7 Days (6)

On the second to last day of the week of practice time, Aria woke up in the middle of the night shivering and rushed out of bed. Her body felt like it had been hit by a truck and she could barely breathe.

Just as she reached the bathroom a foreign feeling bubbled up and she rushed to the toilet, barely making it before she started throwing up for the first time she could remember in her entire life.

After several moments of being sick, Aria sat limply by the toilet trying to collect herself but simply couldn't bring herself to stand up. Her body was hot and cold at the same and her thoughts were extremely foggy.

She gradually felt herself start to drift in and out of consciousness while sitting there and made a final attempt to get up. Before she was able to get even halfway, her legs started shaking and she fell over.

In the other bedroom, Aika heard a thud in the distance. While normally she would of ignored it, when she thought of how exhausted Aria had seemed the day before she got a little worried and decided to check what it was.

Aika pulled herself out of bed with the blanket still covering her and slowly walked across the hallway.

The moment she arrived in Aria's room, she immediately noticed something was wrong. Aria was an incredibly heavy sleeper and only woke up easily once it was already morning, but her bed was empty and there was light coming from the bathroom.

Aika dropped her blanket as she rushed across the room and flung the bathroom door open.

On the floor in front of her was Aria in a bunny onesie, her face flushed and a little bit of evidence from her earlier sickness was by the corners of her mouth. It looked like she had attempted to stand back up as she was sprawled across the floor on her side.

Before she could even process what was in front of her, Aika was lifting Aria in her arms and carrying her into the living room. She put shoes on for both of them and grabbed the car keys then picked her right back up.

Though she knew she was probably overreacting, every part of her mind was screaming at her to take Aria to the hospital just to be sure and she was going to do just that.

When she got to the car, Aika carefully laid the mumbling Aria onto the passenger seat and buckled her in then got in the driver's seat. While driving towards the most awarded hospital in B City, she called her mom using the console.

This was the first time she ever had to deal with anything like this, and up until then all of her actions had been purely on instinct.

After several rings, the phone was finally picked up by an exhausted sounding Yuna Suzuki.

"Hello? While I'm always happy to spend time with my precious daughter, why are you calling in the middle of the night?"

"Mama! I woke up and found Aria collapsed in her bathroom seeming really sick... I'm in the car now with her driving to Rollands Memorial Hospital." Aika was speaking incredibly quickly and the anxiety was clear in her voice.

Instantly pulled from her drowsiness, Yuna responded quickly. "Don't take her there! It's only the best public hospital. I'll call Doctor Smith-Monroe and tell her to be at our house as soon as possible and that it's a family emergency."

Less than 20 minutes later, Aika had completed the normally hour long drive to her family's mansion. The second she exited the car, she saw her parents waiting anxiously for her.

"Where is she? Quickly! It's freezing out here?" Max spoke while hopping from foot to foot, discarding his usual playful attitude.

Not even taking the time to speak, Aika opened the other door of their car and picked up Aria on her own, running towards the house.

While she rushed in, her parents stood there with their minds spinning in shock. When Aika had called, Yuna had known she was panicked but did not realize it was to this extent. She was wearing two totally different shoes and in her pyjamas.

On the other hand, Max was totally focused on another detail that had jumped out to him. "They look really... fitting, with Aika carrying her."

Again, Yuna found herself nodding in agreement without thinking and brought up the other strange thing she'd noticed. "Was that... a white tiger onesie?"

Max tilted his head and pretended to think for a moment. "Yup!"

Yuna nodded and mumbled to herself, "Aria is just so cute... she's just as good as Aika... I just want to cuddle her forever..."

Without her realizing, Yuna's daughter doting attitude had begun applying to her daughter's best friend as well.