
After the two loafs of bread had sufficiently cooled down, Benjamin waited till it was around 8:30, at which time he then started properly making breakfast. First, he cut up the bread he made into a total of 10 slices and set it down on his cutting board next to the stove, and then grabbed a wide pan, in which he then mixed a few eggs, milk, and a pinch of salt together.

Once everything was properly mixed, Benjamin placed some of the slices of bread into of the egg-milk mixture and let them soak it up as much as possible, before getting out two of his pans, melting butter in them after setting them onto his stove.

"Alright, time to make some nice breakfast!" Benjamin exclaimed to himself with a bright smile before stepping over to his fridge, where he kept some nice, thick slices of bacon that were ready to just be put into the pan right off the bat.