It is interesting how ideological processing affects the human mind. There is no doubt that there are ideological formats both in the Eastern Bloc and in the Western. But after the collapse of a great empire, as it is easier to see these ideological cliches. History is the first time as a tragedy and the second as a farce.
So now all these ideological clichés look ridiculous. Having once survived the collapse of the country, the social system of values, now you are looking at everything with a certain degree of skepticism.
Since they saw those who said that capitalism is evil, and then after a couple of years, they themselves became capitalists.
Those who scolded the Western world, then just went there to live!
Those who spoke of love for their country, that it was a betrayal to leave it, just silently left for the United States or Europe.
Those who said that in Europe is bad, he went there to live!
How can you then believe these people ???
The ideology itself, this is deception, in fact, black PR, marketing moves to make the buyer believe that he really needs the product. But in practice it is quite possible to do without it.
An objective assessment of the world, situations, this is the best. Everywhere there are pros and cons. Ups and downs. Personal Interests and Corporate.
An ordinary view of history usually has - not a real view, but how I see a view of them, of certain influential groups. Their vision or their version of a look at the story.
If you want an objective assessment, then you need to dig, drill, cover the information in breadth and depth. Reach the source of information if possible. See how the situation was evaluated by different scientists in different countries, empires, and poles of power. To understand that each of them was sticking out and forgotten.
But not everyone is ready for this view of history.
History is a fact, but you need to be able to appreciate it without emotion.
Not always and not everyone succeeds. But for the historian, as a scientist, this is an important ability to approach the facts from the point of view of scientific criticism. To the author from the point of view of artistic fiction, it is difficult to translate dry facts into a fascinating story. But these facts are really worth it. The history of the Silk Road is really very unique. It covers at least three continejavascript:;nts! Many cultures and mentality! Different eras and people, each of which had its own aspirations and goals.
For some reason, the story of the Silk Road is not popularized for the general public, the history of this path remains so only for selected scientists who are steamed in their own juice.
Just the author can not fully show the beauty and uniqueness of the Magic of the Silk Road! This is true!