Graduation Day (5)

The room's atmosphere changed instantly after she spoke, leaving everyone shocked. Unfortunately for the waiter, this included him and his remaining in the room only served to anger the icy demon.

"Are you dumb? I said get out!" Aika clenched her fists and stared at the man like he was the worst criminal in history.

She didn't know what came over her, but the waiter's perverted gaze had caused unexplainable rage to surface in her. Before she had realized what she was doing, she had already placed her cardigan over Aria and spoken out against the waiter.

When she thought about it, her actions were a little bit overboard considering it was just a pervert looking where he shouldn't and everyone dealt with them. But when the waiter's face and the look in his eyes flashed in her thoughts, she just couldn't contain herself.

Several moments later, he the waiter snapped out of his daze and scurried out of the room. Once the door was closed, Aika's mood returned mostly to normal even though she still seemed a little gloomy.

Feeling the need to explain herself to everyone there including herself, she coughed awkwardly and then spoke quietly. "He was looking at her like a piece of meat, no one looks at my best friend like that! No one! Some people are just disgusting..."

After she spoke, she nodded mentally to herself. Having said it out loud, she was completely convinced in what she said and felt relieved to know why she had acted differently.

She completely ignored the strange feelings she got whenever she whenever she was around Aria and the tingles she felt whenever they touched.

"Yes... they are. I've always hated it when someone looks at someone like that." Max nodded in understanding, equally ignoring the fact that he only reacted like that when the person being stared at by a pervert was Yuna.

"Thank you..." Aria felt like her heart was going to explode and looked down at her hands to hide her slightly red face.

"Ahhh! Look how cute our daughter is!" Yuna whisper yelled to Max.

Even though she tried to hide it and usually succeeded, Yuna Suzuki had always been a bit of a daughter-con. Ever since she was pregnant until now, everything her daughter did earned the highest praise from her.

"Shhhhh! You're embarrassing us..." Max whisper yelled back and held a finger up to his mouth.

Aria and Aika both stared at the older couple. Aika was staring at them out of annoyance, used to their actions but still disappointed by them.

For Aria, she simply couldn't believe two of the most powerful people in City B and the whole word were sitting across from her obsessing over their daughter and failing to whisper.

"See! Look, they're looking at us weird!" Max whined at his wife and she simply rolled her eyes.

"Aika, I'm proud you don't just sit there and watch while someone does something bad. You're so amazing!" Yuna Suzuki started off speaking calmly but by the end was practically squealing in happiness.

Times where she could simply sit and have dinner with her daughter or husband were extremely rare, especially both at the same time.

After several minutes, they had finished the first course they were brought and a new waiter walked in with their next items. This time, the waiter made a conscious effort to not look at anyone in the room for too long.

It seemed as if the previous waiter had warned the other staff about their temperament.

When Aika saw that the new waiter wasn't even glancing at her best friend, her lips curled up slightly and her remaining dark mood cleared away.

Time quickly passed as the group of four chatted occasionally and ate dinner happily. Ever since the incident at the very beginning of the night, they had had no issues at all from the incredible food to the staff.

As they were about to leave Aria called out, "Excuse me... I'm going to the restroom..."

Several minutes after she left Max and Yuna finished whispering to each other and rushed to speak to their daughter. "Your roommate is so nice! We're very glad you have such a nice friend... and that we helped you resolve that situation awhile ago."

"Your father is right, I think she's really great. You've never been this close with someone before..." Although she hesitated for a moment, Yuna ultimately decided to add her own words at the end.

Aika smiled at the both of them and was about to speak before she saw Aria coming into the room with her head hung low and called out, "Aria?"

She hadn't seen her friend like this since the rumor incident nearly a month ago. Aria looked like she was about to cry and before she could decide what to do, Aria quickly rushed to her and hugged the taller girl tightly.