Final day of the Chunin exam part 1

Sunagakura Stadium.

The final Chunin exam day.

Taking the Guest of honor seat right beside Rasa / Kazekage the smile on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face can't be hidden no matter how much he tried when his student easily defeated everyone to win and become a Chunin even before the exam has concluded.

If this is not an honor for the village what else can be the kid is the only one in the history to become a Chunin like that not even the two Uchiha Genius, Kakashi, or even the 4th Hokage could pull something like that.

Thinking about the achievements at such a young age Hiruzen can only wonder how much his future achievement might be for all he cares this kid might become as strong as the 2nd or even the 1st Hokage.

Thinking this how can he not feel as of flying on the nine clouds.

"Lord Hokage you are oddly happy today? " says Rada in surprise looking at the old man's happy face that is a little too much even for him to endure.

"Cough… Cough… I am just glad the exam is going on without any kind of issues. " coughing twice to clear his thought and clear his previous expression which he didn't notice from extreme joy Hiruzen quickly explain with a serious pretending to be serious as if everything till now was an illusion.

"Well that I can not agree more but I am not sure what will happen in the next match. " says Rada with a smile.

"What do you think? " asks Hiruzen in curiosity.

"The next match is between a puppet master from our village and the Uchiha girl from your village. " says Rasa with a smile as he turns to look at the arena.

"Who do you think will win," asks Hiruzen with a smile while observing the puppet master of Sunagakura.

"Although I don't want to praise the Shinobi of my village, Hatamaru is already on the Chunin level besides that previously in the battle Royal the Uchiha kid was never able to put him under her illusion, even after multiple tries.

However, it's already a month since then, so I am not sure anymore. " Rasa explained with a proud smile which was enough for him to show his true thoughts.

"From what I know Izumi is very skilled in her illusion but this Hatamaru kid is using a good trick and from his ability, I also have with you on his ability to put a decent fight against any ordinary Chunin.

If Izumi fails to defeat Hatamaru even with her Dojutsu as the support I don't think she is prepared for the promotion. " says Hiruzen in agreement as he finished observing Hatamaru. 

While talking among themselves about the progression Kazuna and others heard the instructor calling out"Hatamaru of Sunagakura vs Izumi Uchiha.

Please step into the area and wait for my cue to be processed to the next level. "

"Although your improvement is not small in the last month, however, I would be careful if I were you since Illusion didn't do anything to him in the past. " says Hana with a serious face.

"Just remember there is more to him than meets the eye. " says Kazuna with a serious face although he doesn't want to help Izumi however he also doesn't want her to lose, so a clue should be fine.

"Don't worry even if my illusion can not be effective against him, I am not someone who only relays only on it even if I am a member of the Uchihas. " said Izumi before she used body flicker jutsu to arrive on the other side of Hatamaru.

As soon as the battle between Izumi and Hatamaru begins Izumi starts throwing Shurikin and kunai at her opponent before dashing forward to end the battle swiftly but to her surprise, her opponent didn't care about any of the Shurikin or Kunai before using his body to receive them however there was no chance in his expression or even a scratch on his body.

"Damn is your body as strong as iron. " asks Izumi in surprise upon discovering the anomaly and quickly jumping back instead of approaching her opponent.

"If that was enough for you to be afraid you better stop wasting time for me. " says Hatamaru before he dashes towards Izumi as if he can disregard the gravity when his body slides across the floor.

"I have to agree on the fact your actions are something that caught me off guard for a moment but it's not something that is enough to make me afraid. " says Izumi with determination before closing her eyes and the moment she opens her eyes glow with her dojutsu in its full glory when Hatamaru arrived right in front of him and tried to punish her in the face but using her Sharingan every moves from her opponent became so slow that she not only avoids it with ease but also countered it with her chakra infused fist before announcing "After everything happened with my team from our first mission, if I lose today against you I don't think I will be able to call myself a part of Team Shikaku. "


As her speech was finished Hatamaru who went flying previously crushed in the floor not far away but the puppet on his back went flying a few meters more than him but there wasn't any movement from the puppet but he slowly stood up on the ground with some mechanical movement with a broken face.

Yes, there are some cracks on his face as if he is not a living person but a puppet and as he walks towards Izumi the cracks on his face slowly recovered before he says with a smile "I didn't expect you would be able to react to my attacks so fast but it doesn't matter since the real battle begins now. "

After his announcement, he took out 2 scrolls from his pocket before picking the puppet that was on his back before calling out "Cat and monkey show. "


After the scroll explodes in everyone's view a Cat puppet even taller than a grown man and a monkey at the same height as the Cat appeared before moving rushing towards Izumi who wasn't slow in making handheld as well and the moment she finds Hatamaru's puppets approaching her she calls out putting her hand closer to her mouth "Fire Style: Phoenix Flame Jutsu. "