Among us

Uzumaki one-room apartment.

By the time I returned home it was already afternoon and Naruto is nowhere to be found and the only place can be except home is the Hyuga clan compound or specifically Hinata's house.

"Fine, I will also go and find him there. " I said with a sigh before going out of the apartment after I closed the lock after I out my head protector in a safe place before changing my clothes to a blue T-shirt and a black pant.


While on my way I saw Shikamaru and Choji arguing with a blonde hair girl making me surprised as I approach them to ask in curiosity standing behind the girl "Is there anything wrong guys? "

"Kazuna come to help us. " Choji said with a smile discovering me.

"Good thing you have arrived I need to visit someplace with choji can you help us keeping Ino company for the time being? " not showing his lazy man persona Shikamaru asked me with a serious face making me surprised at his sudden change as I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Shikamaru what do you mean? " the blonde-haired girl asked with anger looking at Shikamaru before adding "What do you think of leaving me with someone else when our parents asked us to play together? "

(Inside she is thinking if it weren't asked by her parents wanting her to play with the stupid boys for bonding of future team cooperation then she might be able to play with Sakura right now. )

"Thank you for taking care of her Kazuna. " without giving me a chance to refuse Shikamaru left with Choji leaving only dust behind also since when did they learn to run this fast and is this girl truly that dangerous for them to leave her as if their life depends on it.

"Shikamaru, Choji come back here? " Info shouted with an angry face as I can only look at her with an awkward silence however before she can turn and cause further trouble for me as well I quickly used chakra in my legs to do a long jump to and on a building far away from her so she can't find even the shadow of me 'What? You thought I will be taking care of her just because they want me or she is a girl if so you are very wrong because I don't want to get in trouble that others are throwing in my direction to take care of. '

After escaping the Ino girl I quickly moved toward the Hyuga compound and without any doubt, Naruto is indeed there playing ninja with Neji while Hinata is trying to teach Hanabi how to walk.

"Be careful or you might hurt Hanabi–chan. " when I saw Hinata letting go of Hanabi–chan's and she almost fell on the floor I quickly moved to her and catching before she can hit the floor said with a serious face.

After that, we played some random games before leaving though we eating dinner that Aunt Hinako cooked for us.


The next day…

Training ground 3…

Training ground 3 is locked at the opposite side of the Shinobi academy almost attaching it to the first of death if not the huge wall and the river that decide the two it would be almost a part of the first entering the training ground I discovered uncle Shikaku sleeping under a big tree without any care of the world.

"You are earlier than I expected. " he said as I approached him opening his eyes making me surprised but soon regaining my calm I explained, "I thought you are sleeping however it appears I was wrong all along. "

"I shinobi must be cautious even when he is sleeping always remember that.

Besides, you have walked so near to me and even if then I don't notice you there is no need for me to be a Jonin council member anymore. " Uncle Shikaku said with a serious face.

Not long after me Izumi–san also arrived and discovering us she gave an apology "Sorry for making you wait. "

"It's alright there are still 5 minutes left till the appointed time. " Uncle Shikaku said shaking his head.

While waiting for Hana the last member of our squad I decided to have a conversation with Izumi–san "Sorry for causing disturbance the other day Izumi–san. "

"It's alright you don't need to apologize to me Kazuna–san, after all, we were also chasing your from behind while talking about you behind your back, however, I still don't feel good about your hearing our conversation secretly. " Izumi–san gave a smile looking at me after shaking her head in denial.

"I won't do that again. " I promised as we started having a conversation among each other as I got to know she has a boyfriend in the same clan as her and the boy is the successor of the clan so if she wants to stand by his side she needs to work hard because of her low status in the clan and I also told her about my brother and about Sasuke who will create trouble for him.

Hearing about Sasuke she explains the egotistical boy is precisely the younger brother of her boyfriend Itachi Uchiha.

When it was almost 7 Hana finally decided to show herself while shouting for being late however Uncle Shikaku shook his head saying it was alright because she has arrived at the perfect time.

"Good, now that all 3 of you have arrived I want to inform you that, only getting the graduation from the Academy isn't enough for you to become a true Genin but you also need approval from the Jonin captain in your case that would be me.

So if I were to decide you are not qualified for the job you will need to return to the Academy and wait for another year before some other Jonin decided to take the job as your Jonin captain and approves of your status else you will have to wait again. " hearing him I was in shock because even Gramps never said anything like this while Izumi–san and Hana only exclaim in shock "No way how can that be? "2x

While I keep silent Uncle Shikaku started his explanation once more "Yes that is how it has been working from the very beginning.

Now for your trail, I want to announce to you guys that one if you are fake and my clone just like this body of me I am using to explain everything to you.

While one of your team members is hidden somewhere in the training ground.

Your job is to find the missing squad member and defeat my clone.

Once you are done I will arrive and take you to lord 3rd.

Beware you only have the time till noon and if you aren't able to finish your mission by then you will need to wait a year longer to pass. "


The moment the come of Uncle shikaku finished his examination his clone disappeared in a puff of smoke making all 3 of us jumping far away from each other as we look at each other in vigilance knowing one of us is an impostor and a clone of uncle Shikaku who is using a transformation jutsu.

After taking a sniff Hana pointed her index finger towards me before calling out "Izumi it is the kid who is an imposter and Captain Shikaku in disguise. "

Hearing her sudden announcement Izumi–san looks at me with vigilance as I said in a hurry "Bullshit it is you who is an imposter because Hana told us she never leaves her dogs at home unless on special occasions like yesterday.

So you are captain Shikaku. "