End 3

Before Peter could transform into a wolf, Max delivered a sucker punch to his face. Peter stumbled back a few steps because of packed force. Max didn't intend to let Peter gain any footing. he followed up with another punch to lower abdomen.


"You! you always interfere in my way" Peter growl angrily as his face twisted from pain.

"That's not my fault. you shouldn't have scared my wife like that"

Max said landing flying kick onto Peter's face. Peter flew away spinning around before landed face first. however, Max didn't follow up.

"Is that how you want to do it? then fine, I will kill you first and then kill off Argent(s)" Peter stood up and wipe off the small trail of blood away from corner mouth.

"I don't care about your revenge, but there are some people I took a liking to, I can't let....."

Before Max could finish what he was saying, Peter, jump toward him with intent to kill. Max took a step back and did a somersault connecting one leg onto Peters jaw.

Since Peter was already at air when Max kicked him he was delayed to land. Max took advantage of this, soon is his feets touched the ground, Max bent his knees and launched himself into the air. while Peter still in the air.

Within an instance, Max reached Peter. however, Peter put up a crossed hand guard knowing Max coming for a heavy blow. Max pulled back his clenched right-fist and gathered strength into one point.

Next moment loud boom shook the entire vicinity.

Lydia couldn't stand straight, she stumbled and landed on her perky butt. she couldn't believe what she seeing. she had so many questions but the most important one was 'where the hell is camera crew?' if someone recorded this and show it to her, she would never believe it was real.

Max landed on his feet beautifully. in front of him, there was large pit human could fit in. looking at his work he felt proud. he looked at Lydia who looking at him in short distance away with mouth ajar and smiled proudly. but Max didn't approach her, he knew Peter wasn't incapacitated just yet.

Inside the man-sized pit, heavy breathing and low growling started to boil up. Max sighed knowing he had to transform into the full form again.

'Such a nice dress' as he thought his gaze fell on his girlfriend. before Peter could heal his broken bones and transformed, Max ran toward Lydia and started to undress.

"W-What are you doing?" Lydia panicked seeing Max stripping in front her. her heart beat fastened, but current time and place both felt wrong.

"Don't worry babe, we can have much coitus as we like when this over, but I'm going to transform, take my clothes and back away for a bit" Max hand her over everything except his underwear.

"You not going to fight with those on right?" Lydia asked pointing Max's underware. by now Lydia, already gotten rid of her most fear and surprises. now she was super curious about the supernatural world. things she never believed before.

"Don't worry, this piece made out of special fabric, it has a high tolerance," Max said full of confidence making a pose to show his perfect muscles and body, with underwear on. Lydia blushed even in this situation.

However, they were interrupted by ugly black humanoid Wolf.

"Lydia back away, I will beat him black and blue"

Lydia nodded looking at the ugly monster in front of her. however, there wasn't any fear on her eyes, she believed in Max.

Soon as Lydia backed away, Max also started his transformation. but, just like Max did before, Peter didn't give any chance to him. Peter stood strongly on all four, bearing fangs at Max.

Both of them lock into each other, there was a brief confrontation, but no one back down. Max was at the process of transforming. his hair turned to white as snow, facial features started to change.

Next second Max ran toward Peter while Peter also launched himself. since there was a bit distance between them, both of them had time to plan their next move.

Max jumped into the air, followed by Peter.

It only second in air, Max completed his full form. long nozzle, with a wolf-like face and white furry ears, long furry tail and Violet mixed Red eyes.


A booming body slam sent both of them back into an unsteady footing. shock wave brought strong wind into the surrounding. good thing Lydia staying a bit far away. if not she might get caught between the crossfire.

Max chased Peter in rapid phase, sending his claws straight into Peters' chest. however, Peter wasn't that simple. with the swift moment, he backed away from Max's deadly claw. they began to exchange blows, while Max had the most advantage. Peter's body riddled with scratches. but Max was considerably in better shape.

For second Max lose his advantage, following that Max felt Peter's claw sinking into the back of his shoulder piercing his shoulder blade. the pain made Max release suppressed Dog/Wolf squeal.

Feeling Peters claws sinking further, Max adapted savage way of wolf fighting. still with the claw attached to him, Max pounced toward Peters' neck.

Peter panicked but couldn't react at the time, Max's healing factor was strong. even with Peter's claws inside, he started to heal. Peter couldn't take his hand back as the wound is closing.

Max opened his wolf mouth wide and bit into Peter's shoulder in the line of his neck. he could have gone for the neck, but Max wasn't a killer, he was a predator, there was no need for killing. he sank all of his fangs and teeth into Peter's shoulder mercilessly.

(AN: In here both of them are Alphas, so bite won't have any effect. another thing, in wolf form, Vampire, is suppressed so it won't cause Peter to have vampire poisoning)

This time, it was Peter's time to whimper.

Peter tried to use his free hand but caught by Max. now both of them fell into a deadlock. Max and Peter both incapable of using both their arms. while Peter couldn't lean to bite Max's neck since his whole left side numbed by Max's extra sharp fangs.

Lydia was looking at two beasts in wonder. for some reason, she felt turned on looking at the White Wolf and his savageness. she couldn't help but question her character.


Suddenly, a gunshot interrupted her thoughts. Lydia saw Max and the monster moving away from each other.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* ..........

An uncountable amount for bullets came flying toward Max and Peter.

When Max looked at the source, he saw a bunch of Hunters lead by Cris Argent and Kate Argent coming toward them. Max looked at Peter, Max had no intention to continue the fight. since there two Alphas present, even if it was an arm of hunters they could take care of it. but Max had no reason to fight Hunters and kill them.

He once again looked at Hunters and Peter before running toward Lydia. Hunters had almost, hundred percent accuracy. almost every silver bullet pierced Max's hard skin.

"Stop shooting there are civilians"

From behind Max heard Cris Argent ordering his men. but Kate Argent didn't let them stop

"Cris if you can't do it stay away or change your....."

Max didn't wish to wait to find out what Kate said. he covered Lydia with his body and carried her princess styles. he didn't care about what Peter did, leave or stay, Max took Lydia and disappear into the darkness.