First target as a duo

Next day

Freya got up earlier than usual she couldn't sleep much since she had figure out a way explain her ultimate plan to Jhon she has the perfect opportunity as they have to go on a mission tomorrow the target is infamous drug lord who had been in business with the organization the drug lord would buy various drugs from it but recently he started to pay less and order the organization for more drugs behaving like he was the boss the organization would not tolerate this he had been given a warning but he didn't listen and sealed his fate today our mission is to destroy him and kill his whole mafia

Ace and Joker are names that everyone fears to all of the Underworld to everyone on street has more or less heard of them specially Ace

Freya got ready and left her room to got to the dining area she saw Jhon and Sofia were waiting for her

"ah Freya good morning" Sofia greeted Freya with a bright smile.

There weren't much people in dining area most of the children here likes to eat at there own rooms the orphanage spoils them until.....

"Hey after breakfast let's go and play hide and seek like old times what say???" Sofia was hyped she wanted to re-live their childhood

"....." Freya didn't know what too say she didn't want to disagree bit they had to go out for there misson in a bit she didn't no how to turn Sofia down

" Not today Sof Freya and i have to go out for some work we'll bring gifts how about that?"

Jhon had got gotten used to cooing Sofia since he had to leave multiple times for missions

"awww ... Dose Freya has to go with you too.... Righr Freya also works now.....

Hmm wonder when i will also be able to workd with guys i just can't wait to grow up"

Freya almost choked when she heard Sofia mention her working with them 'believe me Freya i will never let that happen'

"one day we will have a lot a fun outside with any restraints ok Sof"

"yayyy!!" Sofia started jumping excitedly at the thought

"ok Sof we gotta go take care of yourself ok and don't come out of your room unless it's ok?? Jhon always worries about Sofia's safety when his away so he always repeats these instructions to her

" ok ok Jhon i remember come back fast ok and take care of Freya" with taht Sofia left to her room

Freya didn't say anything because she didn't need to but she had a ghost smile on her face

Now Freya and Jhon both had earpiece for communication which was also connected to the head office so Freya had to make a disturbance to the line to explain her plan to Jhon

After they reached the mafias headquarters

"ok let's got as planned" Jhon was about to got when Freya grabbed his hand

"wha..." before he could say anything Freya covered his mouth she jestered at her earpiece Jhon immediately understood

She let him go "ah hello? Jhon? Come in hello??"

She acted like she couldn't hear Jhon clearly

"hey-y.. Hey Freya? Can you hear me?? Hello??" they both took out their earpiece and momentarily turnd it off now they knew couldn't keep it off for long so Freya quickly explained everything to Jhon

"sorry Jhon but this was the only way i could tell you the plan" Freya apologized

"it's okay i understand and i have to say the plans awesome i'm totally in but now let's go we have to complete our first target as a duo"

"yeah let's go" they both one by one turned their earpiece on and began completing the mission as planned..

The plan was first Freya would hack in to their system and cut all communications between them then they will start cleaning the mafia from there base head quarters. They would attack the base house and kill everyone there except the leader they couldn't let them alart anybody after taking out there main house they would capture the leader and make him order his whole gang to gather at one place they already have the list for all the members in maifa after gathering all of them they would most of them with an explosion and the others by them selves also they would torture the leader to death then leave his body with their mark on his body

Pretty simple but ruthless this way there whole gang would cease to exist and it would also serve as a warning not to offend the organization

The whole mafia gand may have hundreds of people at the same place but they were no match for Ace of Joker they had special powers the mafia gang doesn't stand a chance and with there communication cut off they can't all gather at one place but to cut off their communication she had to got inside there server room because that rrom has all their information so Jhon had to keep the guards occupied without alarming them

"i'm done cutting of their communication"

Freya informed Jhon

"took you long enough" Jhon signed and then directly kill the guards other guards came in they wanted to alert everyone but they couldn't reach anyone but still 'tried' to key word 'tried' to fight but they failed miserably

Freya also came out to Join the fun...

To be continued....