School Days (2)

The previous day's classes had ended up being cancelled because of the large commotion the events caused. Initially the teachers had attempted to continue with their classes as they normally went but they quickly realized it was doing more harm than good.

Students in every class were restless and found themselves checking their phones every couple minutes so they could stay up to date on the newest news relating to the happenings.

Rather quickly, the teachers had lost patience with teaching people who were completely and obviously ignoring them and had made the decision as a group to end classes early for the day.

Normally, the teachers would have simply taken the phones of the students who were using them and given them detention, but when it was the entire student population, there was far less they could do about it.

Some of them had created a small fuss over having to end classes just because the students were not behaving in class, but after the rest informed the teachers who had remained in class about what had happened they had found themselves equally interested in hearing the news and agreed readily to ending classes early.

It was like this that Aria found herself having to rush to get ready instead of having plenty of spare time in the morning. She had to be ready earlier than usual in order to show Aika around campus from a student's perspective and stop by the library with her to pick up the materials for each class.

When they had discussed the plan the night before, she had planned to just wake up 20 minutes earlier than usual and still have plenty of time to get ready slowly and do everything with ease, but the day's events had taken a toll on her.

Although she had planned to be awake 20 minutes early, she didn't wake up until 20 minutes after the usual time she woke up and had found Aika still asleep as well.

After they were both awake, it became an awkward mix of rushing to get ready and dancing around each other to not slow down the other as neither of them was even slightly used to sharing a room with someone else.

Eventually the two girls found themselves standing in the elevator only 5 minutes behind the planned schedule.

As the elevator slowly approached the ground floor, Aika shifted around nervously. Normally she was extremely confident and could things without any reaction, but she always ended up nervous when it came to arriving on time for things.

Despite their success in business, or maybe because of it, neither of her parents were very good at arriving to places on time and the extra attention she gained from arriving late for things throughout her childhood had gradually built up into a small fear of being late.

With a ding, the elevator doors opened and the two soon found themselves speed walking to the library to not be late for class. When they got there, Aria felt her heart shatter.

The librarian working today was Patricia Keenel, or as she was very determined you called her, Librarian Keenel.

Even though she had worked at the library since the school opened, she was horrible at her job and only maintained the position due to family connections. In return for employing their relatively useless daughter, her somewhat wealthy family had given a significant contribution during the early stage's of Maple-leaf's life that allowed it to launch successfully.

Normally, seeing her work there would make Aria simply come back several hours later when the woman's shift would be over, but they needed to get Aika's books right then and they had no choice.

Librarian Keenel wasn't especially mean or strict, and most students actually liked her carefree attitude. The problem was that her laziness and her low level of skill with her job meant that checking out books would be extremely slow and they were already running late.

"Librarian Keenel, this is my roommate Aika who just transferred here. We're here to get her her books for classes today."

"Ah! The girl who spoke for you during all that drama yesterday."

As Librarian Keenel turned to go get the textbooks, she muttered under her breath.

"Though I don't know why anyone would choose to support a weird girl like you..."

When she saw that Aika had heard what was said as well and looked like she was going to speak up about it, Aria shook her head at her and signaled to be quiet.

She didn't mind having someone stand up for her and actually found it rather nice, but she didn't want to end up late to class either. Especially after the past two days, she did not want any extra attention on her and arriving late to class would bring just that.