Thick skin

The birthday dinner party was held at 7. At 5 o'clock, Nick and Alice went back to their room to dress up. Alice chose maroon blazer, black pants and black shirt for Nick and for her self she prepared a maroon mermaid tail dress . Alice took her dress off and put her night gown on

"Darling, Can you help me to zip up my dress please ?"

He who only managed to put his black pants on, came over to help her. Then, he observed her from head to toe "You are very stunning but, I don't like this dress"

"Why ?" Alice stared at her reflection on the big mirror but she could not see any thing wrong with her dress tonight.

"It's too sexy" he blurted

She laughed at her husband then pulled him closer to her "Darling, do you know your skin is perfectly match with any colour. This black color made you look more sexy. why haven't you button the shirt ?" Alice admired him.

Nick laughed, he circled his hand on her waist "I tought you love to touch and admire my body"

"I do" she playfully ran her finger on his chest.

He grabbed her finger then kissed her savagely "You know that your touch works better than Aphrodite on me. I can not resist you at all and can not have enough" He carried her and put her on the bed.

"ah.. we have to be there on time" Alice tried to push him.

"A quick one please" He didn't let her go.

dok, dok, dok "brother in law".

Nick paused but ignored the noise.

"Brother in law, Xinxin, I know you are inside. Dad want to see him now" Liam knocked the door again.

Nick groaned, he was very unhappy that their quality time had been distrubed.

"He will be there soon" Alice shouted then she giggled.

"Let me help you" Alice got off from the bed. She helped Nick to pull his pants up, put his shirt on, buttoned it and put his blazer on.

"daddy wants you" she pecked his lips and pushed him out of their room. Nick had no choice but to go and found his father in law

Inside their room, Alice was in front of mirror observing her dress. She was agree with Nick that her dress was toblow on the chest area. She opened her wardrobe and figured out what was available inside. It was nothing usefull, it was only long black silk shawl that was better than the rest. She took it and arrange it on her shoulder, she put in here and there then she smiled "It's much better".

But then she was dispirit as she had to redo her hair which was in a mess and reapplied her make up.

Once She finished, she went to see her parents in law.

"Wow, eldest aunty is very pretty" Hugh exclaimed.

"Mummy, you are very pretty" Aldo and Archie rushed to hug their mother.

"Thank you. You all stay here with those uncles and aunties, ok ? Today is Lao Ye birthday dinner, All grown-ups have to be there" Alice told the kids.

"Ok" The kids chorused happily. They would have a nice free time without their parents restriction.

"Lets go, Mum" Alice clung on Mrs Feng right arm.

"Don't you suppose to be with your parents" Jasmine asked.

"I don't want to. I don't like being in spotlight. It's better of we sit in the corners and enjoy the food" She grinned as she walked to the party venue with Mrs Feng and Jasmine. Three lady walked in the front, Mrs Feng was in the in the middle of her daughters in law while Sean and Mr Feng were behind them

When they arrived, some of the guests were already there. Liam and Angie were already there talking with the guests.

"I thought you would be with your darling" Angie teased Alice.

"I am hungry" She giggled.

Alice asked Mrs Feng to sit then she and Jasmine took some food. It was not a chinese style banquet but a western style. Not much chair available, the guest talked to anyone freely. The food was served in the middle was rice with 7 type of chinese menu. Around the room, there were food stalls that served different kind of food served. Some of them were dimsum, beef thai salad, satay chicken, western style roast beef, Lasagna, Spanish seafood paella, various type of dessert.

It was only few meter to get the satay chicken but it took the ladies a while to get it and back as not few of the gentlemen tried to engage conversation and flirting with them.

"Sorry, are you miss Alice Feng from FeNiLa boutique?" A lady came over and asked. Alice smiled and nodded.

"Do you remember me ? I went your shop to buy my niece wedding dressed"

Alice smiled, she didn't remember at all. So many people had come and ordered dress from her shop, she could not recognise them all one by one.

"Oh Miss Feng, I really want to meet you long time ago"

"Hello Miss"

The ladies were circling Alice, while Jasmine managed to get away

"This is my younger brother. My husband is a director at one of Pr0sp3r int group subsidiary companies and my brother is marketing manager there. He is 37 and single" a lady introduced the man to Alice

The man came forward and offer his hand to shake Alice hand. He clearly did not know who Alice was, only the employees at the headquarter who had seen her before.

"Hello" Alice bowed. But she intentionaly put her finger to hold her black shawl so the man could see her wedding ring. She and Jasmine had done it so manytime in the last few minutes.

"Nice to meet you but I need to go" she turned her body away.

She was finally back to the corner where The Fengs were sitting. Alice frowned as she suspected her parents in law saw the scene before. She was about to explain it when Sean whispered to Alice "Sister in law, it's better for you to go to your husband side. Don't let people have empty hope"

"I guess you are right" Alice whispered back.

"Mum, dad. I am going to find him and my daddy" Alice told Mr and Mrs Feng before she walked away.

She only walked less than two meter when a hand clucted her wrist and pushed her

"B***h, You are very thick skin. Now, you start to seduce more man" A lady yelled as her.

Alice lost her balance due to her high heel, she nearly fell down. Lucky, Few hands were holding her to prevent her fall down to the congrete.