Chance Encounter (3)

While all the commotion was occurring in the main part of the offices, there were 2 people who were blissfully unaware of the disturbance they had caused by walking through.

Aika and the dean sat across from each other at his desk, preparing to go over the student agreements and housing arrangements.

As the dean flipped through pages on the school's housing catalog to look for availability, Aika tapped her foot to a song in her head, singing along silently and smiling. The dean, already filled with anxiety over his misunderstanding of what happened at the entrance, glanced up and saw the monster sitting there tapping her foot and smiling. He assumed wrongly again that she was impatient with how long it was taking and her smiles appeared to his eyes as a monster thinking about how it would devour it's prey.

Feeling the jaws of death closing around him, he sped up his search. When he finished searching through there were several rooms available, and he looked up at her once again before clearing his throat.

"Miss Suzuki, do you have any preferences as to dorm location?"

After getting caught distracted twice within an hour, Aika's face flushed in embarrassment and she bit the inside of her lip to calm herself.

"I get to have preferences?"

She was genuinely thrilled, from everything she had read online the dorms were assigned automatically. Little did she know, the dean had interfered and taken her as a special case to smooth over the mishap earlier.

Jordan Maple cleared his throat and adjusted papers randomly.

"Well, typically we assign new students dorms randomly, because it's the middle of the year and their are several options, I've decided to offer you a little bit of input."

"Is there anything on the top floor? I don't like having people above me making noise."

"Yes, well... the dorm on the top floor might not be the best choice. Can I recommend the one on the far right of the floor just below?"

"Is there something wrong with the dorm on the top floor?"

Aika tilted her head and looked at him curiously, not understanding what could be so problematic that he would suggest a different dorm.

As the dean had already thoroughly convinced himself she was inwardly furious, he thought she was mad about him going against her wishes and rushed to explain himself.

"No, no, no. All of our dorms are top notch..."

When he paused, Aika couldn't help herself from getting a tiny bit annoyed and interjected.

"Then what's the problem?"

Of course, her interrupting him while he thought about how to explain the situation only caused him to become more anxious. He'd built Maple-leaf Academy through his blood sweat and tears and many wealthy families donated significantly in order to get their children accepted. That being the case, he was terrified that this angry Young Miss would choose to spread rumors about him and the school and cause the parents to pull their children and all their donations until the rumors were solved.

Though he knew there was nothing he'd actually done wrong, by the time he was able to prove his innocence and regain his and the school's reputation, all of the students would of already moved to other schools and Darkoak Academy would use the opportunity to advance to the top spot.

The dean had sacrificed far too much over the years to build the academy to what it was, even his marriage. No matter what, he had to pacify this little demon before she did something.

"The girl who currently lives in that dorm is problematic. She's had two roommates over the past year alone and all of them have requested to have their dorm changed."

"If she's so problematic that dorms have to be changed, hasn't she broken the academy rules and given you a reason to expel her?"

"Miss Song isn't that sort of problematic." The dean sighed and rubbed his forehead, the matter of her had been troubling him ever since last year but he just couldn't find a solution.

"She's a very nice girl, I've known her since she was young. She's just very bad at communicating with people she doesn't know, so everyone we place with her believes she hates them and runs as far as they can."

Having finished speaking, he saw that instead of tapping her foot and smiling, Aika Suzuki was sitting across from him with an intrigued expression and appeared to be thinking.

"Since you say she's so nice and I want the top level dorm, I think my preference of the top dorm stays the same."

Dean Maple was shocked, this girl was the first person he'd ever told about the problematic student in the dorm who then agreed to staying in it anyway. He quickly processed all of the paperwork and handed her a dorm key. His shoulders felt lighter as he thought about how he'd managed to deal with two nagging problems in a single action.