw his desperate look when she was back to her room

"Your brother think I am a robot" Nick blurted. He put his phone on speaker mode.

"My man is the best" she laughed and she pecked his lips. Nick grinned and patted the vacant spot next to him. then, she got on to the bed and sneaked on to his embraced.

Liam in the other side chuckled " Stop it. I can hear you two. Will you be to help us with the process ?" Liam asked.

"Next weekend will be ok for me" Nick closed his laptop.

"Any sooner ?" Liam asked.

"It is better to do it during weekend. If something happen we still have time to fix it without anyone notice. Anyway I need to check all in detail" Nick closed his eye as he inhaled his wife scent.

"ok. Next week then" Liam peeked at his father.

"Mate, your priority is not the new server nor the migration. You have to concentrate more to the issue of put the customer confident back" Nick added.

"What should we do ?" Liam asked.

"you need to analyse the impact first. I can not tell you what to do because I don't know your situation" Nick answered while closing his eyes and caressed his wife head.

"I'll give you the report. Help me" Liam took opportunity to seek for Nick advice

"Hey, Can you please not to exploit my husband ? He only slept not more than two hours for the last three days. He has alot of work to do at his office as well. He almost catch cold" Alice spoke up.

Chairman NG smiled then he wrote something and gave it to Liam.

Liam read it and sneered inwardly "ok, Have a nice rest. I'll talk to you later" Liam ended the call.

"Let him has a rest. He has done a great job" Chairman NG

"Favoritism" Cobra laughed.

Then they continued their meeting.

At the end of the meeting, Luo was still disbelieve so he asked again to confirm.

"Secretary Chin, is it true CEO Feng from NAF techinology is Chairman Son in law ?"

"Yes. I met him end of last year in country K. But please keep quiet, don't let anyone know until Chairman announce it. Don't mention about Miss either" secretary Chin warned those.

"We understand"