2. Re-birth 1

Author: Shaikh Tohaa

Editor: Darklord331



The full moon is shining in the sky like blood while the sun has gone away a long time ago.

At present, the whole village has gone into huge Chaos after the distraction that was caused by a fox that is deep in the forest of death which is right beside the village and opposite the Hokage Mountain.

After hearing that the cause of the massive distraction and chaos of the village is just a fox you might start laughing but the fox we are talking about isn't a typical Fox and you will know when you look at the forest.

Because the fox is even taller than the tallest tree in the forest and the smallest tree in the forest of death is more than hundreds of meters tall so I am sure you have a good idea of how big the fox might be and if that has shocked you than think again because the fearfulness of the fox doesn't end there as it also has nine tails and it is even capable of speaking in the human language.

This Nine-tailed Fox is known as the "Kyuubi" the strongest Chakra beast or the tailed Beast known in the world of Shinobi.

Currently, the "Kyuubi" is standing in front of a red-haired woman and looking at her full of rage with its gigantic eyes.

Although most people will be afraid when this mighty Fox stars at them with its massive eyes that are filled with rage but the woman who is in front of Kyuubi is not even showing any sign of fear instead she is looking at the Kyuubi with sorrow and visible helplessness in her eyes.

This brave woman is known as the wife of the 4th Hokage "Uzumaki Kushina" and the former and 2nd "Jinchuriki" of the Kyuubi. (Known to the current Shinobi world)


"KUSHINA~" with a roar the Kyuubi calls out her name as it stars at her in hate while showing its massive teeth to show its anger towards her.

Although the Kyuubi is extremely proud and thinks of itself as the strongest existence to the point of disregarding anyone in its eye however it is extremely afraid of Kushina and also hates her more than anyone present as it was sealed inside of her for years and now that it regained its lost freedom after such a long time it found itself getting restrained by her with the "Uzumaki Chakra Chains" also known as "The Adamantine Sealing Chains" to enrage it to no end and making it hate Kushina more than ever.

After restraining the Kyuubi she started coughing with extreme pain and the blonde man who is holding two newborns infants in his arms immediately turns at her with worry then calls out in worry "Kushina."

Although blood came out of her mouth as she is breathing heavily and feeling extreme pain she still looks at the face of her husband, the man she loves, the person who is known as the Yellow Flash of Konoha and the Fourth Hokage of Konoha she gives a painful smile looking at the face of her two newborn sons than turning to her husband Minato Namikaze she says "I am going to draw the Kyuubi and die with it."

The two Child in Minato's arms started crying as if they understand the words of their mother or they are just afraid or some other reason "Waaaa~"

Although, she loves her children who are born not long ago and she wants to see them grow big and strong.

However, she knows about the fact that she doesn't have much time left in this world.

So the only thing that she can do for her newborn is to sacrifice herself, for them and their future,

Finally making her decision clear, she continues her explanation "I'll be able to delay the Kyuubi's resurrection for the time being and I will use my remaining Chakra to save you all."

After finishing her explanation she looks at her sons with reluctance to leave them with a painful smile then turning to Minato she says "Thank you for everything..."

The two infants in Minato's hands on the right the elder son Uzumaki Naruto who has blond hair and sky blue eyes seem to have become tired after crying for so long and finally stopped crying. (Naruto's name is based on Minato's name.)

However, the youngest son in his left-hand Namikaze Kazuna who has shiny Golden-red hair and Deep Ocean blue eyes started crying even louder than before for some unknown reason. (Although he has the Namikaze as his clan name however he will be known as Uzumaki Kazuna after his parent's death as well as they named him after Kushina who also wants to have one of her sons to have a matching name to her.)

As he knows he is unable to help his wife and felt extreme pain in his heart to part with her he said to his wife in a painful tone "Kushina… You made me your man" then looked at the two sons one crying while the other one breathing slowly then turning his head at her face he continued "And now you made me a father!"

Hearing her beloved Kushina forced herself to smile that had vanished because of the extreme pain and said "I am happy that you loved me.

Above all when I think about our future together as a family if I lived

I can only see… a life full of happiness. "

At this point, she looks at her sons to say " The only regret that I have is that I won't be able to see Naruto and Kazuna grow up."

At this point, Minato thought of something and with a serious face, he suggested "Kushina I want to use the Reaper Death Seal."

"What???"Kushina who was looking at her sons lovingly felt as if she had gotten thunder stricken upon hearing her husband's words and quickly says in a disagreement "No Minato you can't do that because if you do that what will happen to our sons?

They will be left behind as orphans upon our death. "

While Kushina and Minato are having a family conversation the Kyuubi is using all its energy to get itself free from the restraining just to no avail which shows the might of "The Adamantine Sealing Chains".

While struggling to get itself free from the restraint of "The Adamantine Sealing Chains" he knows that the Kushina and Minato are up to no good making it howl in anger "Hateful…"

As Kyuubi knows the more he waits the greater the problem will become it started using more energy just to fail in getting any result which made it feel more disparate and angry towards the couple.

"Kushina don't worry. They will be called heroes by the people of the village for stopping the Nine Tail's attack and becoming its host. I am sure they will.…. Also, I will seal some of my Chakra inside them to make sure if something went wrong in the future with the seal I will be able to help them to guard against it." Minato said with full confidence in his words as he is always a positive person and believes in the people of the village he grew up in.

"But what if they suffer once we are gone?" Kushina says with a worried tone remembering how she was treated by the people of this very village that her husband is putting his hope.

Even when the Kyuubi didn't attack the village she used to be seen as a monster or something unpleasant to the eyes of these villagers but now that the Kyuubi has almost destroyed the whole village how can she expect her husband's words about the same village to become truth.

"I know you are worried but believe me alright." Minato says in a confident smile but a single line of tear still falls from the corner of his eye thinking about his wife's sad face then making a decision he suggested "Use what little bit of Chakra left in you to ensure a reunion with Naruto and Kazuna. It will be part of the "Eight Trigram Seal" which I will guard to keep them safe after my death. "

"Alright.. " although she knows the people of Konoha can't raise her children as heroes so she can only hope for them to stay safe and take care of each-other after her departure with her husband as well as wishes for an environment enough for them to grow up without many hardships, however, Kushina didn't want to lose her only chance to reunite with her children in the future so she hastily gave Minato a little bit of Chakra she has left in her dying body.




