Commotion part 2

The moment Chairman NG heard his mother spoke up for Alice, he grinned cheerfully. Finally, thr old stubborn lady had recognised her in public. when she heard his mother asked secreaty Chin to bring her to him, he began his show "No need. we are already here".

He smiled to all guests then he held his wife hand and entered the room in a grand manner. He wore a red cheongsam while his wife was in red qipao.

"Chairman, happy birthday " The guests chorused together.

"Thank you"

Daddy, Mummy" Alice smiled and walked to her husband side. Nick put his arm on her waist then pulled her to the side "Thank you for declaring your love for me in public"

"How much did you hear ?" Alice smiled proudly .

"Everything . My wife is very brave. But, do you know that journalists and reporters are here as well" Nick asked casually.

Alice frozed stared at Nick "it has happened and can not be undo. Mum and Dad are there, Lets meet them first".

While Alice and Nick chose to get away from the spotlight, certain people did the opposite way.

"Daddy" Xiaxia and Patrick dashedtoward Chairman NG.

"Uncle, happy birthday" Han family, Meng and lawyer Li and his family followed

They tought he would not be able to reject them in front of the public.

"Nainai, aunty" They greeted old madam NG sweetly.

"Why would you call me aunty ? we are not blood related or family related" Old Madam NG said coldly to the Han family.

"But aunty, brother in law" Mrs Han senior tried to speak up.

"Brother in law ? I only have 1 son and My late husband has other 2 sons but you are not one of their wife. Your late mother was not my friend, she and her family served NG family from generations , ck ck ck, I think I was to linient to let her son to get close to my son, make them think highly about them self and forgot who they are. My son thought you were sincere toward my granddaughter and let your family to get close to her. But you schemed her. Look around you, some people that are invited to day are not our family and some of them were used to work with our family. But they know who they are" Old madam NG sneered.

Chairman NG just stared coldly at the Han family then the Meng family. "After What you did you my daughter years ago, I though you guys know your place. Unfortunately leech is leech, they could never turn to be more usefull" He said coldly. His voice was not loud nor soft but it was enough to draw people attention, especially journalist. Then he looked around and frowned before he asked his bodyguard "Where is miss ?".

"She is with Young master and his family on the corner. They enjoy the food"

"Watch around, Don't let anyone approach her"

"Yes sir".

The four members of Han family were paled. They did not expect old madam NG would turn them down ruthless like that in the public. The journalists, high profile business men, directors of big company were there. Their hope for climb back to the high society using the party was crumbled.

Alice and Nick did not aware about that incident, they went to greet their parents who were eating some food that was brought by Jasmine and Sean.

"Ah, I want the Thai beef salad and Paella" Alice mouth was waterly.

"Stay here, I'll get it for you" Nick said and went away.

He was able to get the food in short time. After they finished, he went back to get some chicken satay. But this time, it was a not as fast then the first time. Someone stopped him on his way back

"Mr Feng, how are you ? I am the head WER international group" a middle age man introduced him self to Nick

"Hi" Nick bowed his head slightly. He didn't shake hands with the man since his hand held a plate ot satay chicken and the other hand held a plate of dessert.

"If you wish to collaborate with us. Please free to contact my secretary" The middle age man smiled.

"Thank you" Nick smiled politely.

"CEO Feng, I am from OLK group. We met before in Japan. We open for you to put your tender with us. And this is my daughter, she was graduated from Harvard and she is one of my director" Another man approached Nick.

"Hello, Nice to see you. But please pardon me, I need to bring this to my family first" Nick nodded them politely then went a away.

They saw Nick went away, They only saw Mr and Mrs Feng. "Go, say hi to his parents" The man encouraged his daughter. He hoped his daughter was able to seduce Nick. Nick and Alice private life were not known in country T.

"Sir, Madam, CEO Feng" The girl smiled sweetly to Nick and his parents.

But Nick ignored her, he feed the satay to Alice then wiped the peanut sauce stain on her lips, while Mr and Mrs Feng were stunned. The senior couple wad wondering why a lady greeted them, they did not have single son who was available anymore.

"Darling, Look at Secretary Chin daughter, she is very cute " Alice smiled as she saw he came closer to them holding a baby girl.

The daughter of the OLK group president director eyes were darker. She took a deep breath before acted confidently with her best to make Nick pay attention to her. Of course she failed miserably. she stomped her feet in anger and left.

For afar, Liam stared at Nick and sneered. He was jealous that Nick was able to peacefully eat his dinner while he had to walk around and greeted the guests with all the formality. He was not the only one, Angie was also jealous to see Alice and Jasmine laughed cheerfully and ate.

"I promise you, Next time they will be in our position" Liam whispered to his wife.

"But, you will still the president director" Angie rebuked.

"Chairman should be more busy than president director for formal functions" Liam winked while Angie smiled.