People of Heresy

Exhausted and happy that he was finally done with this horrendous task, Eisen stared at the notification that popped up right next to him, telling him that he finished the task. He was happy that he was finally done, although the world still seemed like he was walking up an incredibly steep slope that would continue forever if Eisen were to slip down it accidentally.

"Hm... Took ya long enough." Satel said in an annoyed tone, as if they were the one having the most issues for the past couple of hours. Eisen turned toward them with a glare as he pushed himself away from the rock-surface in front of him.

Slowly, he let go of the boulder, and despite thinking that it was going to slide down that slope, it simply stayed in place. And next Eisen knew it, the world around him became normal again. The direction of his gravity changed and he was standing on a horizontal surface again.