Ultimate Summoning Beast 1

Edited by: Darklord331

Chigiri Sea...

Landing at the soil of the unknown island the Konoha shinobis walks towards the two beasts who are fighting as if they will take the life of the other they didn't show any trace of fear even if those two are far stronger than them.

When they arrived a few meters closer to the beasts the wolf was the one who discovered them followed by the Tiger while looking at them with aggression and killing intent but the Shinobies showed no fear from them nor did they push in their steps.

"Sharingan." walking forward Izumi said with a carefree tone before the beasts looked her in the eyes as she put them into the Genjutsu as she was instructed and it took her little to no effort and turning towards the others she said with a smile "It was easier than I had expected."

"Control them and make them lead the way so we can reach the ones who are behind this." said Shikaku with a nod.

"Understood." Izumi said with a nod as the beasts started leading the way through the forests and the smaller beasts on the island didn't even dare to approach them.

After a while, they heard a loud noise and following the origin, they discovered 4 shinobies are fighting against a huge Thunder wolf you are asking why not a normal because the wolf is releasing lighting from its body from time to time.

(Who is this Pokemon?)

"It's shinobi from Kumogakure." Izumi said, narrowing her eyes as Kazuna asked in surprise "What do we do Sensei?"

"Let's observe before taking any drastic action." said Shikaku with a serious face before turning towards Izumi "Make those beasts return to where they were fighting else they might attract some unwanted attention."

With Shikaku's commands, Izumi makes the bests return while Hana asks with a serious tone " The Kumo shinobi are going to lose, aren't they?"

"Yes they can only use lighting styling and they are fighting a beast that also uses a lightning chakra to fight.

So lightning is ineffective on them while the beast is getting stronger the more they attack it and they lose more of their stamina as the fight progresses. 

If they had a Shinobi who is proficient in wind nature the result might be different.

Am I right Sensei?" Kazuna who has analyzed everything said with a chuckle as he looks at the Kuno shinobi in disdain for he has a bad memory of them from his childhood.

"It's more or less the same as my thoughts." said Shikaku and not long after that the Kumo shinobi got defeated by the thunder wolf as Izumi who has the softer heart among them asks with a worried tone "Aren't we going to help them so they don't become food for the wolf?"

"Wait for a while I have a feeling we will learn someone if we observe them." stopping Izumi with a hand signal, Shikaku said with a serious face.

"Sensei is right. I can feel a few Chakra signatures approaching them as we speak." Kazuna agreed with a nod as he pointed toward a certain direction then continued "and there is a chakra signature who feels familiar but I have never seen it but it is even stronger than Sensei."

"Do you mean they have someone who has a chakra reserve even bigger than myself?" said Shikaku with worry while thinking 'This is truly depressing. All my students have a bigger chakra reserve than me and they cannot defeat me, only because I have more experience than them.

Am I pathetic or just too smart? Sigh~ '

"That girl has red hair like Karin." Hana exclaims in surprise as she looks at the leading girl who has long red hair.

"She not only has a similar hair color but she is also a member of the Uzumaki clan." said Izumi with a serious face while looking at the leading girl with her Sharingan through which she can see the Uzumaki symbol on a certain part of the girl's dress.

"How can that be?" Kazuna asks in surprise as his eyes are fixed on the girl.

"Izumi use your Sharingan to inform us what are they talking about?" said Shikaku while taking another looks at the leading girl.


As the Thunder wolf walks forward to take a chunk of the unconscious short blonde-haired woman with its sharp teeth the woman in a white lab coat behind the red-haired girl orders with a serious face "Honoka restrain the beast before it can harm our test subject."

"Yes, professor Shina." said Honoka Uzumaki with an expressionless face as if she has no care for the order nonetheless she obeyed the Professor as golden chains get out of her back, and soon the thunder wolf lost all its ability to move.


Far Away from Honoka, the Konoha shinobis exclaims in surprise witnessing her level of using the chains so perfectly and Hana said with a chuckle "Looks like you aren't the only one who can use the chains kid." 

"Hey, when did I say that I am the only one able to use the chains?" Kazuna said with narrowed eyes as he observed Honoka and his face showed a mysterious smile.

"Will the two of you stop when we are in the middle of something important?" said Shikaku in annoyance.


Back to Honoka.

"what do we do with them, professor Shi?" said professor Shina with a narrowed eye as he looks at the Kumo shinobi.

"Let's take them to the lab and use them in different tests, I don't want to waste them all at once because this is the first time I have found a Shinobi." said the old man who has a white lab coat and is standing beside Professor Shina.

"Yes I had been getting tired from experiencing the normal civilians whom the beasts were fetching for us." said Professor Shina with a chuckle but the crazy curve at the corner of her lips shows her true nature all too well.

"What are you guys waiting for? Take them to the laboratory." said Shi with an angry face looking at the chained people behind them.


"Sensei it's them who are responsible for the missing of the people of Chigiri Sea's various Islands." Izumi said with a serious face.

"So the Thunder Wolf has created artificially, no wonder I have never heard something like the Thunder wolf before." said Shikaku with anger on her face.

"Are we going to follow them to their base or report back to the village?" said Hana with a curious face.

"We don't have time to report and wait for permission from the Lord 3rd but we cannot attack them head-on." said Shikaku shaking his head knowing full well by the time the reinforcement arrives the civilians and the Kumo shinobies will be long dead.

"Sensei how about we rescue the captive before taking action against them?" asks Kazuna with a serious face.

"Alright, it's decided I will distract them with Hana and Izumi while you will be responsible for the rescue." said Shikaku with a nod.

"Alright start distracting them when I give the signal."