Bite me

The success in the operation changed nothing for Hinata and Naruto as they were oblivious of the dangerous period Hinako has just passed however they were very happy about the birth of Hanabi and Naruto was shocked finding Hinako getting slim all of a sudden or Hanabi was inside her belly.

Being alive and going through such a tough time Hinako and Hiashi decided to not have children in the future (Not going to comment on the personal life as it is their matter. ) but their view towards Kazuna changed from only a loving and caring child to a person deserving of respect.

So they now call him San instead of Chan although it wasn't noticed by many it was a suitable changed as for Hiruzen after finding out Kazuna successfully healing Hinako knew he must have access to the Kyuubi chakra making him delighted to no end however he also forbid for the Shinobi that knew about the process to anyone by making it an S-rank secret of the village.


Time moves faster than even the burning candle and 6 months has passed from the time of Hanabi's birth she is now able to sit and even walk on her 4 limbs and Naruto and I became 5 years old a few months ago and even joined Hinata on her birthday on the last month and the feast was even better than the time she was 3 years old.

This time they didn't invite anyone outside the Hyuga clan except me and Naruto.

"Kazuna pay attention will you? " shouted Joichiro-sensei with an angry tone finding me sleeping on the table but you know I am not sleeping right.

The sensei doesn't know that I am paying full concentration in his lectures it is just I know everything he is teaching us because Gramp's had gone through it all long ago.

(Yes you are paying attention by telling us your past. )

"I am listening Joichiro-Sensei. " I replied with a smile turning to him. 

Oh, right I forgot to mention to you all that I have joined the Academy with my brother and Hinata a few months prior although Neji is one class above us he goes home with us when we leave the Academy.

"Good. " Joichiro-sensei gave a nod in satisfaction before continuing "As I was saying that year Lord first Hashirama Senju fought against Madara Uchiha in a one and one battle and own the seat for the Hokage. "

"Teacher? " although I have learned this from the old man I still wanted to make it difficult for the Joichiro sensei as it is getting board and hearing my shout and looking at my raised hand he replied with a smile "Do you need something Kazuna? "

"Yes, Sensei. " I said with a nod before continuing "As you have said it was Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju the first Hokage who had built the village on their friendship. "

"Yes it is correct they had indeed created this village on it after they had a vision in their younger days. " Joichiro Sensei said with a smile as he felt proud of himself thinking I am paying proper attention to his lessons but he is not aware I am going to make him fall into a tough situation.

"Then I want to know why did the first Hokage who is known for his just and kind nature didn't hand over the position of the village leader to his best friend when he didn't want that position as we were told. 

Why didn't he just Madara become the Leader at that time instead he fought against him and killed him? 

Does it make the right thing in killing your best friend for the position if so what makes him a kind and just person?

Doesn't it mean he is a tyrant just because he is stronger than the other party he did whatever he wanted? " I asked with a serious face at that time Hiruzen explained to me about a lot of evil and darkness about Madara Uchiha which is the reason for him not even liked by his clansman.

"He was a member from the Uchiha clan if he… " Joichiro-sensei wanted to say something but the Uchiha kid at the front was looking at him with a serious face and I think it made him hesitate for a moment before he closed his mouth and refrained himself from saying it in getting the wrath of the Uchiha clan and I am not sure if it was his luck or faith the bell rang at this time when I was looking at him with a serious face to know his opinion but this saved him as he said with a sigh of relief while cleaning the cold sweat from his forehead "The class is finished next is the physical experience class everyone please move outside where Mizuki-Sensei is waiting for you. "

"Coward~ "  I said with a sigh under my breath looking at his running back and knew there nothing I can learn in the Academy about history especially from this teacher who is afraid to even speak the truth and the history lesson from gramps was more than enough.

"Kazuna if you are this slow you will never become the next Hokage believe it. " called Naruto from the door with an excited smile as I said with a snort "Brother do whatever you want I will become the next Hokage. "

Although I don't feel good after finding out Hiruzen as the Hokage however it didn't make me lose interest in that position because of the power and prestige it provides to the one in it.

As I arrived at the outdoor training ground I saw my classmates running and jumping in the playground and my brother arguing with the black Uchiha kid who was looking at Joichiro Sensei with a serious face as I asked Hinata with confusion "Why are they arguing Hinata-chan? "

" Naruto-san and Sasuke-San want the same spot as the starting point for the 100-meter run and neither of them wants to give up the spot. " Hinata-chan said with a smile turning to me.

"And what is so special about that spot they are arguing for? " I asked with confusion looking at her not understanding what is so special about the started point to make them argue with one another.

"Oh~ it is the middle section of the runway. " Hinata said pointing at the running tracks and I knew why and with a serious face added "That is not for them to fight over because that belongs to none but me. "

"Sorry? " Hinata asked in surprise as I said with a serious face "Remember Hinata-chan if you dont take what you want when someone else will take it away from you and I am going to take that position from them. "

With that, I left behind Hinata who's eyes suddenly started shining although I am not sure if she had actived her dojutsu however that is not important because I am on the center track fr where the victory will be easier than any other place even if I am faster then them I don't want to put many efforts in competition against them so it is the best place.

"Hey what do you think you are doing Kazuna? " Asked Sasuke stopping his argument with Naruto as I stole or took the place they were arguing a moment ago.

"Yes, that place belongs to me so get away from there Kazuna? " Shouted Naruto with an angry face.

"Where is your name? " I asked with a smark on my face making them angry but before they can argue with me Mizuki-Sensei shouted with a serious face "Alright everyone let us take our spot and get prepared as we will be starting in the count of 3. "


Mizuki-sensei shouted as Naruto and Sasuke quickly moves to my left and right with an angry face as I gave them a proud smile and I think their anger went a step further making Naruto shout "Don't think you have won just because you have taken the best spot away from me? "

"I will show you taking advantage will be pointless. " Sasuke said with a cold face looking at me.

"Yeah~… Yeah~... I have heard that a lot. " I said with a carefree smile while cleaning my ears with my little finger and their face had gone red in anger I think.

And after the race is you can be sure it is I who has become the winner of the short Race making Naruto and Sasuke annoyed at me and they didn't want to accept me as the winner but what can they do " Bite me. "


In the original version, The Uchiha Massacre happened when Sasuke was 7 so I assume they joined the academy before that and divided it into two parts.

5-6 years as pre-academy years where they learn some basics of Shinobi to get prepared for the original training to become a Shinobi at this 2 year they will also learn about some history and legend besides basics.

While in 7-12 years they will be thought true Shinobi training and start getting the lesson to become proper Shinobi.