Consequence to marry a princess

Chairman Ng smiled as his half brother called him elder brother. He was actually happy what he had family.

"Nick will take over my position. But his job is only to watch the management and revolve any issue if management has complain againt president director". He had adjusted the work description for Chairman so Nick would not be too busy.

"So, nephew is law will stay here ?" er su asked. he knew Nick reputation for years so he had no objection.

"No, I still have to look after my own company. I only can promise to come here at least once a year to attent annual general meeting. Other than that, video conference is the only way. Anyway, I'll try for half a year firs. If you can find other candidate, I am more than happy to step down earlier. I'll ask my lawyer to draft the agreement " Nick spoke up. He decided to ask Sean to make a agreement with his father in law. he did not want to be tied with NG family business.

"I'll announce it tonight and will start the transition on monday. One more thing, I have bought our family mansion back. I have no intention to stay there, I am happy with my own place. If any of you want to stay there, you are welcome" Chairman NG added.

"Why did you buy it back then ?" Old madam NG asked.

"Because it is belong to our ancestor. Mother, you can go back if you want, Xixi and me will come over everyday to see you"

"It will be tiring for you two. It's better for me to stay with you" Old Madam made a good excuse. She actully was fond of living with those two then alone.

"Daddy, how come to decide by your self. My husband has a lot of things on his hands" Alice was concerned how his husband would cope with all his responsibility.

"Xinxin, he can let his brother in law to deal with the resort project. Keinichi Andersons is the best in hotel and resort industry" Liam snorted.

"How about our shops ? and other things?" Alice asked Nick.

Nick rubbed her head "You, Michelle and Jasmine, three of you have to manage the fruit shops together. Michelle is going to have her early retirement at the end of this year. The rest, Sean and Hans will help"

"How did you know ? Did you ask Michelle to do it ?" she asked again.

"We had our family meeting last night. it's her own initiative to retire, she doesn't want put her self on conflict of interest in case something happen. Mum and Dad knew about it, we are going to have another talk with Keinichi when they are home. Don't worry, You just need to sacrifice one half day. It's upto you which one you want to cut" Nick smiled.

Alice was sure that Keinichi would help. That man could not say no to The Feng couple, he respected them more than his own parents. Also Mr and Mrs Feng never asked anything from their kids.

Angie twitched "My queen, please work hard for once. I know you have a nice life. Eversince I know you, you never spend any day working like me. After you married, you still can shop, do this and that on day time".

"what did you say ? I had my online shop before" Alice argued.

"How hard was it doing online shop ? just check the order at the end of the day, pack things and sent them to post office. I saw it when you were on honey moon, Aunty Tya only needed one hour maximum to complete all the task. Look at me, I still have to leave at 8 and back at 5. And you, 9.30 until 12, maximum 1 o'clock after that you have free time" Angie sneered.

"Why do you complain at me ? don't you suppose to angry at him" Alice pointed at her brother who closed his eyes.

"Anyway, I don't do yoga and physiotherapy for fun. I have to do it otherwise I will be paralyze" Alice pouted then clapped her mouth when she realised what she said.

"What do you mean ?" Chairman NG eyes were darker.

"It is not that serious any more. She often complained about back pained. When she was pregnant with Archie, it was getting worst. We did some test, It was because her muscle at her back was torn.

It was an old injury, the profesor predicted it was when she was very young. It was actually normal thing to happen but it was not treated at that time". Nick had no choice but to explain it.

"How bad is it ? is there any way to cure it ? surgery ?" Chairman NG asked while the rest were still shocked.

"It was 4 cm long. We have done plasma treatment, a lot of athlete use that treatment to avoid surgery. We started first treatment 4 years ago and the second one was two years ago, the result is very promising. The last scan showed it was down to 1 cm. We are going to check it next two weeks, if it was less than a centimeter long , the treatment will be stopped to see if her body can repair it. Since it was an old injury, physiotherapy and exercise is required. Paralised was unlikely, she just overpredicted" Nick explained more.

Alice rolled her eyes, she did not think she was overestimate her condition. If her husband did not do check up, she knew she had big posibility to be paralysed in the future.

"Why don't you tell us earlier ?" Chairman NG asked.

"we don't want to bother you" Alice answered it for her husband.

"Should we go now ? it's nearly lunch, I have to check my kids first. i can not let mum look after them all the time" Alice stood up and left, she also dragged nick with her.

On the way back, she stopped her step and looked at her husband "Sorry darling. Daddy is very demanding to you. I'll speak with him again next time".

Nick took a deep breath "What can I do ? It's my own decision to marry you with no return and no refund on it's term and conditions"

"Hey, do you thing I am a clothe" she was annoyed by his words

Nick chuckled "It's my consequences to marry a princess . I have to accept it" he kissed her lips.

"Daddy, why do love kissing mummy ?" Archie suddently appeared.

"Because daddy loves mummy, idiot" Aldo poked his brother.

"Daddy loves Nainai too, but he hardly kiss Nainai"

"Ok, lets go for lunch. Where are the others ? Nick stopped the boys who were about to argue.

"They are in the dining area, waiting for us" Aldo held his father hand.