Shukaku of the Sand

"Are you trying to buy the whole Sunagakura lineup of girl's items? " looking at the bags in Hana and Izumi's hand Kazuna couldn't help but ask.

"Kazuna you are here, come help us carry these bags I and to buy that clock but has no free hand. " since it's already afternoon and they can not carry more items the girl's wanted to return to the hotel but they were regretting since there are more items they failed to get because of no freehand but now that Kazuna is here Izumi didn't hesitate to ask for his help.

"Yes, I also want to get some clocks for my family. " Hana agreed without hesitation.

"I knew it was a bad idea to call for you guys. " says Kazuna with a serious face however he didn't have any other choice but to carry the bags from their hands albeit only one 3rd of the bags from each girl because of his small body frame and didn't forget to add "This is why I didn't want to come with the two of in the first place and even then I had to encounter with the two of you, just my luck. "

"Come on admit it, you were getting bored by yourself. " says Izumi with a smile.

"No wonder you would call for us. " Hana says in agreement.

"Like hell, I was getting bored, and believe it or not I was having more fun than the two of while you were shopping. " says Kazuna with a smug face looking at them in the eye.

"No way. " says Izumi in disbelief.

"Like we will believe you can have more fun than us while we were shopping. " says Hana in determination.

"How about I show you? " says Kazuna with a smile as the bags in his hand started floating around him the next moment before he took out a sealing scroll and making few hand seals calls out while pressing his hand on the scroll "Open. "

The next moment with a puff of smoke a small puppet of a bird appeared before them as Kazuna shows a smug smile before asking "What do you think? "

"How did you do that? " asks Hana in disbelief.

"This is the best thing ever, you must teach us. " demands Izumi with a passion.

"Yes, and we won't take no for an answer. " says Hana strongly.

"See I told you so. " said Kazuna while controlling the bird.

"Yes and I can not believe while we were shopping you were learning something so convenient for the two of us. " says Hana in passion.

"Yes, if we knew the reason you didn't join us in the morning is so you can learn a jutsu to help us carry more bags then we would have also joined you instead of shopping. " says Izumi with a smile.

"Wait what are you guys talking about? " listening to their final comments Kazuna was first confused before looking at their faces just to find them looking at the floating bags behind him with lover in their eye instead of the puppet he is controlling and know the reason for their passion and couldn't help but ask in disbelief "No I am not talking about the bags but this. "

"Oh! A puppet. " says Hana with a casual nod looking at the floating puppet.

"Is there something special about it? " asks Izumi in curiosity.

"Of course, Can't you see I am controlling it," says Kazuna while moving the puppet bird that flapped its wings while moving in front of them.

"Yes, the infamous Puppet master Jutsu we have heard of it from Sensei and a lot actually. " says Izumi with a nod before asking "But more importantly teach us how to control the bags so next time we don't need to worry about lacking hands to carry them. "

"You're despicable. " says Kazuna with anger from the disappointment he felt while thinking 'What was I thinking, of course, they would care about something that can help them with shopping instead of something as cool as my new Jutsu. '


In the meantime on the Kazekage tower…

Returning home with an excited face Temari quickly makes her way to Kankuro before handing him an ice cream that she got from Kazuna who quickly stopped training before saying "This is great where did you get this from. "

"Kazuna made it for us. " says Temari with a smile.

"Can't believe he can buy those deluxe ones and use them for ice cream. " said Kankuro with a smile.

"Well he is already a Shinobi so doesn't need to worry about pocket money like us. " says Temari with a smile.

"More than that he is Konoha and I heard they pay Genin more than what our Chunin gets in every mission," says Kankuro enviously.

"That is quite normal when you think about a large number of missions they get each month compared to us. " Temari said with a sigh before she remembered "Oh right I forgot to give Gara his ice cream. "

"Make sure father doesn't find about it. " reminded Kankuro quickly looking at his sister's back.

"Yes, I know. " says Temari with a deep sigh while leaving the room.

In the upper-middle roof of the Kazekage tower, a little boy with red hair, onyx eyes with no eyebrows, and love is written on his forehead is standing at the side of the railings of the roof while looking at the village with a lonely face when Temari walks in with a smile before saying "What are doing here alone Gara. "

"Temari what do you want? " without turning his head asks Gara with a cold tone.

"Today I made a new friend and he made Ice Crime for all of us, so I am here to give you some. " says Temari not minding the cold tone from her little brother as he forced a smile on her face.

"A friend. " whispers Gara before turning towards his sister before asking "Is that an Ice-Cream in your hand Temari. "

"Yes you should try is believe me you will love this. " says Temari extending her hand.

"Thank you. " says Gara with a nod before he took the ice cream from Temari just to say in surprise "It's so hard as a rock and cold. "

"Yes I know right, Come on go ahead and take a bite you will be amazed by its test. " says Temari with a smile as she looks at Gara in anticipation.

"It's delicious. " says Gara with a closed eye when he took a bite from the ice cream.

"Temari, How many times did I warned you to not get close to your brother. " says a cold tone from the door making the two kids tremble in fear.

"Father I was just. " before Temari can explain herself a gust of gold dust swept on the roof before slamming Temari to fall on the floor as Rasha shouts out "Shut up and return to your room until I issue your permission. "

"Father doesn't hurt Temari, please. " looking at Temari having a hard time getting up says Gara with a sad tone as he quickly moved to help her sister but before he can even move a gust of gold dust swept on him before slapping the ice cream on his hand and at the same time sending him flying a few feet while Rasha says with a cold tone "Insolence, who permit you to talk. "

"Father why? What have I done... " Gara says with despair as his eyes slowly started going hollow before.
