Family meeting part 2

Patrick stared at Alice for while the gulped "When I was in high school, I overheard mum and uncle conbersation. They planned to bring my father to join the company. At that time, he was homeless and jobless, living on the street. I met my father often after that. Ian told me when he was drunk that he nearly got her, he said her skin is very smooth. I was curious, that day when aunty Han executed her plan, I followed them. I put camera on the fitting room, so I like Xinxin since that day. I asked Xiuxiu to give you the pictures because I knew that you would be angry and Nai nai would exclude her from the family. So, I could take her and kept her as my mistress. It was mum who asked me to take the share and NG mansion, she brainwashed me".

"What did you say ? Ian and you both were competing for her ?" Patricks' mother starled as she pointed as Alice.

"Every one in your family are the worst I have ever seen, Ungreatfull, greedy and immoral. Bro, you were really blind why them" Little tiger shook his head.

Chairman closes his eyes as he could not rebuke what his brother said.

"Sweet heart, Mummy was very useless. They preyed on you but I did not so any thing" Lin xi sobbed badly.

Alice was shocked, She looked up to see her husband who glared at patrick "Darling. They are so scary".

Nick eyes were soften and he stared at her and smiles "It's all in the past" and brought her to his embraced to show Patrick what she was belong to him.

Alice closed her eyes, she imagined what would happen to her if he did not take her with him and provide her with accomodation. "You are really my guardian angel. Thanks gods for send him to me" she prayed silently

"Animal !" Chairman NG roared. He nearly kicked Patrick as he was provoked my his wife and his daughter reaction.

"It was not like that. I really love you

and devoted my self for you. But they threatened me, I am afraid to lose you. My brother asked me to do it. it was his idea. For the share, I want our son to prove him self to you that he was capable to lead the company."

"Lier ! to prove that he is good ? hah, I am old but my mind is still clear that you told me you would make our NG family kiss your feet and beg to mercy. How could I choose those animal rather than my own grandchildren who has my blood in their vein ?" Old madam NG sobbed.

"Xixi, Ah chen, Xinxin, Nai mai was wrong"

"Mother" Lin Xi hugged her mother in law. Liam and Alice were speechless and motionless.

"You chose to compromise with your family, it was your choice. And I don't care but you and your children any more. This will last time for you three to address me as father. from today onward, we have nothing to do with others, I will give you money to start your life but that's it. it just a compassion from me and I have no other feeling toward any of you. I hope you all can have decent life from now"

chairman NG inhaled a deep breath "Take three of them away".

Cobra, Ming and Little tiger were stunned, they did not expected him to be so forgiven.

Three of them tried to put a show but no one cared. After they were kick out from the room, Chairman NG stared at Xiuxiu and her mother "Xiu xiu, You are not too bad. I hope you will find good man in the future. you are good with photography, I am willing to help you to path your career for the last time. Take it as my farewell gift, live well".

"Father, I have a daughter. Xia family did not want her, Can she see you once ?" Xiuxiu asked while sobbing. She used her little daughter to melt the oldman heart.

"You have your own biological father. it is not appropriate for me to eho your biological father is. your mother should the one that tell you who your father is. Ask him to be your daughter grandfather, not me. I have 5 already and another to come"

"Daddy" Xiuxiu tried to say something but she was ignored. she stared at Alice who was nestled on her husband and asked her "Are you happy with what happen to us ?".

Alice was stunned when she heard the question. "Am I happy ?" She asked her self. She stared as Xiuxiu for while, She remembered that she used to wear a pretty dress and smiled sweetly on very party they met. "I used to envy you, You are pretty and loved by other, different from me. Am I happy now ? Yes, because I have family. I am wonder why can't we be like my husband and his brothers. They has no blood relation but they love and support eachother dearly. Sean and Alan respect and love mum and dad, they listen to them, they do their best to make their parents proud of them"

Chairman NG and Old madam NG stared at Alice and inhaled a deep breath. They actually had a same question and they wondered what they did wrong.

"When you meet me again, don't call me father anymore" Chairman NG dismissed the pair of mother and daughter.