Meeting them again

"Ye're back!" Denmir exclaimed in surprise, and Eisen just chuckled as he nodded his head. "That I am. How are you, Denmir?" Eisen asked with a smile on his face, and the Dwarven Blacksmith just laughed loudly as the player was watching everything confused.

"I'm great, what d'ya expect? Those Artificials 're annoying the shit outta me, but they're not all bad." With a broad smile, Denmir took a step further into the front of the shop so that he wasn't standing in the doorway, winking at the Player that was standing behind the counter. "Yeah, I've already met one of them. Let me guess, you're using your apprentices for cheap labor?" The old man asked, and Denmir just smirked back at him.

"I don't know what ye're talking about. This one 'ere wanted me ta teach him how to smith, so I asked 'im to first watch the shop for a while. Workin' on a new, impressive item, after all, so I'm busy as is." The Blacksmith pointed out, making Eisen just smile back curiously.