Welcome home

9.30 in the evening, Nick and his family were wating to board the flight

. Alice took a snap of her and her husband while Austen fast asleep on his arm. She uploaded it in social media 'Thank you my dear hubby Nick Feng, you always made me smile even when it's hurt'.

Nick replied her with another post "I love you more and more".

Sean who saw thier post chuckled while Nick friends teased them merciless.

15 minutes later they boarded the flight and she was fast slept as soon as the flight took off.

While they slept peacefully on the whole journey, the online worlds were in chaos due to Charlie Xia. He posted on his social media 'I admit that the person on the pictures were Eldest miss NG, Mary Lin or Miss Alice and me. We are deeply in love and engaged on sexual relationship for few times. I'll take responsibility to marry her'

Liam called his father rightaway regarding the post. Chairman laughed before he called Cobra "make sure he won't be able to face anyone after monday".

"working on him right now" Cobra was happyly execute his own plan. His brother did not care about the process, he only cared about the result.

After Charlie Xia posted his fake confession, Andrew Han and Ian Meng challenged him on their comment

'when did you do it ? She was in country U since she was 19, the only time you met her 3 years ago and it's only for few minutes' Ian meng wrote.

'What a fake. You just want to take opportunity to be with her using fake confession' Andrew added.

Netizen did not react as fierce as before, they smelt something fishy on this case.

Will and Mia saw the post since it had been shared for thousand times. Then Will decided to take action as well by sharing the orginal post from Charlie Xia and with caption 'my friend @Nickfeng someone try to court your wife (laughed emoji)'

Will post was shared by his friends first then friends of his friends share it as well then finally half of netizen worldwide saw it.

After aroung 5 hours, the passager on the plane was woken up when the flight attendant. It was breakfast time. Then one and half hour later, the flight touched down on country T.

Alice was in daze, she never expected to be back to this country again, she was very nervous.

"Honey, let get off. Don't be scare, your father told me he organised someone to pick us up" Nick poke his wife. He held Austen on his other hand who was still fast a sleep.

Alice nodded. She stood up and took a deep breath before heldhis hand then exited the plane.

On the plane door,

"Miss, young master welcome home" twelve men bowed to Alice and Nick.

Alice and Nick were dumpstruck, they stared at each other.

"Welcome home princess" Ming smiled and greet them

"These are must be Feng family. welcome" He greted Mr and Mrs Feng and the rest.

"Excuse me. But may I know who you are ?" Nick asked.

" Your Father in law asked me to pick you up. Lets go, don't waste time here" Ming showed the way while the six men surrounded Alice , Nick and Austen who still half sleep on Nick arm. And the rest guarding each of Feng family.

Mr and Mr Feng, Lana and Sean were stunned. But they were walking as directed. This extravagant treatment attracted people attention

"Your father is my sworn brother. I am resposible for your safety" Ming explained to them while they were walking.

"Where are we going ?" Jasmine asked.

"Parking. but we use the special line" Ming answered

"But we need to get our luggage" Alice said.

"We look after them for you. Don't worry, I am not going to kidnap you" Ming laughed as he saw alice face was full of fear.

Some people who was lucky to saw Alice in short distance recognised her. "she is Miss Mary Lin A.K.A Alice Feng" few people wishered to others then all of sudden every one whishpered to person next to them.

"We were on the same flight"

"Oh.. they sat a row next to us, she is pretty"

"Who is the man next to her ?"

"It's her husband. I heard she called him darling"

Most people just talked to each other but some were able to take a snap of her picture. Not all of them were lucky enough to take clear picture of her and Nick

They updated their social media in no time the one that had the picture attached their snap but the one without the picture just put an update.

'Miss Mary Lin is in country T, Just saw them on the airport'

'Just arrive at the airport and saw Miss Alice Feng and her husband'

Netizen reacted to the post

'No wonder someone try to court her, she is pretty'

'Gosh. her husband is good looking'

'A nice couple'

'will she hold press conference ?'

"Can I go to ladies first ?" Alice asked.

"not here girl. we need to leave here before journalists are here. They are very fast like flies" Ming said.

They were on special line so they skipped the queue on imigration and customs.

When they arrived on the arrival lounged, there was more more body guards. They made a way and shielded Alice and Nick well until they got on to the cars that had been prepared. Alice, Nick and austen were on one car "Where is mum and Dad ? Sean and others ?" Alice asked.

"Don't worry, they are behind us. We bit them" Ming grinned.

"Them ?" Nick asked

"The reporters. see, they are here"

Nick and Alice saw few van from television station were either just arrived or just parked.

"Lets go home. Your Father and mother have been waiting for you"

a convoyed of more than 7 cars left the chaotic airport which packed by reporters and journalist who were very fast but not fast enough to catch Alice glimpsed. Her arrival made headline on news and become trending topic online.