Follow 2

Max and Corinne continue to follow Vampires and helpless mother. As the journey continues on, Max heard Three of them talk about their new power. Although they displayed some dissatisfactory toward not being able to walk under the sun, ultimately there were happy. One man even spoke how he rips out one of his rival's head. They completely ignored the presence of Nicol.

Walking behind, Max shook his head secretly, disappointed. Those guys are already satisfied with raw power Vampires bears. They didn't even try to explore what hidden beneath their new racial characteristic. With this kind of useless people, how could Ron face full on War against Vampire hunters? It is only a matter of time before Van Helsing declares war against new Vampire covenant, Ron really needs to reconsider about recruitment criteria.

A short while later Vampire stopped before a half-finished six-story building. After closely observing for a while, Max noticed the first-floor and second floor already finalized perfectly.

"Let's go inside, Your daughter is waiting for you" woman pushed Nicol, forcing her to walk front them. Nicol had no choice, actually, she didn't refuse to go inside. Nothing more precious than her baby daughter.

"You know, sometimes I could hardly contain myself from drinking that little girl dry, she is full of blood and life" one man licked his dry lips viscously.

Other man laughed "haha, fool, you not the only one, everyone is the same, but the boss keeping her for some reason"

Although Nicol didn't say anything her little fingers dug deep into her palm. She was burning from anger and helplessness, however, she held on until Max shows up. Nicol knew he was following her all along. She didn't feel him, but for some reason, he trusted his words.

When Nicol and Vampires went inside the building, Max also prepared to follow them.

"What are you doing?"

However, before he could Corinne held his hand blocking his advancement. Now that her work is done, she finally located the Vampires, she didn't want to mass it up. What she wants to do now is to call Van Helsing and inform mission complete details. But if Max goes inside and starts fighting against Vampires, things might become a bit complicated. Corinne was unwilling to see that.

"I'm going to save that woman and her child," Max said trying to hide his urgency. He promised Nicol he will be there for her, Max dislike to break his promises.

Despite not hearing other parties conversation Corinne pretty much understood the whole situation. However, this doesn't concern her, in her theory Max too shouldn't care about that woman.

"Forget about her, your Beta will be avenged after Van Helsing come here, stay out from this, you don't want to get middle of this" Corinne warned him seriously. Although Vampire Hunters never kill Werewolves, who knows if Max were to mess up Van Helsing's plans, He might do something to young Alpha. For some reason, Corinne didn't want to see Max getting hurt.

For a brief moment, Max was startled by Corinne's genuine concern. He didn't know she could care for others, she was a person who tried to kill her own child for god sake, this was a too much of a surprise. Seeing her somewhat distressed eyes, Max gently caressed her cheeks.

"Don't worry, I won't kill them, I will tie them up after saving that woman and her child, I promise you I will not mass up with your investigation"

Not waiting for dazed Corinne to reply, Max hurriedly walked inside the building.

Although Max said the first floor was constructed, it was without a door. Black canvas carefully attached to cover up the place that gave off unnecessary sunlight. Max didn't care about the interior or how they survived against the sunlight, he just wanted to save mother and daughter pair.

Unexpectedly, the first floor was empty. Max didn't see a hoped bunch of Vampires enjoying their blood drinking on wine glasses. There was nothing other than a few construction tools.

"Where did they go….oh! The Basement"

Realising the real place of Vampire Nest, Max hurriedly found the stairs before descending.

Meanwhile in the Basement,

Nicol faced with her most hated man. He was tall and handsome with black hair. He held into a cute little girl, crying her eyes out. Nicol girt her teeth looking at the man, hurting her baby girl. His name was Nedd.

"Baby, don't cry, mommy is here, don't cry ok!"

When Nicol tried to coax her daughter, she stopped crying. But when the little princess tried to go near her mother, she couldn't, a bad man holding her tightly.

"What are you doing?! Let her go! You monster!" Nicol screamed her lungs out. Tears swooped down from her beautiful eyes.

Bother mother and daughter, look alike. They both had the same black hair and light blue eyes. The little one is cute and delicate while her mother mature and beautiful. There was another common they both share at this moment, both of them were crying pitifully.

"Haha, dear wife, don't worry I won't hurt my own daughter, she is very precious to us Vampires. From today on she doesn't need you, us Vampires decide to adopt her"

Nicol's ex-husband smiled viciously at crying pair of mother and daughter. Then he released the little girl from his grasp.

"Isn't that right my brothers and sister?" He looked proudly at men and women behind him. There was more than twenty of them looking at a pair of mother and daughter. Although some of their gazes contain pity and sorry for the pair, they all nodded agreeing their leader.

"Mommy, he said he is my father, he is a bad daddy I don't want him. I want my real daddy"

In her mother's embrace, the little girl started to ask for a good father. Although she was only five, she understood those peoples are bad people.

Nicol felt her heart shattering into pieces, she didn't know what to tell her little girl. From today on she might lose her mother too.

"Heh! The little girl I'm your father, from today on you don't need your mother, you can live with us" Nicol's ex-husband, Nedd said coldly scaring the little girl. He already found a way to get a bigger and stable blood supply for his nest. His boss helped him achieve this. So he didn't need, Nicol anymore. After he killed her in front of the little girl he will turn her too, into Vampire. With her changed mentality, the little girl will be killing machine when growing up.

"Shut up you monster!" Suddenly Nicol flared up, she viciously barked at Nedd. However, man only chucked alone with his vampires.

"Listen to me Anny, don't be afraid, your father will come to save us from those bad people, don't worry ok!"

After seeing her daughter cry so much Nicol forgot about everything, including Max. It was that after she remembered his promises, Nicol gain bit courage. She had a hundred per cent faith in Max.

Seeing the little girl nodding with a sweet smile Nedd couldn't wait to break her smile.

"Haha, Nicol, you shouldn't lie in front of a little girl, I don't want to see my pet becoming lier" Nedd smiled with an ugly expression on his face. He was sure Nicol never contracted someone for help, she loved Anny too much, so knowing it would be dangerous going to the police or anything like that Nedd wasn't afraid.

"And why would you think that?"

Suddenly a voice accompanied by the sound of light footsteps started to reverberate through the basement. Whole vampire nest quite down, looking at the staircase.

A tall and handsome young man slowly walk toward Nicol and Anny. He had spiky blonde hair with a pair of deep blue eyes. He was wearing a simple long slive T-shirt somewhat showed his well-maintained body.

"Who are you?!" Nedd felt some danger from this young man. He lite up his vampire's eyes with a white glow and bore his fangs. Feeling perplexed rest of the nest followed him too.

However, the Young man doesn't seem afraid or surprised. He continues to walk near mother and daughter pair.

"My name is Maxwell Winchester, you can call me Max" saying that he smiled stopping front Nicol and Anny. Then caress curious and crying little girl's hair lovingly.

"Come on Anny, come to your daddy" He kissed little girls face and took her from Nicol's arms. His smiling expression really resembles a young loving father.