Chance Encounter (6)

Sooner than she would of liked, Aria found herself outside of her dorm room and knew she couldn't avoid the situation any longer. She pushed open the door and walked inside confident whatever the problem was going to be she could handle it.

The second she looked at her roommate, all of her self-confidence washed away and she felt her heart skip a beat. Her face turned bright red and she dove for her bed, hiding under blankets to avoid addressing having just seen her new roommate half-naked. But even though she was planning on pretending it didn't happen, the image was burned into her mind.

All she could think of was her smooth skin, her perfect curves from hips to her waist to her breasts. The more she thought about it, the redder her face got and the harder to get out of her mind it became. Her mind traveled to the girl's blonde shoulder length hair and her kissable looking lips. She wanted to jump out of the blanket and kiss her new roommate and her heart wouldn't stop beating.

While Aria was fantasizing under the blankets of her bed, Aika found herself blushing slightly at being seen almost naked. She never expected that her first meeting with her new roommate would be half naked.

Aika soon snapped out of her daze and pulled on clothes before sitting on the second bed and watching Aria squirm around under the blankets.

After a while of silence, Aria climbed out of the blankets perfect calm and sat down in her desk chair facing Aika. She cleared her throat and prepared herself mentally before speaking.

"I'm Aria Song, I'll be your roommate for the next month. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me."

Finding her actions oddly amusing, Aika smiled and nodded, going along with acting like nothing had happened.

"And I'm Aika Suzuki, I'll do my best to be a good roommate and if I need anything, I'll ask right away."

When she saw Aika smile, Aria's heart skipped a beat once again and she felt her face heat up. She couldn't handle looking at the girl anymore so she spun around in the chair, watching the stars she had attached to the ceiling the year before spin in circles above her.

"Hmm..." Aika slowly approached Aria from behind, walking quietly so that Aria wouldn't hear her and look down from the ceiling.

The moment she got behind her, she looked up as well and saw the stars clustered over her desk and found herself curious as to why they were only in that area.

Suddenly, she grabbed the chair from behind as the back passed in front of her and then slowly spun Aria to face her. She walked closer to her, trapping the smaller girl's body on the chair as she leaned over her.

"Thinking of me?"

Aria's face brightened to red again in an instant and she shook her head repeatedly to deny the statement.

With a grin on her face, Aika leaned back and walked away, only to walk back with her desk chair pulled behind her.

"I know," she said after awhile of them sitting in silence. "I'm sorry, I was just joking. I didn't think you would react so much."

After several moments of silence, Aria stopped spinning in her chair and looked at Aika curiously. "I was thinking of you."

Before she could react, Aria continued held up her hand and then continued speaking.

"It's not everyday you see your roommate almost naked. But that's not what I'm thinking about."

Aika stopped spinning to look at the other girl and smiled.

"You're wondering why I would choose to be roommates with you despite the dean's warning?"

Aria nodded, her question being voiced perfectly.

"I don't know either... it just seemed interesting."

After nearly a minute, Aika spoke up again.

"You're not like how he described, though."

When she heard what Aika said, Aria paused and thought through how she'd acted around the new girl. She was right, she hadn't been at all like usual. The more she thought about her actions, the more confused she became until she realized the one major difference between Aika and everyone else.

As she thought about it more to confirm it, a smile gradually spread across her face and she bit her lips until she couldn't hold in a small laugh.

"I guess seeing you naked kind of took away any fear I had over the rest."

"Well, maybe in the future you should just picture the same for everyone else and the nerves will go away."

While the two girls chatted on and off in their dorm room, a new rumor was spreading around campus, and by the end of the hour, almost everyone knew some form of it.