Encounter 2

"What do you want Alpha?"

Corinne braced herself feeling strange. despite knowing Alpha before she never killed someone, she keeps getting feeling something off.

There is a way to tell if a wolf or other were beasts taken innocent life before or not. if it was a Beta, his or her eyes would be bright blue, the same color as her's. if it was an Alpha, his or her eyes would be dimmed considerably and around the eyes, there will be a black circle appearing. these are the most noticeable and basic characteristic of a killer.

However, Alpha before her had neither. according to what she heard from Talia, this one most likely a True Alpha or a born Alpha. it's just that she couldn't figure out which kind this boy belongs to.

"Please, you can call me Max, it just that you are so beautiful and intelligent, I was thinking we should team up," Max said as his smile gotten wider and wider.

No matter what I must make her help me. if she wasn't here, by now I would have gone back to the beacon hills. it was Max's exact thoughts.

"I work alone, you can do whatever you want but don't try to play buddy-buddy with me," Corinne directly refused with a cold tone.

She didn't wish to work together with anyone ever again. what more, with a wolf, last time she worked with a wolf, she had to sacrifice half of her powers. but no...not this time.

"Oh! come on...it will be fun. I can tell, you are rather weak. I don't think you can fight alone whoever did this, I will be your muscle, you can be the brain" Max tried pursuing her agree with his proposal.

"Look at those cut, a single, clean strike to the neck. only with tremendous strength could archive this. even if this wasn't supernatural, which I believe it is, you can't handle them easily. you need some one's help. of course, I'm available" Max made his point leave room for Desert Wolf to think.

Sure enough, Corinne started thinking about Max's words. he was right, if she was at her prime she wouldn't need anyone's help. however, things are different now, if her theory was right she needs all the help she can get. it is unlikely her client would be any help until she finds out where those guys hiding.

"Fine! we can work together, but don't screw up anything and don't try to get close to me. all the wolves are lustful, even though you're young, there is no telling."

Corinne reluctantly agreed to let Max tag alone. she just hoped, unlike last time, she won't have regretted this time around.

Max, on the other hand, smiled happily. although some of her words hurtful, no matter what, he couldn't do the police work good as Corinne does. she was Ex-US Martial, before becoming an assassin slash mercenary. Max, on the other hand, nothing more than clueless teenager slash Otaku. there is no way his sorry ass going to catch murders. he was like Watson in the Sherlock Holmes story. totally useless, except fighting and sniffing around.

"Although I don't why you don't like Wolves, its good to have you, partner"

Max extend his arm to a handshake. Corinne felt it was bit childish, nonetheless, she shook his hand.

"I think..." Suddenly Max stopped whatever he was trying to say. he turned over to his back looking strangely. there was nothing other than crumbling wall and few rusty machines.

"What is it? did you hear something?" Corinne asked confused about Max's strange behavior.

"No...nothing, I think we should go, there is nothing more to see," Max said smiling, he acted somewhat mysteriously.

Corinne wanted to know the reason for his smile, but decide to ignore the young Alpha's strange behaviors.

"Alright, give your contact information, I will call you"

"How about this, I parked my car bit way from here, I will give you a ride. while we at it you can tell me who did this. I noticed you flinched when you saw that marks"

Corinne dumbfounded when Max said that. even, she herself didn't notice her own changes.

"Very observant, how about you tell me your reason for sniffing around and after that, I will tell you"

For a moment Max almost choked his own saliva. his brain started work furiously, making a believable story to present. next moment he came up with a rather convincing story.

"Ok, let's walk, I will tell you"

Both of them easily avoid the patrolling cops and made their way toward Max's car. for some reason Corinne never mentioned how she came here in the first place. Max didn't ask either, he thought maybe she used Uber to get over here. that wasn't important, what important was making a convincing back story.

His story was like this, a few days ago one of his Beta was killed. surprisingly his head wasn't anywhere to find. so when Max heard the same kind ammo involve in this murders he drove here. he wanted to avenge his Beta, which was first and only one he had.

Max tried his best to show some emotions when he telling the story. he knew wolves deeply care about their Betas and try to bring it out. although it wasn't as intense as they care for their Luna, nonetheless, emotions are there.

Naturally, Corinne asked a few questions. but Max was able to answer them without harming the current investigation. finally when Max started to drive back toward Portland Corinne began to narrate down her hypothesis and bit history about the supernatural world.