The strongest there is

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies.

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and maybe inspire.

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I was woken up by the horn trumpets signaling the start of a new day, the morning dawn being a truly beautiful sight of golden sunrise. After a breakfast of wheat porridge and loaves of bread with a side of mead.

I was directed to what seemed to be a class. It consisted of long wooden benches, under a large open meeting hall.

A large chalkboard set up front with runes dancing on it like a flat-screen display.

A dark haired Valkyrie walked into the hall and stood closest to the board.

"Welcome warriors, I am Valkyrie Angerta of Odin's legion and I will be explaining somethings to you today." She greeted. The others reciprocated.

"Now that you are all well rested let's begin without further ado. First, why we fight and who we fight against" the runes on the board moved about to produce a diagram of nine planets held together by what looked to be a cosmic star tree.

"As warriors of asgard most of you already know our enemies. But we should clarify somethings." She pointed to the first three planets. The blue asgard was highest on the tree and just below it were two others. "This is the realm of Asgard at the very forefront. And these two other realms are Olympus and the Temple. These three realms are the first line of defense against all that threaten the nine realms. Each realm has its own planet or in most cases multiple planets"

She pointed at the red fiery planet below Asgard to its right. "This is Muspllehiem, home of the fire giants, devils and demons. And most malicious spirits."

"Midgard exists right in the center, it is the realm of humans, most of your homes, which is proof the effects of the wars have begun to reach your lands. Planets in these realms have already begun to the destroyed by the devastating effects of the war.

Right now we are carrying out Ragnarok, we are in the end days that have the fate of all the nine realms our at stake. That's why we have to fight. To protect our world, or to be honest, to live.

This is the most central information on planets you need for now. Warriors at your ranks only need to know these, for your battles won't reach the larger ones. You will be fighting in smaller battles."

"You have to grow strong so your rank rises granting you access to better treatment and more advantages. And if we are able to go against the enemies that wish to extinguish all life in the nine realms, if we beat Ragnarok, then it is even possible to return to our homes." she encouraged. I could truly go back, but only if we defeat the end.

Now then let's move on to sagas. A saga is a story. A transmission. The more people know about it, and the more they believe in it the stronger your saga becomes. There are really rare cases but sometimes the strength of the saga becomes stronger than what it originally was. Just like how it's broken in the process of transmitting." The board showed an example of a saga that started as a man catching a giant sqiud turning into that of a man defeating a monster kraken.

She continued "The saga is the materialization of a legend. A recreation of a story. Because of that, the effects of a saga are plentiful. In addition, several abilities may be generated in only one saga. The sagas of the lowest ranked warriors and inferior ranked ones is simple. The majority of them make them stronger or faster. Of course, that's also an amazing strength but it lacks too much to call it the proper strength of a saga. One reason why most can't even bring out the original power properly. Is due to the lack of proper understanding concerning the saga." she paused to let that sink in. The warriors deeply nodded.

"Remember. The saga is a story belonging only to you. It's a record of your life and a legend that will be made from now on. The one that can bring out the strength of the saga and develop it the best is none other than you." she made some further remarks on the operation of sagas.

"Can sagas be strengthened by mana?" a warrior seated in the front asked.

"A saga is a unique type of magic, it can in some cases be influenced by mana runes but that doesn't make it grow in strenght. Rather than mana, it is sometimes influenced oftenly by willpower" he nodded in understanding, prompting her to continue on another subject.

"I will now teach you how to use the runes you obtained yesterday. The Gods have drawn upon the archaic system of growth for the warriors of Valhalla. It's a simple method of investing runes to strengthen your abilities."

She pointed at the pentagon that appeared on the board. Single glowing runes stood on each edge of the pentagon.

"The abilities are divided into five categories. Strength, Endurance, Agility, Mana, Willpower. The first three are as obvious as they sound and mana is related to magic. If you get stronger so does your magic as well as your resistance to it which also works in accordance with your blessings giving you more even greater resistance. Willpower allows you to gain greater metal fortitude increasing not only your concentration but resistance towards mental attacks."

The strength of the attributes weren't quantified by numbers but rather the brilliance of the light they gave off and the resulting color. My physical attributes glowed a somewhat bright gold with the mana attribute surprisingly being as bright as my strength attribute.

Adding runes to the attributes caused them to grow just slightly brighter. I remembered that the amount of runes you gained didn't matter when you obtained godhood, or reached a specific rank. They were akin to training wheels.

And we all knew how the Hulk's strength grew in proportion to his emotional state. These things didn't really matter to me. I'm not even remotely dependant on it, magic to amplify mine or whatever. I'm a gamma beast, anger personified. An existence between magic and science, I am Hulk. Period.

I checked my runes.

[Lowest rank runes: 158] A lot of monsters died by my hands yesterday. It was certainly more than 100, it was close to a thousand. But runes accumulate, you don't get one rune per kill, they combine, it's more like a pouring cups of water into a bucket to fill it up.

The best way to truly strengthen your attributes were through your own training, saga and mastery not the absorption of runes. That's just a way created by the asgardians to help their warriors grow easily. And I had fleeting suspicion that it might also be used in binding them. Paranoid? Not enough.

I deposited 50 of the runes into mana, letting the magical power course through me before something unexpected occurred. It was devoured, the runes were being consumed by the greater energy inside if my. The green unique gamma radiation. The thing I connected to. I dumped the runes into other attributes and it still resulted in the same effect. They were devoured. I felt the slight increase of the green in me. I felt it use the runes as nutrients for my very own power.

CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! The thubderously loud rings of bell tolls interrupted me from my thoughts. The bell tower that stood at the edge of the island continued to ring.

feeling it being consumed by something else inside of me. Something green.

A bell tower that was at the center of a small island rang its bell. It was a fast and noisy sound.

"Warriors, it is time for battle. Call forth your armors, eqiup yourselves"


I pronounced the rune written on my armor as practiced, I watched it form around me. The shining silver plating formed over my left hand, the spiked pauldron taking rest on my shoulders. The sandals and arm straps wrapping around my limbs. The metal belt, leather briefs and strips covering my waist and below. The T face spartan helmet with raised sides appearing in the graphs of my right hand. It slid fittingly over my head.

The others were already ahead with swords and shields in their hands or strapped to their sides. I didn't have any.

A purple cloudy portal opened right at the base of the bell tower.

"When you pass through the portals, you will be taken to the waiting stations where you will all gather under a warrior with experience and then go on out to the battlefield. Don't die warriors, be brave"

"Yes! Oh pretty Valkyrie!"

"I want to see you again! I will come back!"

"Me too!! For Valhalla!!"

"War!!! For Asgard!"

"Bless me Odin!!"

"For Odin!!"

They shouted as they went through the portal.

I was actually quite eager for the battle. I saw the Valkyrie approached me. With a large, wide and long, silver sword that looked like Guts' dragon slayer hugged in her arms.

"Warrior Hulk, this is a gift and reward for your meritious acts yesterday. Raise your ranks so you can join us in the higher battlefields, I pray for your victory" She offered it to me.

I gripped the handle with a single arm and admired the simplicity of the sword, it was about two meters long and a foot wide, slotting nicely into the straps on my back. Seems like they planned to give it before.

"You have my thanks, most beautiful Valkyrie, Angerta. I will use it well" I took a moment to complement her beauty, if it isn't obvious yet, I am without doubt going to be getting some. That's right, God or Valkyrie, I'm going to definitely get some of that rate Asgardian honey. I'm not looking for love or any of that sappy stuff just pleasure. Sue me, at least I'm honest about it.

She smiled with a tinge of red on her cheeks.

"We shall meet again warrior Hulk" she said with a sweet smile.

I nodded and walked through the portal.


In the waiting stations. The various legions had banners bearing their symbols and insignias. And that was where the warriors of the smae legion gathered.

"Oh, it's the unrelenting green one"

"He's Hulk, the smasher!"

"Uhh! Such a powerful and nice physique!"

"Just like mine!"

"What? Are you sick? You look nothing like him, I do!"

"Ohh! Wanna try me then!"

"Come then, I'll show you the power of my muscles!"

"Hahaha, I bet on the red hair!"

"I bet on the blodie!"

And they actually began wrestling.

I reached my legion and stood amongst the excited warriors.

A smiling man raven haired man approached us "Good day brothers. I am Lebklov, inferior ranked warrior of Odin's legion and I will be your leader for this expedition" he had a small shield strapped to his arm with a sword on his side.

His gaze turned serious, "Warriors our objective is recapture lost strategic territories back from the gnolls. This means that we will be an attack based squad right in the forefront of the battlefield. I will be in lead, trust in me and just follow me" 'You just triggered your own deathflag'

This guy seriously smells weak. Ever since activating the second saga I gained an extra perceptory sense that let's me not only see Astral figures but smell their strengths and the truth. I don't know how it works, calling it a smell sounds very vague and inaccurate but it is the best word I could find to properly define it.

"Warriors! Gather!" A familiar female voice boomed through the stations. It was the Valkyrie Reginleif

"Prepare to charge!" Trumpets sounded and horns blew. Battle cries filled the air as a large portal appeared before us.

"Let's go warriors of Valhalla. For Asgard and the nine realms!"

"For Valhalla!!"

"For Asgard!!!"



Yoyoyo! My people, are you not entertained?!!!

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Next chapter the action begins. We see Hulk decimate armies. The Gods learn of the destructive capability of the green beast.

Obligatory rhyme~ Midterms are on, theories all in my mind. Taking all of my time, I need to study but I'm here writing stories like I couldn't give a dime. It'll come back to bite me in the ass, but too bad for it. I'm a genius, and my ass is made of adamantium, not glass. Hahahaha.

Rain away!