Rumor (7)

The dean walked up behind Aika with Aria alongside him and nodded at her.

"I believe the dean would like to give a closing statement, but before that I would like to explain why I did this. I woke up this morning to see my new roommate and friend sitting in bed crying over a mix of hundreds of death threats, insults, and slander. As anyone would of done, I helped my friend prove her innocence and get justice."

Her final statement was like a second slap on the face of everyone watching and they all wanted to lose their hearing before the Dean himself spoke.

Emma watched everything from her corner of the room in silence. With each piece of evidence that the Suzuki heiress revealed, she clenched her jaw and hands tighter. When the dean walked up to the podium to give his closing remarks, she could already tell that it was going to go extremely poorly and a single drop of blood dripped from her left hand.

The entire thing had been a disaster and only served to make Aria look better. She hadn't predicted someone else getting involved when she set up the plans because for all their lives, Aria had always been alone.

The new addition who was in clear support of Aria was going to be problematic if she couldn't deal with her quickly or find a way to convince her to switch sides. Having her and her family involved wouldn't ruin her plans, but it would make every action she took far more difficult.

It would require having to constantly watch over her shoulder which was unfitting of the heiress of Song Enterprises and she refused to do so.

In truth, she was shocked that her older sister was attending the school on scholarship. She knew that her parents would never pay for it, but she has long been aware of Aria's mother leaving her several million dollars just in case something happened to the family business.

As soon as she thought about it, she sneered and realized she was being silly. Her silly older sister probably spent every last dollar the second she got access to it on her 18th birthday.

Emma was pulled from her thoughts by the dean clearing his throat in the microphone to silence the students once again and she looked up to see him swiveling his bald head.

"Sadly, as none of you who were supposed to be in your morning classes requested leaves of absence and simply walked out, your teachers will be pulling those of you who left aside and giving you 3 weeks of detention. I've taken the liberty to place a strike on the academic marks of each and every one of the students who participated in threatening and bullying Miss Song. In the future, I hope you all will better uphold the name of Maple-leaf Academy instead of participating in ridiculous acts like this."

Right as he stopped speaking, a list of names appeared on the screen behind him, starting with Sarah Laws and followed by the two people proven guilty when Aika presented the evidence and their argument, Savannah Monteal and Rebecca Averys. Each name on the screen was crossed out with a red line through the middle before he spoke again.

"As the instigators of this incident, these 3 students have been expelled from Maple-leaf academy and I personally hope learn from their actions. Have a good day everyone."

The moment the doors opened, Emma found her way outside and retreated to her dorm as quickly as possible. When people tried to stop her along the way, she faked several tears and acted as if today's incident involving her sister broke her heart.

Before the door even shut fully behind her, she pulled out her phone and called her Mother's personal phone with video chat.

"Mum? Aria had another rumor started about her yesterday. It got really bad this time."

"That idiot! All she ever does is make our family look bad."

"That's not true, mum. She was framed."

"Even if she was framed, where there's smoke there's fire."

"Don't blame her, mum. It was my fault... If I included her in more things at school people would no not to bully her."

Emma pinched her nose to make her eyes water before sniffing and wiping her nose as if she was crying to make her mother more upset.

"Don't blame yourself, honey. There's nothing you could of done. I'm gonna go talk to Daddy, okay?"


She sniffled again before hanging up the phone and wiping away her fake tears and runny makeup. Now that no one was around her, a grin spread on her face.

Even though her first plan failed, she could still use their family to make her suffer instead.