Alice story part 1

Early April, Liam received two big packages. They were delivered at noon to his apartment and left on the concierge desk as no one there when the packages arrived. He took it upstairs, he was startled when he saw a certain fashion logo on it. So he gave a certain people a call.

Nick just had his shower when Liam called him.

"Bro, do you send me packages ?" Liam asked straight away.

"Yes. My wife released her third collection today. they are my gift, one is for your mother and the other is for my mother in law. Please kindly deliver it to her for us"

"Thanks Bro"

Liam gave it to his mother the next morning. His mother was very thrilled. Madam Ye heard about the boutique name few months ago "Where did you get it from ? It's awesome. How did you get it ? the ladies said it is hard to get one. many people want the dress".

"My friend" Liam asked shortly

"why don't you get one for me ?" Liam half sister asked.

"Oh forgot" Liam lied then he left his mother house and went to his father place to deliver Madam Lin one.

"Aunty, this is for you" Liam placed the box in front of Madan Lin.

"what is it?"

"Please open it and have a look" Liam smiled.

Madam Lin opened it and dumpfounded.

"FeNiLa collection, it heard about it. Oh. it's so beautiful" Madam Lin was also thrilled while Chairman NG nodded with satisfaction. He didn't mind his son late to work at all.

"Where did you get it ? did you give one to your mother as well ?" Madam Lin admired her dress.

"It is a gift from a friend. Yes, mum has one too"

"I like it so much, please send him my gratitude. I am going to keep it upstairs"

"Is it from Xinxin ?" He asked after Madam Lin left.

"From Nick, but it is her design. he gave one for mum as well".

"I never knew she is to talented. I checked her website before, she is brillian. Why did she change alot ? How did she and him together ? Did you know ?" Chairman NG asked Liam. Chairman NG went online and was very interested with Alice design. He even ordered one for his lover.

"I don't know. I never ask" Liam chuckled.

"Should I ask now ?" he was only jocking.

"Yes, call her now ! you can go to work after"

Liam had no choice but to call his sister under his father glared.

It was 1 O'clock. Alice just came home from her shop., she still worked half day. She was very surprised to see his borther called her.

"Hi Bro" Alice answered.

"Hi, congratulations for your fourth debut. I saw our work, they are awesome. where are you ?" Liam said.

"Thank you. How do you know ? did my dear husband told you ? I just came home. It seems mum and dad take Austen out"

He laughed "he is lucky to have you"

"You are wrong. it's me the lucky one. I am nothing with out him" Alice giggled.

"Is he that good ?"

Alice chuckled "of course. He is the reason I still alive. He made be believe in love again, he give me a family that I wish to have"

"what do you mean ?" Liam eyes were darken while chairman NG froze.

"When that man betrayed me I hated men, I didn't belive with love and kindness anymore. I knew no one want me, she never loves me, he is too. He came to our school for others but never did it for me. He always hate and dissatisfied with me. When he sent me away I was ok because I still hoped he would understand me one day. After years, he only came to slap me and insult me. when I was in the lowest part of my life, homeless, jobless and peniless, when he threw me away, It was him who looked after me well. If I did not meet him, I think I might committed suicide because it was hard for me to continue my live"

Liam and Chairman NG knew who was He that she refered to. It must be him, the mighty chairman father of xinxin and Him was her man, CEO Feng. The old man smiled weakly, his heart felt so painfull as if it was stabbed by hundreds knife.

"How did you survive back then ?" Liam heart ached and he looked at his father face.

"when I was in country U, I bought a lot of branded clothes and handbags also a lambo using creditcard that Dad gave me. we were not in relationships at that time, but he was annoying man. He rented a two bedroom unit and I was allowed to share one. He forced me to do house chores and sold my car. I didn't want it first, it was from Dad but I had no choice. My money was only enough to buy instant noddle for few days"

"Did you use the money from the car to live ?"Liam asked.

"No, after I sold my car, he forced me to sell my branded stuff. They were all new, I only used few of them. After that he tought me to open online shop, from there I was able to eat well and paid for my tuition fee. But He was very good to me, he cooked for me and he organised a graduation party for me. He taught me how to save money. Do you know he paid for his own tuition fee when he was in Uni ? My husband is awesome.

I managed to save alot but I don't have them with me anymore. I gave it to her and I used the rest for the downpayment for my husband office. I think I can contribute a little bit to help him pay off our house now. I just got money from selling my online shop" she laughed. Alice was very thirsty, she went to the kitchen and had a glass of water.

" why did you give your money to your mother ?" Liam had alot more question.