
"Those are enormous? " I almost cried out upon the disappearance of the fog from the transformation Jutsu as Naruto turned himself into a blonde elder sister with big breast and looking at him, I couldn't help but wonder in surprise from where did he get a concept of transforming into a girl with these enormous breasts that is almost twice normal woman I had to seem in the past and why is he naked in his transformed form?

After his transformation, Naruto started making poses as if he wanted me to catch a glimpse of every part of his body while asking in pride  "What do you think? " 

"I am not sure how you defeated Gramps and Iruka sensei with this jutsu of yours? '' even if the breasts are big and he has become taller than our age but his strength is on the same level as it was a moment ago if not below that.

So I am confused about how he was able to defeat them with ease with this exhibit transformation that shames women.

"What would a kid of your age understand when you still bath with a woman at the bathhouse? " not giving proper explanation Naruto says in anger before undoing the transformation Jutsu while murmuring something like I will understand it when I become older.

"Are you seriously going to ignore my question? " not receiving a proper response from him I decided to ask him with a serious tone indicating I want answers from him, not this BS. 

"Fine, I will tell you about my training after you left the village. " that Naruto started explaining how he was trying to practice the come Jutsu just to fail again and again.

While the transformation Jutsu is progressing amazingly, however, he is yet to do anything or achieve anything in the Substitution Jutsu


With that, I started clearing his doubt as well as started helping him to do the substitution jutsu, and finally, when he started getting the hang of it we ate our dinner before going to the bed.


After a good night's sleep in our apartment after a long time, I felt all my fatigue disappear and decided to sleep a little longer than usual while Naruto left the apartment in a hurry. 

"It's 10 already? " Hearing the alarm clock, I woke up with a sigh before cleaning myself and leaving for the Forest of Death to get instructions from Gramps as he had asked me the previously wondering what he wants to teach me when he told me to not bother him unless I pass the Chunin exam.

"You are late, Kazuna? " arriving at the pre-selected location I saw Gramps standing beside a man with thick eyebrows and a green jumpsuit under a Jounin gear making me ask in confusion in confusion while approaching the two of them "Why did you bring someone with you old man? "

"Kazuna first let me introduce you ti your new Tai-Jutsu Sensei.

This is Might Guy, one of our finest Tai-Jutsu users. " Gramps told me with a smile as he introduced me to Guy sensei who is showing all his teeth to smile at me. 

"Please guide me Guy Sensei? "I requested him with expectations after getting an acknowledgment from Gramps I knew Guy sensei will not be a disappointment for me.

"Don't worry I make sure the power of youth in you gets stronger. " Guy Sensei said with a smile as I saw an illusion of ocean in his background as he stood above a cliff making me wonder how can he use a Genjutsu with almost neglectable Chakra.

Maybe I can get the answer in the unseen future. Let's just focus on my current training.  

"You two have a nice day. " after gramps is done introducing me to Guy sensei he decided to leave the two of us dir training.

"I think you are wondering why did Lord 3rd suddenly wanted to make you train in Tai-Jutsu? " Guy sensei asked me with a smile when Gramps left only the two of us behind.

"You are right because I wanted to master new Nin-Jutsu however getting some lessons on Tai-Jutsu will also be amazing as I know close to nothing about it and all along I was only relying on my instincts to fight against my enemies. " I came clean to him about my lack of knowledge in my Tai-Jutsu department.

Although whenever I get into a fight I will appear as an amazing Tai-Jutsu master but when it is against a true master you can be sure I am just pretending to be one.

"That can be a proper reason. " Guy Sensei said with an awkward smile before letting out a cough or two and starting his explanation soon after "Actually the reason why you are going to have Tai-Jutsu training is that you need to strengthen your physical body and match its capacity to handle the excessive amount of Chakra you have. "

"I don't understand your point Guy Sensei? " I asked him with a confused face now understanding his words properly. 

"Then let me explain your situation this way. " Guy sensei then started explaining about the balance of Chakra and body "You see having a high reserve of Chakra is good however having a reserve that is too big for your body can also be suicidal news for you at the same time..."

"So I need to make my body strong enough to not get affected by the usage of my Chakra no matter how much I use it till I become empty of Chakra. That way my body will be able to extract more strength in me and so better damage enemies without self-harming. " I asked with a serious face after his explanations.

"Yes and if you can make your body strong enough to ensure all the burden of your unrestrained chakra you will be able to use the Gates. " Guy Sensei notified me with a smile however he didn't explain what is the Gate he is speaking about but he promised to notify me of it when its perfect time or I am ready for it.

"Furst change into this cloth. " Guy sensei told me while taking out a green suit from somewhere that only he knows a bit and when I changed into the green costume similar to his he quickly put 4 bid on my 4 limbs causing me to slam on the ground the next moment.

"Why is it so heavy? " without any straight ti move from my spot I asked with confusion geeking at the sudden increase in my weight.

"Before we start the main training we need your body to adapt to a certain amount of weight and for starters, I am using 20 K.G on each limb of your body.

So 80 K.G is distributed all over your body and when you are capable of moving normally I will start the next part of your training. " Guy sensei announced with a smile as I struggle to move even a single hand of mine while wondering how am I going to move with 4 times the weight of my body.

After almost 3o minutes of struggling I became so tired that I wasn't left with enough strength to even struggle ti move and decided to take a short break and while I was at it I got an idea using my Chakra to strengthen my body and move.

So when I used my Chakra to move it became as easy as breathing when I wasn't able to move a moment again with all my strength and almost lost the hope of moving. 

"You have stood up even before the time I expected you to. " Guy sensei told me with surprise when he found me standing up from the ground.

"I am using my Chakra to strengthen my body by distributing it throughout my body. " I explained with a smile shaking my head to clear his confusion.

"No wonder it was so fast. " Guy sensei whispered with a smile before explaining to me "Although, you can move your body by using your Chakra however to move on to the actual training you will have to move without using your chakra.

Now if you learn to do it subconsciously that is a different story.

So I hope you will be able to carry regular tasks without using your Chakra so we can start your training. " Guy sensei explained to me with a serious face as I gave a nod in agreement to his words because I was also thinking the same thing he is telling me.

Even if I understand I need to refrain from using Chakra to straighten myself however I am also sure about the fact if I stop the Chakra flow it will instantly slam on the ground without the ability to move.

So I started decreasing my Chakra slowly and after an hour and a half I successfully got myself the strength to stand on a single spot before long I started walking with ease which indicated I am now almost prepared for my training.

"Amazing this is the power of youth. " Guy sensei declared with enthusiasm and again I got caught in the Genjutsu however before I could take action against it the Genjutsu got displeased when he decided it was time for our lunch and sure enough it was already noon.

After lunch, I was given a small break before we started 

At first, I was climbing the Hokage mountain with only my hands while he is using two fingers man he is a monster.

After which we started doing pushups only when I felt tired I started counting and after 1000 pushups I lost my strength in my limbs as the situps and many more steps of exercise followed behind with 5 minutes of short break every time.

"Don't take off any weight on your body and continue everything we did today till next Sunday and meet me in the same spot then I will move in the next step of your training. " with that he left me using his hand to walk.


"Naruto wake up it is almost afternoon? " arriving at home I found Naruto sleeping and decided to let him know before going to the washroom and cleaning myself.

But the moment I came out in regular civilian clothing, in a white T-shirt and blue pants which were hiding the weights under them, I found Naruto all freshened up and preparing to go outside to play.

"Kazuna you are finally out to let's go, Today we are going to play Shinobi escape with everyone. " Naruto said with a laugh while dragging me as I said with a sigh "I am tired, let me sleep and maybe tomorrow afternoon. "

"Don't worry we will play only for a short time before returning home. " dragging me out of the house ignoring my tired face Naruto said "When we return you will have all night to sleep. "