Madam NG

Thanks to Nick, Alice had become the target of the youngsters conversation. Especially Liam who just found out Alice was fun to be teased, they made her face as red as cooked prawn.

"I am going to find my daddy" she ran away.

"Ah, she has become daddy girl now" Liam laughed.

"Daddy, where are you ?" Alice came inside, she wanted her father to scold Liam. She got used to with his protection after few days.

"your daddy is here" little tiger shouted.

"Come here. Sit here" Chairman NG patted the empty seat once She came to the room. When she was there the Han family had been kicked out.

"What happen ?"

"They teased me alot. Brother said we need to find a room for baby" The men laughed, they agreed with Liam.

"it's not funny at all" Alice exploded.

"Xinxin, do you want any present from daddy ? I haven't give you any dowry, a house ?" Chairman NG tried to coaxed hrr

"No, I am fine, I have everything now. Our home will be ready next month but it will take while to move it as it needs to be furnished first. But I think I is to small. we have only 4 bedrooms and one study room" Alice pouted. she was still unhappy.

"Oh, do you want to have a villa or mansion ?" Little tiger asked.

"No. I just want to have at least 6 bedrooms house"

"Why ?" Cahirman Ng asked.

"I want to have at least 5 kids but he doesn't want it. He said 3 is the maximum. I want to give Austen sibling soon but he said later on" Alice pouted.

"ok. Daddy will talk to him later. Go and get ready, I think they just deliver the gown for you and Angie. Also, take your mother in law and your sister in law, I have prepared their clothes as well" Chairman NG patted her head.

"Thank you Daddy" Alice left the room.

"Bro, I think I know what to give you" Cobra laughed.

"More grandkids" Ming grinned slyly.

In the afternoon, the wedding guests started to come one by one. The company Secretary Chin, new President and his wife were the first one to arrive. After them, few other old employees and their wife were also came. Chairman NG greeted them cheerfully in his tuxedo, he looked much younger than his age.

At 5 oclock, the ceremony began. the groom was standing in front of the with his bestmen, Nick and Liam. Nick and Liam were very handsome in their tux.

Few minutes later, the bridesmaid appreared. It was angie first then Alice before the bride. They both wore red gown, Alice looked very fresh and pretty, she did not look like a mother of a 12 old months infant at all.

Lawyer Mo acted as the marriage officer. But he was very awkward. He skipped alot of part and only asked them to sign the paperwork before annouce the couple as husband and wife.Madam Lin now officially had become Madam NG, she looked very radiant with happiness.

"Lin xi is indeed very beautiful. She is also nice lady and submit her self to him. I wasn't like that when I was married to him" Madam Ye smiled as she saw the couple beaming all the time.

The guests nodded with agreement. They now understood why the mighty man fell in love with this woman nearly 30 years ago and was back with her again after their long separation.

During the whole process, Alice was standing next to her husband hugging his arm while Angie and Liam were just next to each holding hand in secret.

"I never expected to come here and became my own father in law bestman" Nick spoke very softly. Only Alice and Liam could hear him

"Neither me. I witness my own parents getting married" Alice giggled.

"I just hope they won't have any kid. It will be quiet ambarassing" Liam frowned.

"We won't. we'll just dedicate my self for our grandkids" Chairman NG smiled.

After flash ceremony, dinner followed.

Chairman NG clutched his wife hand and put it on his arm then asked Alice and Nick to follow him.

"Thank you for coming, this is our daughter and her husband" He introduced them to all the guests.

Alice and Nick politely greeted all the guests. But She was very timid, she clung on his arm and half hiding behind him all the time.

"Oh my, she is very pretty" The ladies were whispering.

"Her husband is also very handsome"

"My husband said he builds his own business"

"I can see they are in love with each other deeply"

"I am sorry for Han young master. He abandoned the princess and chose a prostitute instead"

"I heard they lost business. But I am not sorry for them. They did a lot of bad things and now they have their karma"

After they finished greeting the guests, Alice went back to her seat which was next to her mother in law.

"I hope mum didn't laugh at my parents" Alice hung her head as she saw her parents acted like teenager felt in love

"Why would I ? It's normal for them to be happy. they have seperated for so long" Mrs Feng giggled.

"Austen is sleepy, I'll go with him. Mum, you just stay here with others" Alice took sleepy austen with her and headed to the toddler bed room on the main house.

After Alice was away. Ming and cobra came to Nick who was talking to Liam and Sean.

"Son in law, please have a drink with us" Ming gave him a glass of drink.

"I still have my drink" he rejected

"Come on, you have to honour us. We are elder" Ming insisted. Then he gave one to Sean as well to prevent Nick suspected something.

Nick and Sean were not able to decline they offer, they took a small sip.

"Drink all of them" Cobra grinned. then he poured the boys empty glass with anothed liquid

"Now, please toast with me. ho ho ho, don't reject me, I have done so many thing to help your father in law clear your wife name" Cobra then pushed both of them to empty their glass then they went away.