Old Madam NG

Back to present.

"Guys, I know you don't like me and Cobra because our action before. But you have to admit that your cute boys would not exist because of us" Ming grinned.

"Did your parents tell you that your Nainai stay with them Now ?" He asked.

"No, I though she was still on old mansion" Alice shook her head. In 7 years, his parent never mentioned about her grandma at all.

"Patrick went out from jail 2 years ago, your Nai Nai did everything to reduce his sentence as well as Xiaxia. He came to visit your grandma with his sister and mother. He forced her to sign paperwork to transfer the ownership of the mansion and her company share to him. can you guess that he did after that ?" Ming smirked.

Alice shook her head then she and Nick stared to each other. They predicted that he did something indecent.

Ming closed his eyes "They dragged her away from the mansion and left her on the street. She was lucky that her faithful maid called your daddy. She suffered from stroke because of their action. To kick Patrick out from the company your daddy plotted the company crisis that year. He was very delighted that The Feng boys and the Feng girls husband bought the company share".

Alice was not close to her grandmother at all, she did not like her. However, After she heard how miserable she was, she felt sorry for the old woman.

Nick chuckled. He held 7% of the Pr0sp3r int group, Sean and Keinichi held 5% each while Alan and Hans only had 3%. Liam asked Nick help but at that time he could not help them by him self as he just invested large amount with Keinichi for built a resort in Japan. Therefore, He asked his brothers and brothers in law help.

"How much share did grandma hold ?" Nick asked.

"About 10%, but since the share was in his hand, your dad was not the major share holder again since he only held 41% under his name. He was very sneaky, he did what he could to get more share or asked other shareholder support, he wished to kick your father away" Ming smiled.

"Where is he now ?" Alice asked.

"He is cripple. He borrowed money from loan shark to get as much as the company share he could. He thought he was smart but your dad was more sly than him. He could not pay them back so they made him cripple. Ian Meng father took the mansion from him and threw them away" Ming laughed.

"So, the Meng lived there ?" Nick asked.

"No, A lot of women asked him for child support. He sold it and now he has nothing as well. Karma"

"It's exactly dad always asks us, to live well with dignity, working hard in the right path" Nick smiled

Alice giggled then she leaned to his shoulder. She was very blissful to meet and fall in love with her man, he was not rich but very lovely and his family was prefect for her.

"We are here" Ming exclaimed.

Alice smiled as she saw a familiar Villa in front of her, then she pressed down the button to lower the window and waived her hands to a couple who were waiting for her outside.

As soon as the car was fully stopped, Alice got off and hugged her mother.

"Lao Lao, Lao Ye" Austen greeted his grandparent, then Aldo and Archie followed.

"Hello grandma NG, grandpa NG" Hugh and Hewitt said.

Madam NG and Mrs Feng cuddled each of them in turn. "Lets go inside" Chairman Ng laughed.

"Mother, look Xinxin, Nick and the children are here" Madam NG helped Old madam NG to walk.

"Nai Nai" Alice and Nick greeted the old woman. Then, Nick held her arm and helped her to sit. She reminded him his grandaunty who passed away 3 years ago.

"Kids, call tai lao lao. you too Hugh, Hewitt" Nick instructed.

"Hello Tai lao lao" the kids greeted.

Old madam NG nodded then she stared at Alice, Nick and the Feng couple.

"These boy ?" She pointed at Hugh and Hewitt.

"My third brother kids. His wife is westener" Nick explained.

"Mother, you saw him on Liam's wedding party" Madam NG showed her mother in law the pictures of Alan then Old Madam NG nodded. Her son and daughter in law told her about the Feng family, she knew their second and third son were adopted.

"What is he doing ? and the other ?" Madam Ng asked. It was hard to understand her but Madam NG was able to communicate perfectly.

"He is surgeon. The second one is lawyers and he married the Mayor Ye youngest daughter" Madam NG told her.

"Nai nai, My third brother was very filial to my dad. he gave him grandkids before me even I married first" Nick giggled.

Old madam NG smiled then she watched the kids closely and stared at Alice and Nick.

It was her first time to meet face to face with them and had a conversation.

She smiled when saw how her granddaughter behaved in front of her. She calculated Alice aged, she should in her mid 30's but she still acted like a teenager. She could sense that her granddaughter was scare of her, Alice did not dare to meet her grandmother eyes.