11. The Hokage

Editor: Darklord331

With time the Yellow and Orange hair brothers started learning more and more about the shinobi lifestyle and the constant interaction with the Hyuga clan especially Hinata and Neji's family and Hinako's care for them made them have a better environment for their growth and subconsciously they started thinking of her as a motherly figure.

Being advised and thought by Hinako, Naruto and Kazuna have learned a lot about what to and not to do.

Although Naruto will still create some troubles from time to time however it is not hard for Hinako to solve with her husband's assistance when she needs to and Naruto will get a good punishment which stops him from doing the same thing that will cause him to get punishment or anger aunt Hinako.


After leaving Naruto in Neji's house to play with him I went to the Konoha hospital to learn some advanced Medical Ninjutsu's from the director of the Konoha hospital.

"Make sure you removed the infected cells before you join to continue the process or the poison can spread to the baby." As I continue the operation under his guidance, he advised me and after a successful operation, I left in direction of the forest of death where the old man is waiting for me or he should be waiting for me.


Arriving at the designated location beside the lake I didn't discover anyone and went under a big tree to take shelter from the sun as I wanted to take a nap until the old man arrives and we continue my training.

While I was looking at the sky and the fleeting clouds with daze and thinking about the difference in the attitude from the village and the Hyuga clan members I felt as if someone is looking at me and upon further concentration, I discovered the source of my sudden surprise is not far but right above my head or the tree I am under making me surprised before becoming serious.

"Someone is keeping an eye on me and it's not similar to any of the masked shinobi (Anbu) I know of." getting cautious because of the unknown I thought to myself then looking up at the tree and trying to discover or have a little glimpse at the person above the tree I thought "Did the Hokage appoint a new Shinobi to keep an eye on me?"

After staring at the tree for a few more minutes I found no change in the emotion or chakra of my target but for some unknown reason felt uncomfortable so without further hesitation, I took out a kunai and threw it towards my target before asking in a serious tone "Show yourself."

"Interesting." came a reply with surprise in the tone from an elderly man from which I assume he is almost at the same age as the old man.

 When I am few meters away from the tree because of my previous jump, I determined to talk with the person who was keeping an eye on me even if that shinobi is one of the Masked ones or not I need to discover his identity. 

If he is a masked shinobi then I want to ask about the granny from the orphanage and if he is someone who has some other interest then I will take action according to the condition.

However, the moment I landed on the surface of the planet the Kunai I threw at the tree came returning at me and 

 passed by me after cutting a part of my cheek causing blood to flow out from it which surprised me at the speed of his reaction because it isn't even a second from the time I threw the kunai towards him.

Although I got a cut on my cheek it wasn't tough enough for a little mystical palm to heal it fully but I who has mastered and knew the process of how it works doesn't need my hand to perform the healing jutsu using my hand.

However, with only a single thought of mine, the area of the wound lit up with green Chakra as I hear the surprised tone of the aged man turning cold "Kid's your age shouldn't play with sharp stuff or it can cause harm."

"And what is an old man who has a leg in the grave stalking a kid like me for if I may ask?" as the wound is already gone I stopped channeling my chakra to my wound and holding the kunai which still has a small amount of my blood I asked looking at the tree with vigilance.

"Hiruzen has brought up yet another rascal but no worry because a little bit of discipline will fix it in no time." said the old man as I can feel rage and frustration from the old man on the tree.

When I felt a little bit of pressure feeling the vast Chakra which he released for a moment which even caused me to take a step back in fear however, not soon after a moment I collected myself before getting serious about my opponent.

"What do you want old man?" as much as afraid I am there is still that advice I got from the old man which is 'Never shows your fear to your enemy if you want to get out in one piece or you will not even get the escape much less fight against him.'

"Nothing but to recruit you under me kid." announced the old man still not showing himself and I wasn't confident to approach fearing some kind of trap he might have placed around me.

"Who are you? 

Why do you want to recruit me?

ans  what is your purpose for approaching me?" I inquired all the questions I can think of simultaneously still not going ease at the strange feeling he is giving me as I didn't get to see him until he decided to get down from the tree by slowly waking down from the shadow of the tree and soon came a man who has his whole left side covered in bandage together with his left eye making me surprised by his appearance when he introduced himself with a venomous smile  "You can call me as Danzo-Sama as…"

"What do you think you are doing Danzo?" before Danzo can finish his explanation came to a shout from afar and turning my head I can recognize Hiruzen is moving at a very fast speed towards us.

"Old man." turning my head towards the source I exclaimed in surprise as Hiruzen finally lands beside me while announcing with a serious tone looking at Danzo "Who permitted you to meet Kazuna?"

"From when do I need your permission to move around the village Sarutobi? " inquired Danzo looking at Hiruzen with annoyance on his face.

"The moment I became the Hokage…"