Nickname Ace

After Ronald got back to his home he couldn't get the babies dark blue eyes out of his head. He regrets giving her away to such a shady orphanage but then with condition he couldn't have raised a child so he thought if some day his condition improves he would adopt the kid from there and with tgat thought in mind he got straight to bed.....

6 years later

At the orphanage

"Freya come to the infirmary with me will you? its time for you injection" said Luke extending his hand towards little 6-year old Freya

Freya was a cheerful kid she would light up anyone's day she had a lot of friends around her amd she would also kids older then her who for some reason barely smiled she would try to make them smile but she couldn't do much since Luke wouldn't let anyone meet them much

The orphanage had multiple care takers they took care of the kids there.. But Freyas case was different Luke would personally take care of her.

The orphanage gives an weekly injection to the kids under age of 10 which is odd but they told the kids that it's for their own good

Freya didn't like it cause it hurt really bad apart from injection the dose would for the rest of the day

That's why Freya said "no..please Luke it hurts ~" whining to Luke.

"come on you have to take it its for your own good so come on now" Luke said while taking Freyas hand and pulling her there much to Freyas dismay

Freya was always good with everything she tried be it sports, martial arts, academics or anything.

The orphanage starts teaching it's kids martial arts as soon as they start walking Freya from the beginning was very good at it nobody could defeat her which earnd her the nickname Ace apart from Luke everyone calls her Ace.

In the infirmary

When Luke gave other kids the injection they would often cry out because of the pain

Freya never even even flinched while she didn't like the pain but she had gotten used it quicker than other kids.

"that's like our Ace good girl... Ok now you can go and play on do you have your bracelet on?" Luke asked while putting back the injection and throwing away the niddle.

"of course Luke" Freya said rolling her eyes. Ever since her 2nd birthday they gave a her bracelet saying it's for her protection and told her to never take it off. Freya doesn't remmeber much about that what happened and the orphanage said it was nothing important but after that they took little bit of her blood for testing

"bye Luke" saying that Freya jumped of the sit and left.

Freya then returned to her friends, she has 2 close friends their names are Sofia and Jhony

"Hey Jhon and Sofia.. What sre you guys doing?" Freya asked cheerfully

"Freyal!! We were just about start playing hid and seak... Did you just get your injection?" Jhon asked with a little concern..Jhon was 7 years old He knew how much it hurt get those that's why he was worried about her

"yeah i did.. But don't worry it doesn't hurt" said Freya understanding that his worried while it's it still hurts a little but nothing she can't handle

"Really but it hurts so much when they give that injection...are you sure? " said Sofia surprised at what Freya said that

Sofia was 4 years old and she was really attached to Freya.

"yeah i'm sure.. So can i join the game?" Freya asked the two while making a puppy dog face

"of course you can" Jhon and Sofia said in unison

While they were playing Luke observed them and smiled evilly and murmured to himself "poor children doesn't know what awaits them... Hehehe~"

To be continued.