School Days (5)

The following morning, Aria rolled over in bed and groaned as the alarms on both girls phones went off at the same time. She pulled herself out of bed and grabbed both phones, turning off the alarms.

After she had turned off the awful noises, Aria got ready automatically and was about to wake Aika up before she remembered that the day before was Friday.

Thinking over the past week, she realized that she had only gone to the Monocled Rabbit once when she wanted to avoid meeting Aika. Since she was already dressed and ready for the day, she decided that she would go to the cafe.

As she was about to open the door, she heard movement coming from the other bed and turned to check if Aika was still asleep.

"Where are you going?"

"Monocled Rabbit."

When she though the conversation was over, Aika jumped out of her bed and rushed to get ready, meeting her at the door within minutes while Aria stood there confused.

"I want to see what this Monocled Rabbit you usually go to every day is like!"

The two girls walked into the Monocled Rabbit and were greeted by the smell of coffee and freshly made pastries. While they walked to the only open table, they both looked around the cafe in curiosity.

Usually, the cafe was somewhat empty this early on a Saturday morning so Aria found herself unable to figure out why every table except one in the far back had people sitting at it.

For Aika, it was a new experience in general. She looked around at every detail, comparing them to the things she saw when she saw the videos. Everything seemed more full of life in person, and she quickly understood why her friend would enjoy this place so much.

The tables were beautifully designed with rabbits carved across the tops under a protective layer of glass. The seats looked incredibly comfortable and everything she saw people eating or drinking looked delicious.

With each detail she noticed, she gradually warmed up to the cafe despite initially feeling like they were partly at blame for Aria's rumors. She knew that it was somewhat unreasonable of her, but she still wished that the cafe had tinted windows and better security so that the pictures couldn't of been taken in the first place.

Once they sat down at their table, several students from Maple-leaf glanced over at them before going back to their conversations. Eventually, one of Monocled Rabbit's waiters walked over to the table and was about to greet them before he got pulled away by Devin and shooed off to go do something else.

Although he knew it wasn't likely to cause rumors anymore, he wanted to serve the two as an apology and because he wanted to find out if Aria was okay.

"Aria, the usual?"


"And you must be the new roommate, Aika. I've heard a lot of what happened from customers. What would you like?"

"Coffee and whatever pastry you decide."

Hearing what Aika said, Aria got a weird look on her face but decided not to say anything. The first time she had come here, she had asked for his recommended pastry as well and got a horrible tasting piece of hard bread that she had missed the name of.

Even though she wanted to save her friend from suffering, she didn't want to offend Devin by saying anything so she sat there feeling slightly guilty but told herself there was nothing she could do about it.

Devin looked at the smaller girl's face and had to hold back a laugh. When he had brought her biscotti the first time she was here, he had seen the confused look on her face as she examined it and then the obvious disgust when she tried eating it.

He really couldn't understand why she came here everyday and ordered coffee that she cringed with every sip as she drank. She refused to add sugar or cream to it no matter how many times he asked but watching her drink it was almost painful.

Aika saw Aria's crumpled face and was worried that what she asked for would be horrible, but when she took a glance at Devin's face, she saw that rather than offended he had a knowing look.

Based on their reactions, she realized that the recommended must have been something Aria hated but that was popular with the average customer. When Devin turned to look at her to confirm she still wanted to try it, she nodded at him and glanced at Aria before obviously rolling her eyes.

Devin chuckled and thought as he walked away. Seeing the usually alone Aria sitting and talking comfortably with someone else made him feel extremely proud as if he had just watched his own daughter accomplish something great.