What to write, what is interesting to read?

When you go to the market, shop, notice the conversation, the manner to conduct a dialogue, the ability to bargain, start a conversation with local residents, all this can be a good material for your stories. You can use it in your novels.

Everyday, everyday experience. One day, one month of life. In fact, the ordinary life of the simplest person is very interesting. His life, his view of the world, events, attempts to find himself, attempts to understand his place in the world. The search for truth. Attempts to develop with funding constraints. This is not magic, this is real life, so it is more interesting.

How is life arranged? Her subtle moments, which are not described in the guidebooks, can be told about the usual everyday side of life about her, only by ordinary people who walk on foot and travel by public transport. Since the view of life, the city from the window of a limousine, the windows of an ordinary car, the windows of city transport and the eyes of a pedestrian are completely different.

Experience is not universal. Since for example, on the first floor it is one, and on the tenth is another. The experience of behavior in a private company is one and at a state enterprise another. In one country, for example, with developed capitalism of 100 years or more, the same conditions and subtleties, and in a country with capitalism of 30 years, there are others, but there are also not only countries with capitalism, but also other forms of market economy, such as state capitalism, there its subtleties.

These are all interesting stories for your stories.

Prices on the market, what products are popular, recipes, medicinal plants, business experience. This is also very interesting information, it is curious to read about it in short stories.

Of course you need to understand that the information in the novels, is an element of creative fiction, but it still conveys the essence. What are the realities of the modern world. Not as the guidebook writes about this, the image of the world is from the front side, but the world through the eyes of the landlord and not his guest.

Culinary stories are interesting for their cooking techniques and technologies. Including such subtleties as - the compatibility of products with each other, the presence of oxalates in some and the absence in others. The ability to make food balanced, in the cold season there is fruit with hot essence, in warm with cold. Thereby providing your body with the right temperature. This also affects health.

This is interesting to read.