Mysterious Biting Marks

Hokage Tower…

After our previous mission, the month-long vacation or training break of a month ended yesterday and now I am standing in front of Gramps in his office with the rest of my teammates while waiting for our next mission.

In this one month even if I wasn't able to learn any "Ninjutsu" however the training with Guy Sensei had thought me a lot and now my speed is two times greater than it was a month ago and that is with the 150 kg weight I am under.

If I remove the weight then my speed will be 10 times than it was a month ago without using any chakra to enhance my speed and while running or walking I don't make any sound even when the body weight is on my body.

Although I can jump or step on the air with additional Chakra in use when I take off the excessive amount of weight however I am still unable to walk on water without Chakra though I have learned to rapidly step on the water to not drown in it when I am not using my chakra from Guy sensei however that is not what I wanted to achieve.

Now if I use the "Body Flicker Technique" after taking off my extra weight I will be able to create at least a few dozens of afterimages and a few moving after images and if I don't create the after image I will be able to move so fast it will appear I have teleported 100 of meters to a few K.M distances in an instant.

But this isn't my limit because if even all of this fails I will still have the first 2 gates of the 8 inner gates in my despisal that Guy sensei had thought me and permitted me to use the 1st gate only when I am at the dead-end however if I have to push it then you can be sure I will not hesitate to use the 2nd gate for a moment.

"Your mission is to assist our allies in the Kusagakura in their war against Takigakura. "gramps told us with a serious face

"Are we going to assist in name only just like team Inoichi whom we are going to replace? " asked Shikaku sensei with a serious face as he finished reading the information about the mission from the scroll in his hand.

"That is incorrect because if we directly help Kusagakura then the other major hidden villages can also join Takigakura and this can cause the 4th great ninja war as we speak. " gramps replied with a grim face as he explains the problem to us.

"Understood. " 4x we said before leaving the homage office and the village not long after that and knowing this mission is going to take much longer I left Naruto with Neji's family once more.

Although this time I won't be able to join him on the next Academic promotion Gramps and Aunt Hinako promised me they will be there for him and that is enough for me because even if Grampa does not join aunt Hinako will join Hinata and take care of Naruto with her at the same time.


Running through the forest at a moderate speed it took us a little over a day and a half when we meet with Team Inoichi and the jounin of the team Inoich has long blonde hair similar to Ino and for someone, he reminds me of her.

After some pleasantries team, Inoichi left while our tram Shikaku moved into the Kusagakura camp.

"I am Shikaku Nara and we will be replacing the team Inoichi from now on. " Shikaku Sensei introduced himself as we arrived at the Kusagakura commander's tent.

"The famous intelligent officer of Konoha, I have heard a lot about you. " said the Kusagakura commander as he stops reading the reports at hand.

After that, they had a short conversation and we quickly got assigned to a guarding post not long after.

On the first day, nothing major took place and everything seems to be fine if we exclude the constant tension from the war and frequent returning bodies of injured shinobies and dead bodies.

On the 2nd day of our arrival, the camp got surrounded by Takigakure Shinobies as we were forced to engage in conflict for half a day however we never killed anyone only injured the ones that attacked us before they ran away.

"Shikaku–san what do you think of this situation a… " as I was healing Hana and the rest of my team from their injuries came the commander of the Kusagakura camp for advice however when he found me healing my teammates his words got blocked as he asked with an intense complexion looking at my direction "Is he a Medical Nin? "

"Can't you understand from his performance? " asked Shikaku Sensei as I finished healing the cut on his back.

"Can you lend him to me for a while? " the Kusagakura commander asked with a serious face looking at me.

"Why? " Shikaku sensei asked with a serious face as I can feel some hostility from not just him but even Hana and Izumi–san as if he has said something that is offensive or they are worried about me for I am the Jinchuriki of Konoha.

"We need to heal someone urgently and if we wait for the medical min from the village to come she will not make it. " Kusagakura Commander announced with a serious face and from his emotions, I am certain he is not telling a lie.

"It's none of our business. " Shikaku sensei replied with a serious face as the face of Kc (Kusagakura commander) darkens however ignoring that Shikaku sensei continued his speech "Besides we are here to assist you in battle, not on medical support. "

"But if you don't help she will die can you take responsibility for her death when you can save her? " Kc shouted in anger however Shikaku sensei didn't care and just wanted to deny helping "Why do you… "

"Sensei let me heal the person he wants me to. " I announced cutting in because for some reason I felt if I don't help her I will regret it in the future. 

"Are you sure Kazuna? " asked Shikaku sensei in surprise as I gave a nod in affirmation "Yes. "

"Then follow me. " KC said as we started moving towards a tent at the far corner of the from where I felt a familiar feeling from a chakra signature that will soon vanish indication to near-death feeling.

"She is inside that tent. " KC announced pointing at the tent from which I am feeling a weak Chakra signature and giving then a nod quickly moved inside the tent just to find a woman with white hair and almost dried muscle as if she is only made of bones but the thing made me surprised "What are the biting marks on her body? "