
Eisen looked at the three people now tied up and kneeling in front of him. A Sorceress, a Pugilist, and a Supporter; the three strongest members of this group that were currently present here. He had asked them a fairly simple question, at least in Eisen's opinion, but they were just staring up at him in confusion.

"What do you mean, 'why are we really trying to reveal the truth'? The people deserve to know!" the sorceress exclaimed enthusiastically, though all that did was make her restraints tighten around her wrists. She let out a light groan, and Sal rolled his eyes and loosened them a bit more.

"Right, that's what that lady earlier said too. But what's the long game here. So the people will find out, and... what then? What's the issue with people not knowing the truth behind the statue? What does it actually change?"