Swimming in Vinegar

It's been some time since Senior Sister joined us in exploring the Mystic Treasure Realm after that encounter with that fox demon.

And at first, it was great!

I got to eat lots of Senior Sister's delicious cooking and I had the peace of mind having her around. (*^ ^*)

Also, having Senior Sister close to me was good, not because I was worried about her possibly dying, as Senior Sister could take care of herself — but!

I was worried about people sniffing around my senior sister and trying to take her for themselves!

Someone, I might mention, like that b*stard, Ziya! (# O_O)

"Wow, I didn't think that Sir Ziya would be so well versed in poetry." Senior Sister smiled as she and Ziya walked side by side.

"Haha, you flatter me, Miss Ye." Ziya laughed. "I only know a few poems here and there. I can't possibly compare to your years of expertise."

Look at him.

Chatting it up with Senior Sister!

How dare he! I thought he was supposed to help me out, not steal my wo- Senior Sister!

And the worst part is, Senior Sister seems to like him too! Otherwise, why would she laugh at every other thing that he said?

Although I can't hear much of what they're saying, I'm sure he's trying to woo Senior Sister. Also, every time I would joke around with Ziya, Senior Sister would reprimand me for being "rude" and apologize to Ziya on "my behalf."

And—and! Ziya would go along with it!

He didn't even try to say anything and would give me a weird look afterward every time!

Senior Sister would even give any extra of her delicious food to Ziya and not me! (T A T)

Aiyah! Could Ziya be the one that Senior Sister liked this whole time?!

Perhaps he was her secret crush, and they were somehow separated by fate!

Wait… no, that doesn't make sense; until we found Senior Sister, Ziya didn't even know who Senior Sister was…

But—! What if that was a whole plot to get close to Senior Sister via me!

Tch! What a sly man! Trying to leech onto this auntie as a way to cure favor with Senior Sister!

First my treasures, and now you want to snatch away my senior sister, huh?!


I'll show you, Ziya! You think I'll let you steal away my senior sister laying down, huh?!

I don't think so, buddy! The only one that Senior Sister can be with is m- the one that she likes!

Yeah! Know you're f*cking place, Ziya!

Senior Sister is already enamored with someone else that isn't you… or me…

But that doesn't matter so much!

As long as Senior Sister is happy, I'm happy — as long as she's not with Ziya or anyone else other than "the one she likes!"

"Um, is something wrong, Miss Zhu?" The b*stard himself asked. "You seem to be grumbling about something."

"Are you sick, Zhu Na Ran?" Senior Sister asked as she placed a hand on my forehead. "You seem a bit red."

I savored the cool sensation of Senior Sister's hand on my forehead. "N-no, I'm fine. Just tired, that's all."

"Oh." Senior Sister's eyes flicked up at the sky for the briefest of moments. "Then perhaps we should take a rest here.

It's getting late."

"Alright. I'll gather some firewood." Ziya said before he slipped away into the woods, leaving just Senior Sister and me alone.

"I'll try to hunt for some food for us," I said before turning to leave. I didn't want Senior Sister to see me so shamefully jealous.

"Eh. Alright…" Senior Sister looked as if she wanted to say more but decided against it. "Be careful, it's getting dark, and monsters are lurking around."

"Em. I'll be careful, Senior Sister."


I'm the biggest f*cking idiot of the entire realm.

No, scratch that.

Of all three realms: Heavens, Earth, and Demonic. There's probably no one as dumb and as unreasonable as I am.

"Ughhhh…." Leaning my forehead against a tree, I wanted to just disappear on the spot.

Why am I acting so strange lately? It's as if anything that has to do with Senior Sister spending time with someone else just ticks me off!

"Hahhh…. Is this what it feels like to swim in vinegar[1]?" It feels terrible. It makes me want to crawl into some hole and stew in my self-pity and envy until I'm more marginated than braised chicken.

I should go back and apologize to Senior Sister, but I dreaded the feeling of going back. I don't think I'll be able to stand another moment being around the two of them.

And yet, at the same time, I longed to see Senior Sister…

Hah, she must've been hurt by my crass actions, and I can't bear the thought of her being sad.

Nor the idea of her being comforted by that b*stard.

Aiyah… what a complicated paradox I've gotten myself into.

"I should probably head back." Senior Sister is probably waiting for me to bring the food, and I don't want her to worry about me. Straightening myself up, I tried to pick out the leaves that found their way into my hair.

Hah, I should really get a new hair ribbon.

Who knows when Senior Sister will be done with hers, or if she even made one in the first place…

I could be just waiting endlessly on something that doesn't exist. Maybe I should just give up and save myself the heartache and disappointment by placing my hopes elsewhere.

Picking up the horned rabbits I had just caught, I was ready to head on back. However, before I could leave, a strange noise prevented me from leaving.

Huh? What was that?

The noise oddly sounded like two people arguing. Ahh, could I be near a lover's quarrel or something?

Hmm, I probably shouldn't listen in, but curiosity got the best in me.

Creeping towards the noise, I crouched behind the thick foliage and peered through the leaves.

Now… What do we have here?

"... so you're going through with it?" A petite girl dressed in white asked her taller companion. "You're going to get married this fall?!"

"It's my responsibility as my master's disciple to help forge bonds between our sects…." The taller girl dressed in dark blue robes answered. "You should've known that this was going to happen, A-Lei.

The elders have already looked at our birth plates and determined an auspicious date. In addition, the wedding gifts have already been exchanged.

We can't do anything about it, my love." The taller one said as she cupped, the smaller one's face. "It… it just wasn't meant to be…."

"I won't allow it!" The girl in white said as she pushed away from the other girl's hand. Shoving her companion up against a tree, the girl in white held the other girl in place.

Dang, for such a small girl, she looks to be pretty strong.

"I won't allow you to get married to my brother!"

"A-Lei." The taller girl's face softened into a helpless expression. "Young Master Yue Li Hui isn't a bad man. How could you be bad-mouthing your own blood brother like that?"

"Hmph." The girl in white harrumphed. "Even if he's my brother, he's undeserving of my Yaya.

It's not fair!

How come he can have a whole backyard of women of his choosing, yet I can't have the one woman who I desire most, hmm?

Tell me, Yaya, how could I watch the woman that I love marry someone else other than me?"

The taller girl blushed at, the smaller one's determined answer. "Y-you, you shouldn't say that, A-Lei!" The tall one sputtered quickly. "What if someone hears you?"

"Oh? Embarrassed?" The smaller one smirked as she cupped, the taller girl's face, forcing her to look at her. "So what if they hear?

If I could, I would yell to the world that I was the one you loved and that I was your woman. Who would dare question our actions then?"


"A-Lei! Don't say such ridiculous things!" The taller one scolded as her blush deepened.

"It's the truth." The one in white said with smile as she leaned in closer to her companion.

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as I continued to watch the two's encounter. I know I should leave, but I couldn't find the strength to tear my eyes away!

Plus, if I tried to leave now, I would only expose my position!

Ahh, I am genuinely stuck between a rock and a hard place!

"Ahh~, A-Lei, you shouldn't, um…." The blue girl suddenly grew flush as she squeezed her eyes shut. "What if, ahh!" She suddenly held her hand up to her mouth.

Wah. (o0o)

"Hmm?" The white girl cocked her head and grinned. "What if they what~?"

"You know what I mean…." The blue girl muttered as she wrapped her arms around the girl in white with half-closed eyes.

Huh? (O0O)

My jaw dropped to the floor at the events that would follow afterward!

Oh, my gods! What the f*ck did I get myself into!? (@O m O@)

Covering my eyes, I couldn't help but peek through my fingers as the quiet sighs and hushed words continued on the other side as my face prickled with heat.

Gods, when is this going to be over?

Suddenly a pair of cold hands covered mine, completely blocking my view. "This isn't a sight that little girls should see." I felt myself stiffen at the cold voice.

S-senior Sister?!

Prying off the hands, I looked up to see Senior Sister glaring down at me with an icy glint in her eyes.

"S-senior Sister, I-" Senior Sister didn't even bother listening to what I had to say as she pulled me up and prompt started to drag me away from the intimate scene.

"Wait, Senior Sister, slow down!" I tried to keep up with her; however, it was difficult with Senior Sister's pace and her iron grip around my wrist.

Suddenly, Senior Sister stopped, forcing me to bump into her. Releasing my hand, Senior Sister continued to look the other way and didn't bother to look back at me. Pulling my hand back, I rubbed at the reddened as I bowed my head in shame.

"Do you know your mistakes?" Senior Sister asked coldly as an icy chill seemed to coat the area.

"U-um, I-" I tried to come up with an excuse, but such things were pointless. I was caught red-handed! "I-I didn't mean to!

I was really trying to catch some food, but when I went to get it, I found those two!

If I tried to leave, I would've exposed myself, so all I could do was quietly wait…." The cold aura didn't let up, so I continued. "It's not like I was trying to peek and watch that intentionally, Senior Sister…."

"What did you think of those two, Yue Li Lei and Ming Xin Ya?" Senior Sister suddenly asked.

Huh? Why is Senior Sister asking me this?

"I mean, if that's what they both want, then who am I to judge?" I shrugged. They were just like Yao Mei and Wan Li, two lovers who just so happened to be women.

"I mean, what do you think about what they did to each other?" Senior Sister asked.

H-huh? Looking up, I couldn't see Senior Sister's expression, so I didn't know what she was thinking. "I-I mean, as long as they both agreed to it, I don't see anything wrong with it…."

"You don't think it's strange or odd?" Senior Sister questioned.

"No, not at all." I shook my head. "If they like each other, then it isn't strange at all.

W-why do you ask, Senior Sister?"

"Then, what do you think about having a relationship like that… with me?" Senior Sister asked with a whisper.


[1] Vinegar - a metaphor for jealousy. Hmm, ZNR was really stewing in it this chapter, ah. Poor Ziya was the innocent target in all of this.