Vigilance in the enemy territory

Outer Mountain in the desert.

Upon opening the Heaven and Earth scrolls a summoning jutsu was active and with a puff of smoke, Shikaku arrived in the middle of everyone as Baki gives a nod in approval to indicate they have passed the 2nd part of the exam.

Although the 3 of them understood they have passed the exam however the sudden arrival of their Jounin instructor was confusing them to no end as they weren't informed about the summoning Scroll beforehand.

"What do you think about them Baki-san? " giving a nod to his students Shikaku smiles proudly before asking Baki with a chuckle.

"You weren't bosting for nothing when you said your students are amazing and I have to agree to that point.

After all, they are the first ones to arrive and this is the first time someone passed the 2nd part in less than 2 days when it's held between the two villages. " said Baki with an approving nod however deep inside he is also making plans to do something about this young shinobi who might become a threat to his village 'Damn it why do Konoha always get blessed with some amazing Shinobi? '

"Now that they have passed the exam can we move to the village, after all, they are tired from the journey? " asks Shikaku with a satisfied nod hearing Baki agreeing with him however he also needs to care for his students doesn't he.

"Sure the Kazekage has already prepared a living quarter for every participant for the Chunin Exam.  " said Baki with a smile before leading everyone through the narrow mountain path and glancing at Kazuna with a cold light flashing in his eyes 'I need to make sure Lord Kazekage do something to this brat before he becomes another threat like the Copy ninja or the Yellow flash. '

While walking through the mountain path Shikaku didn't forget to explain why and how the summoning scroll works as he has already noticed their confusion "Upon the union of the Earth and Heaven scroll, a summoning seal will be created and the Jounin instructor responsible for the team will arrive upon opening the scrolls. "

Understanding the function of the scroll Hana asks in curiosity "What if we had opened only one of the scrolls or opened it without Baki-san's permission? "

"Excellent point. " approving her curiosity Shikaku continued his explanation "Even if you open one scroll or without Baki's permission even then I would come however the Scroll can summon a person only once.

So when you arrive at the end you will not be able to pass and get disqualified. "

"But sensei we have taken the scroll from the others and if our scroll was also stolen and we snatched a scroll from someone else what will happen then? " asks Kazuna with a serious face.

"You see when you open the scroll it will take a part of your chakra and that will be the signature of which team has opened the scroll.

So it didn't matter where you get the scroll because I will arrive no matter which scrolls the 3 of you open.  " says Shikaku with a chuckle.

After answering Kazuna, Izumi also asks "If one scroll is enough to summon him, why did they need two scrolls to complete the exam? "

"Although one scroll is enough to summon the Jounin instructor however it still has a range to where it can work.

So when the distance is so far, they needed two scrolls combination strength to summon from so far. "

As they moved through the Mountain Path Baki never saw the Konoha kids stop their mouth for once and Shikaku also answers all their questions patiently and understood why the Konoha Shinobis are going so different from them.

However, he doesn't know how different this team is from all other teams.

While listening to the conversation of team Konoha they finally arrived at an opening and soon saw many big and small houses made of stones raising from the sand as Baki introduced it to be the Sunagakure.

While walking through the village they noticed not only the design of the house but the behavior and clothing of the villagers are many times different than the citizens of the fire country.

As they walk through the village they also got some curious, hostile, and friendly looks from the villagers, and not long after they arrived under the tall tower in the middle of the village as Baki explained "This is the residence of Lord Kazekage, if you have any complaints or feel discomfort feel free to report here. "

"Is allowed for us to get access in the Kazekage tower? " asks Hana with a confused face because this is the home of the person who has the biggest authority in the village so getting access here so casually doesn't seem right for her.

"Yes most of the time it is not accessible without permission however you got special permission thanks to the Chunin exam till it ends. " examined Baki before pointing at the building next to the Kazekage residence "This house was assigned as temporary housing for all the Shinobies who will come for Chunin exam.

Now that I am done with most of the explanation, please excuse me. "

At that point, Baki left the Konoha Shinobis using Body Flicker Jutsu.

"Now that Baki has left its time I explained some important subject to you. "  says Shikaku with a serious face without calling Baki's name with any honorific indication to his true thoughts about Baki.

"Is it about us being in enemy territory? " asks Kazuna with a serious face as he can feel the chakra signatures from Kazekage's building.

"Are they going to keep a constant eye on us? " asks Hana in a serious tone.

"Will we get attacked suddenly because of our past resentment? "asks Izumi with a grim face as she looks at Shikaku.

"As you know even if we are allied by contract, at the moment however in the past war they had lost many of their Shinobies at our hand.

So if some of them attacked us for revenge or any alternate motive it won't be surprising. " with note Shikaku explained many points by the time they arrived at the temporary housing before choosing their respective rooms.

While Izumi and Hana went to the next room of Kazuna and Shikaku with the previous agreement then Hana commanded her Ninkens to keep guard for them.

As for Kazuna and Shikaku, Kazuna used a version of seal similar to the one that is protecting Konoha however this one can only cover a few meters just barely enough to cover the room.


The second day morning in Sunagakure.

As the Chunin exam is still in progress Shikaku had to leave his students behind to join and oversee it, as girls Hana and Izumi are excited to do some shopping however, Kazuna declined them in joining as he is well aware they will make him carry their bags.

So he will stroll around the village by himself and might buy some goods for his friends and family if it interests him.

So all 4 members of Team Shikaku went their separate way for their convenience.

Walking through the village many things in the stores attracted his attention however he first wants to tour around the village before buying anything.

while walking through the village he was marveling at the difference between Konohagakure and Sunagakure when he discovered a boy with dark hair and a blonde girl running out of the Kazekage Tower.

Although he was curious about the identity of the kids who are at the same age as him, however, it is also not important so he decided to stop himself from this trouble.

Although Kazuna didn't call the kids, however, they had also discovered him, and not getting a greeting from someone made the boy uncomfortable as he shouts in anger "Hey you stop right there? "