When the Unknown becomes Known

With a broad grin on his face, Eisen turned to the other originals and crossed his arms, before nodding his head, "Good that I waited for all of you to be here. I'm pretty sure we all need to do something for this. Next would be Evalia with some form of art, then Brody with a feat of strength, after that Xenia with some form of magic, and then me with some crafting, I'm guessing." The old man exclaimed with a grin on his face, before Evalia nodded her head with a light frown.

"Erm… It was 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there is some that can not be seen by any eye', right…?" She asked rather confused, and Eisen slowly nodded his head. "Yeah, that's just a rough translation, though." The old man explained, before Xenia nodded her head quietly and then stepped up to the box.