If you try to be objective, honest, follow a sporting spirit and ... you can't promote your story ... then, with a high degree of probability, nobody has noticed the story.
You can promote passively - only give yourself energy stones ... it promotes the novel, there will be few readers. If the name is interesting, then the first collections will be possible ... if the name is interesting ... and the content is dull and there are many details ... those who signed will leave ... but there will be those who are interested in what will happen next in history? or those who are interested in learning new information for their new novels. With a high degree of probability to the source of the idea, none of the authors cite, this is the modern world.
You can promote aggressively ... through the forum, attract readers' attention with interesting statements, enthrall the reader ... you can simply write a review, I tell you, you tell me. But it gives a one-time effect. They will come, they will write off, as a rule, even by themselves and without reading the novel, they will set a conditional number of stars. To not read too many letters, just look at the review of the previous author and ... repeat it in your own words ...
There are no sports comrades at all ... or gentlemen, well, in general, one way or another ... they just use the "holes" in the system ... they write from their different accounts, the same comments ... set themselves stars from 1 to 5, some immediately put 5 stars. Others in general do not bother themselves with left accounts, write 10 reviews on their own behalf and put 5 stars each time. And everything, your work in an official rating! Progress held!
Is it unsporting to say some ?! But it works! There are still countries in the world with a feudal or neo-feudal economic system ... a solid monopoly on everything from a clan economy ... it is not effectively said by some, but it works! Surprisingly.
There is a system of both promotion and movement. Simply, unfair competition. But such authors, I can not worry, this applies only to those who fly high. Who for 15 chapters of 1 million views. Those just put 1-2 star reviews, do bots ... or a group of fans.
This is business, nothing personal!
If you want to constantly promote your work, communication is not enough. Forum, chat rooms ... there you will promote your work. If it is really worthwhile, not only the content, but also the form of the text, is read easily, as it is understood, fascinating and entertaining. Then the author can try to attract his subscribers of so-called friends from social networks, provided that his subscribers are adequate, as there are a lot of trolls too.
In the world of fake news, methods of promotion are now considered the norm, some unscrupulous scientists promote the citation index of their articles, and there are even techniques on the Internet to improve them.
This is a game ... this is money ... these are ratings ... this is an increase in Internet traffic consumption ... these are opportunities ... this is an advertisement ...
In short, this is how the world works ...
If you don't promote your ideas yourself, and in this case a novel, no one will know about it!