Anchor 3

Max's house basement

About 8. 30 PM full moon shone brightly on the clear sky. Max felt his power almost doubling if he changes into the wolf form (Normal Wolf) it might even give him another 20% ability enchantment. if he went to 2nd form Max feared his mind will surely be clouded.

"Wow! today full moon is rather strong" Max took in a large breath calming down "how are you holding"

Beside him was chained up Scott. obviously, Scott doing much worse than Max. however, for some reason, Scott still hasn't transformed.

"I don't need your babysitting," scoffed Scott angrily "I can watch my self"

"Haha, I'm sure you can buddy" Max laugh it off not caring about Scott's attitude. although Scott's sheer will power astounded Max, the full moon still taking effect on him.

"What?! you think I fear you?" Scott seemed to irritated by Max "just because of you an Alpha? why don't we fight huh?"

Now Max regrets taking to Scott. that was probably a bad idea.

"No, no my friend you are much stronger than me. even more than Peter Hale" Max grinned evilly. "So how about this, I will give you the Keys and you can do anything to anyone"

"You can kill, Peter and then Derek" He continued "After that kill your best friend Stiles, then your mother and finally Allison. I'm sure she will be an easy kill"

When Scott heard what Max said he was furious. he tries to break the chains by pulling them.

"What did you say?" Scott snarled.

"Let me finish" Max took step back smiling "When you try to kill Allison I'm going to save her and make love to her. obviously, you trying to kill her because you don't love her right?"

Hearing Max's words Scott suddenly calmed down. his bright yellow eyes dimmed considerably.

'Good, it seems he understood he loves her quite a lot' Max thought but didn't voice out.

Scott sat down and start to thinking deeply, not even bothering to talk. Max understood Scott in the process of anchoring his anger. so he waited.

'I wondered what's my Anchor is?' a sudden thought struck him 'I don't remember what was Niklaus's but he was always angry with everyone. so that cant be. maybe my vampire side balancing it or Old Man God make it so.'

Max wasn't sure what his anchor was but Niklaus had full control over both sides. throughout series he hardly transformed into Vampire or Werewolf, it was commonly known thing.

'Maybe this is a bonus from the old man' Max decide to leave that as it is. it doesn't matter to him. he just wants to live this life happily. 'I don't know what else God gave me as Bonus'

"Hey, Max they here" suddenly his trains of thoughts interrupted by Stiles. whole time Stile was keeping an eye for Peter or Hunters. Max was right to think, someone really came for Scott.

"Who is it?" Max asked walking toward stairs. Scott still in deep thoughts. he didn't even notice Stiles voice.

"It's Peter" Stiles answered looking at Scott "What happened to him?" he whispered.

"Don't worry about him" Max walk past Stiles "Throw him Keys, so he can free himself"

"But...Alright!" Stiles wanted to refuse but looking Max he placed the Keys near Scott and followed Max.

"There are two of them you think we can hold them off?"

"I don't know about you but I think I can manage somehow" Max smile slightly before opening the front door.

Peter and Derek standing opposite side of the road directly facing Max's house. Derek's car was parked behind them. Max thought it was a really cool scene.

"Gentlemen, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Max smirked looking at two of them.

"I'm here for my Beta" Peter awakened his voice calmly.

"Don't know someone named Beta" Max turn to Stiles, surprisingly he is holding a wooden bat "do you know someone names Beta?"

"Nope," Stiles said solemnly.

"Don't force my hand..."

"Wait" Max stopped Peter in middle. "I have to ask what's up with the bat?"

"What do you mean what's up with it?" Stiles looked at him as if looking at a fool "it to fight them"

Max almost chock his saliva. what could bat do when facing an Alpha and powerful Beta? is this guy retarded?

When Max about to say something to Stiles, he saw Derek advancing toward them.

"Let me ask you something, Derek" words stopped Derek's steps "did you ever wonder how Peter got his Alpha power?"

Derek was surprised by the sudden question. although he didn't know Max very well, or not at all, his words seemed to contain some hidden meaning.

"What do you mean?" Derek asked coldly. well...he always cold for everybody.

"I mean don't you find it strange?" Max continued to smile brightly "Peter was an Alpha before Hale fire but to survive injuries like that he must scarfies his powers. but even after that, he is still an Alpha."

"What's your point?" Derek asked curiously trying to figure out what Max saying.

"Derek we can talk about this later. go get Scott for me" Peter said calmly but Max smelled little irritation coming from him.

"Hehe, if you answer us truthfully I will give you Scott how about that" Max smiled playful looking at clam Peter.

Seeing nobody is speaking Max one cared about Stiles's opinion.

"So tell me, how did you get back you Alpha powers? did Laura give it before she dies?"


With a small bang in his head, Derek finally understood everything. it was he who killed his sister, for power.

"This power belongs to me" knowing he exposed Peter raise his voice "I'm the Alpha and always will be the Alpha"

He transforms into the basic human-wolf form. not the full-on body transformation. with red eyes and long claws, he looks dangers. (AN: Scott does)

Stiles took step back while Derek got ready to battle. suddenly another shadow landed beside Derek.

"So you finally able to control it huh!" Max said looking toward the newcomer.

"Yeah! thank you for that" Scott said smiling toward Max.

"Dude you fine" Stiles jumped from happiness. but it short lived. he saw Peter transform into a full-on werewolf. red-eyed monstrosity scared the shit out Stiles's little heart.

"H-hey, I-i don't think we can handle it how about we run" Stiles patted Scott looking at Peter while pulling Max's shirt.

Another fight coming toward Max. but this time he intends to let the wolf brothers handle it.

(AN: Remember Deucalion saying Derek and Scott like brothers. like brother against brother)