A bit about reviews

Personally, as a reader, I have my own preferences. In every culture, there are traditional values. I will not read, let alone give reviews of works related to LGBT topics and non-traditional values. In the West in 2000, some part of the community abandoned the age-old values ​​of the 10 basic and 108 other covenants. This is their business, and I have my right not to read what I do not like. It also refers to the "black path of Tao," to read about all kinds of dark forces, and other heresies I do not like, this is the very "reserved line" where a person should not go. You may think that this is just a joke, just okay, but it affects karma, the fate of a person, and then it can affect him at the most inopportune moment. You need to go through the light, the bright Tao, through enlightenment. It is simple - do not do evil, do not speak evil, do not look at evil, do good deeds. And what is a good thing - to remove a branch from the road, help to cross the road, push the deadly car, help bring the bag to the old woman, feed the hungry. Do not do evil yourself, do not offend people and animals. Well, everyone understands this himself, but remember that, following the path of light, a person avoids bad karma.

Now about the reviews. All so reviewers are very dependent on the opinions of others. It can be from laziness, or maybe from the choice of the easy way, or maybe someone else's opinion implicitly affects them.

If you have noticed that usually rectsii, repeat the previous one. If you set the tone to 5 star, then the following are usually the same. If they are three-star, then the next will be rather three or three-star or four-star, and the rhetoric will be the same as in the previous review.

You can get a high-quality, classic review of 10 cases in only one case, if you get any fan of classic reviews. And the reviewer should be a pro himself in his literary work. Since he will need to read all the work, analyze it, find errors. Frequently repeated obortas, incorrectly chosen words to describe actions, axumoron and pleonasma. Not to mention the correctness of the psychological behavior of the heroes, the completeness of the described world. The work must correspond to the standard style of writing works of art - introduction, beginning, middle, epilogue, afterword ... And also there should be reflected compositions - uniaxial or biaxial. Literary techniques should be worked out. The correctness of building dialogs.

Not to mention the language, the smooth construction of phrases, words, sentences of their comprehensibility. Grammar, spelling, syntactic, semantic errors.

Therefore ... you will most likely not be able to get real reviews as an author, but perhaps you will receive feedback that readers feel when reading your work. Or an empty three-line unsubscription, four sentences that are often simply copied and printed in other works. This is just hack. But 4 or 5 star.