9. Beauty rescues the heroes

Author: Shaikh Tohaa

Editor: Darklord331

"And who do you think you are? " asked one of the boys looking at me and maybe he doesn't think I am much because of my thin body.


"Hey, why did you stop all of a sudden Kazuna?" Naruto who finally discovered I am not running behind him asked me from my back as he with an angry face.


"Oh~ there is another one with the orange hair kid and if they don't have different hair color I would have thought they are look-alike." said the boy who has a cold running from his nose while cleaning his nose.


"That is called Twin you idiot." said another boy who has a monkey hat.


"I know that you idiot, also don't call me idiot you idiot!" said the cold running boy as he still tried to clean his nose.


"Will the two of you stop?" said the bald boy who was looking at us as if we are some trash that is here to get bitten by them.


"Then what do we do with this girl with weird eyes bro?" asked the monkey hat boy.


"I don't like her eyes it makes me feel she is a monster." said the cold nose boy with a serious face.


"Let's snatch her scarf and beat her till she became afraid to even set a foot out of her house and once we are done with her we will take care of these two fools." said the bald boy ignoring us and walking towards the girl who was crying before.


"No don't hurt me." asked the girl when the 3 of them decided to attack her.


"Hey didn't you hear me?" I said with anger as we started having a small argument then one of the boys that were bulling the little punched at my face as Naruto got angry and shouted in anger "How dare you to hit my brother?"


With that Naruto punched towards them and the next moment I also joined them as he and I started fighting with the 3 bullies although I can defeat them very easily if I use my ninjutsu (Hiruzen said the techniques that he developed is part of ninjutsu when he gave Kazuna some guidance from time to time) he also reminded me it is prohibited in using any of the ninjutsu on the normal civilians so I stopped myself and not using the ninjutsu we started getting overwhelmed because of the superior number they had over us.


As I saw Naruto getting beaten up and I wasn't in that good condition as well as lost my scarf I had enough and decided to use my ninjutsu when I heard the girl whom we saved shouting "Hinata-chan is going to help to stop the bully."


With the Hinata joining us we were also 3 and the bully is 3 so when we started fighting on the equal number even if she seemed a little weaker than us with time I found her to be even stronger than Naruto so after a few minutes of fighting we successfully defeated the bullies who ran away in fear after losing their upper cloths as we lie down on the clod snow breathing heavily as Naruto said with an excited tone from my left "Man that was something. "


"I can't believe we won. " Hinata said with a smile looking at the sky from my right side.


"They were just a bunch of coward's who can bully the weak." I said with a smile.


"Who are you calling weak?" Hinata said with an angry tone from my side, hey why are you getting angry when you were crying a moment ago, did the victory went to your head that is why you are acting strong.


"You are in trouble now Kazuna." said Naruto with a laugh from my side.


"So why were they bulling you back then?" ignoring her serious question I asked Hinata with a curious face.


"You see I am from the Hyuga clan and my eyes are different than others so they…" Hinata who was looking at the sky said with a said tone as she turns towards me as I see her eyes and looking at them with a dazed tone said unconsciously "They are beautiful."


"What did you say?" Hinata said with a sudden shout immediately after hearing me calling her eyes beautiful.


"Nothing. " I said avoiding her gaze in embarrassment as I didn't want to repeat myself but Naruto by my side suddenly said with a smile, "He said your eyes are beautiful although it is kind of strange for me…"


"Brother." I quickly stopped him from finishing his stupid explanation after that we introduced ourselves to each other and I got to know she is called Hinata Hyuga and the current Princess of the Hyuga clan as Naruto said with an excited face "So you are the Princess of the Hyuga clan?"


"Why are you so excited?" she asked with a confused face looking at Naruto.


"You know we had joined your 3rd birthday party and the test of the food from that day I still can't forget about it. " Naruto explained with an excited expression then he let out a sigh at the end and looking at his sudden shift in the mode Hinata asks in worry "What is wrong Naruto-sun?"


"He is sad because this year we weren't able to join your birthday party." Knowing the reason for Naruto's sadness I said with a sigh and to tell you the truth I was also anticipating her birthday party but the Hyuga had refused to let any unauthorized access so we weren't granted any entry to their can compound although last year we were unable to enter the real party this year we were even unable to enter the party altogether sigh~.


"Why weren't you at the party as much as I remember Father had excited everyone in the village to my birthday party and compared to last year there were more people this time around." Hinata had a confused face as she looks at us.


"It wasn't that we didn't want to attend you know?" Naruto said with a serious face hearing her asking us with such a confused face and I am sure it is because her clan had restricted us which made him angry when she said such a thing, damn it was your birthday…


"I am sorry." Not understanding the reason for the sudden change of tone from Naruto Hinata said while looking at the snow on the ground feeling guilty even when she didn't know what was her mistake.


"You don't need to apologize to us…" Kazuna said shaking his head then explained they are orphaned kids and the last time it was just lucky for them to join the party even if it wasn't the original party but this year even the orphans weren't allowed so.


Hearing his explanation and finding them orphans Hinata looks at them with a sad tone before promising to invite them this year as well and again apologized to them for not allowing and letting them join the main birthday party.


After some time of conversation, they agreed to become friends and she became their first friend and unknown to them they also became her first friend but suddenly the clod wind blew through the first as Naruto started shivering in cold "Man it is becoming colder. "


"I think it will be favorable for us in returning home before we catch a cold." Kazuna said with a serious face as he looks at his dress.


"Sorry for your scarf Kazuna-Kun." looking at the almost destroyed scarf on Kazuna's shoulder Hinata said with a worried face.


"Don't worry I will ask the old man for another one. " Kazuna said with a laugh as he did not care about such a minor thing and continued "Besides your clothes had also gotten destroyed in the fight with the bullies. "


"Hey get away from Hinata-sama~" when Hinata wanted to say something we a middle-aged man with a similar eye as her running towards us with an angry face and looking at his face which showed the same face that granny used to show us when he is going beat us so we quickly ran away in fear.