7 years later

7 years later.

Alice was on her shop when a bride to be in her shop. she came with her mother and sister who brought a little boy same age as Archie with them. The little boy was looked after by a nanny and he was creaming and kicking his mother all the time. Alice frowned when she saw what the boys doing and shook her head.

"Why do you shake your head ? Don't you know it is not easy to look after kid at all ? it is because the nanny doesn't do her job properly" the boy mother glared at Alice.

Alice was startled and signed, her mother in law always emphasized to her and everyone that it was a parents duty and responsibility to educate their children at home. It seemed different people had different perspective but he prefered her mother in law poiny of few. Nonthrless, she ignored the lady and left her shopped to go back home. She normally was only there from 9 to 12 on weekday. After that she would do for either Yoga, beauty treatment, physiotherapy or doing her groceries shopped then pick up her children and went home.

After Alice left, the shop assistants sneered inwardly to their customer.

"who is she ? your boss is very lenient to allow their employee left so early" the customer mother asked the shop assistant.

"She is our boss, Mrs Feng" the shop assistant smiled.

"Oh.. she looks very young and pretty"

"Yes,.but she has three kids and she look after them by her self eventhough she and her husband afford to hire nanny" Josh smirked and left. He heard what the bride sister said earlier.

Alice and Nick had three children, all boys.

Her father sworn brothers plan worked very well, their second son, Aldo was born 9 month after they went back from country T. He was only few days older than Sean and Jasmine first son Jordan. Their third one was called Archie, he was 4 years old. Her third son was the same age as Sean second son Steven. it was not coincident that they had kids at the same time, Archi and Steven were conceived due to the same reason as Aldo and Jordan, the different was it was their mother who felt for it.

For the couple, hired nannies for their children was not a problem at all. Their financial position was very strong. FeNiLa had become well known high class boutique and very profitable, but it was only small amount of their income. NAF technology grew very significant for the last few years, it generated nearly half of their income. On top of that Nick had few other business and investment all over the world. The only reason for him to allow her kept the shop was it was her talent and passion.

Alice also devoted her self to her family rather than her carrer. She looked after her kids and her husband very well as well as fullfil her duty as daughter in law of the family. For her, her family was above everything.

She normally had a yoga class on friday . But she did not come that day, she went straight home. Just when she arrived home, her mother, Madam NG called her.

"Hi Mummy"

"Sweety, are you flying tonight right ?"

"Yes Mummy. It will be 14 of us"

" are Your parents in law coming as well ?

"Of course. Alan and Jasmine won't. we just bring Hugh and Hewitt with us" Alan and Jasmine had two boys now.

"Ok, see you tomorrow sweet heard. Uncle Ming will pick you up on the airport" Madam NG hung up.

Alice had amended her relationship with her parents. It took her five years to be able to accept them and get along with each others. It was happen because her parents put so much effort for their reconciliation. They travelled to S city for so many times and supported her when she gave birth to her two sons. Chairman NG and his wife had been traveling to S city countless time, their relationship with Nick parents was very good. The couples even often went for holiday togather with Hans parents and Keinichi parents. However, that evening, it would be her first time to have holiday in country T.

After she ended her call, Alice prepared some meal for the children afternoon tea. 5 of them went to same primary school while the other 3 youngest went to same preschool. Their grands parent would pick them up, but if they were not available Alice, Jasmine and Michelle would arranged their time to pick the kids in turn. Old feng couple spent a lot of their time travelling. Once a year they visit the girls who lived with their husband overseas then they went for holidays.

All of suddent, a pair of hands circled her waist then a familiar warm chest pressed againts her back. She turned her body to face him and kissed his lips "Why are you coming home so early ?"

"should we pack up ?" He kissed her back.

"All done"

She pushed him but he lifted her and circled her leg on his waist then he brought her to the sofa on living room.

Since they moved to their love nest, they had done the deed every where, the wall, sofa, kitchen appliances and the pictures hung on the wall witnessed their affection. They also witnessed that the couple sometimes argued, there was a time when she was very angry and ssent him to sleep on the sofa.

They were just halve way when suddently some on knocked the sliding door. Nick frowned but continued what he did. He was sure that no one would not be able to enter their house as he locked it.

"Bro, Open the door. I knew you are home. your car is here" Sean knocked the door again

Nick groaned then he reluctantly got off from his wife and tided up his clothes. Hi picked up her bra who was on the floor and helped her fix her clothes. After he was sure everything was fine then he opened the door.

"Why did it take for long time to open the door" Sean shook his head.

"Packing. What's up" Nick aswered.

"I am going to pick up those two devil. Keep this copy with you, I keep one with me as well. Just in case, those boys are very helpful to clean up" Sean handed a documents.

"Ok" Nick nodded. Archie and Steven were really little troubles for them, those two were very mischievous and the worst thing was they loved to stick together. They were really double trouble.

"I am going to pack up as well" Sean winked.

Nick went to the kitchen and hugged her and kissing her again "Put it on the handcary first" She pushed him away.

He took a deep breath before he went to the study room. He packed his laptop, mouse and the charger as well as the documents to a small hand carry before locked it well.